

Parosphromenus phoenicurus

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  • #7740

    I saw that my linkei offspring males already chose a cave for them, so I gave my phoenicurus offspring also new caves.
    And one male at once took possession of the front one ;-):

    And now I have managed to get a little bit red in the fins on the foto …

    Bernd Bussler

    It finally worked, I got my first phoenicurus scrim, only about 10 eggs but still, the animals are still young and will certainly soon produce larger clutches. :woohoo:

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Great news Bernd B)

    Bernd Bussler

    Now, the first clutch was gone, but the new nest, the larvae are hatched today ……………………. 30 pieces or more? The point, which I’ll get a few more so that those who want to have these beautiful animals too.

    Greetings Bernd Bussler :woohoo:

    Pavel Chaloupka

    We have no emoticon to give somebody a clap? It is really great that they are reproducing at more than one place. That is great news. I will sure want some as soon I have the fishroom ready.

    Bernd Bussler

    Yes that’s good, because the animals I have pending the meeting in September, I will give all of you. Poenicurus not one of the types that I want to continue. 😆

    Bernd Bussler

    Has anyone at the meeting in September to provide enough phoenicurus them, or do I have to do “again” offspring? :whistle:


    Nobody has answered Bernds question?
    It seems to me, that P.phoenicurus is just as mysterious concerning breeding as it was said about the ornaticauda?
    Now I have made a new effort and set a P.phoenicurus pair each in the two tanks I prepared for the ornaticauda. With good visible caves and not so much plants. So I try then with three couples at one time … (In three tanks)
    Perhaps my first breeding success was just that what wild caught fish often do – when they are just arrived they breed and then is finish …
    I am curious, what they will do and if this time they will ignore the caves again …

    Bernd Bussler

    Now I am currently traveling in the US and have taken out about 30 eggs before my vacation, we will see what has become of it after my vacation. For me, they spawn in the meantime, every week, but for reasons of space I had separated on no eggs. Have two aquariums with phoenicurus, one at 28 ° C and one at 25 ° C, only the aquarium with 25 ° C has regularly eggs, PH is at 4.5-5 therefore not particularly low, seems to me rather a not so difficult representatives to be


    O.k…. Then I will stop with two pairs and leave the third tank in case my Paros are willing to show me where they spawn, if they do ….to bring out the larvaes …. Temperature is already pulled down to 25*C…

    Arno Beißner

    Ca. 30 young Phoenicurus are ready in a short time. Then i can distinguish the gender. Several smaller fish in the undergrowth – fresh larvae are also here.
    Participation in September I can not promise at time, unfortunately – the work comes first :unsure:
    In my tanks it works whith ca. PH 5,5 Temperature ca. 24-25 Celsius and 10 – 15 µs

    Bernd Bussler

    That’s good, not good that may not come to the meeting because we need your phoenicurus to distribute them. There is probably not as many offspring and if by then I’ve had enough I do not know


    I am trying further with my phoenicurus … but I doubt that my shortly “married” phoenicurus pair is male and female .. ..what do you think? Sorry for the photo quality, the water is at the moment rather dark and the fish are rather shy …
    I will go on trying to get better photos …

    Rafael Eggli

    Hello everyone,

    I hope for you all to succeed in your attempt to breed this species! And I am positive that eventually, you will all get them to spawn.
    I don’t know if you have already tryed something like that but I just had a really good experience:
    I had my P.linkei male and female seperated in two tanks for something like ten days. The male had previously been less active in spawning and there had been some weeks without nests. I fed them with lots of black mosquito larvae. Today, I made them join again and what can I say? They are already display beautifully…

    I know, it’s a different story with phoenicurus but I thought why not give it a try if nothing else works?

    Bernd Bussler

    No, no that’s quite right, often helps a separation of the sexes. I do that when I need a few more hatchlings, after 10 days I put then one male and two females together and have 2 nests in one with 50 or more eggs. Moreover, I think that can be seen in the photos Male and Female.

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