

Phoenicurus via MyFish and Aquarium Dietzenbach

Home Forums Asian Trade Phoenicurus via MyFish and Aquarium Dietzenbach

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    Michael Kotzulla

    Hi there.

    As Stephan mentioned only recently in the latest newsletters, the Aquarium Dietzenbach has around 500 of this seldomly seen species swimming – and is preparing a breeding project where one can apply for some of these 500 fish via

    So what I would like to know is, who else has apllied already?
    And as 20.20 phoenicurus found there way to Hamburg already and might be swimming with Bernd and Stephan now: How are they? Is the first impression („Magnificent animals in excellent condition“) still valid?

    Maybe we can just follow this special campaign here on the forum.


    Hi MK, I’ve 1/2 of them got on of September.. They are
    rather young, but seem to be in good condition.
    I ve posted photos in the threat Phoenicurus?

    helene schoubye

    I have four of these swimming now, – and they are indeed in good condition.
    It is my impression that quite a number of people have signed up for this project, and also joined the parosphromenus project.
    They may be quite young, and has of yet, in my tanks, not shown much spawning behaviour.

    helene schoubye

    Here is a photo taken this evening


    Phantastic photo! My male looks the same pretty
    colored, but till yet I couldn’t catch a photo!

    Davy Grenouillet

    Very impatient to have my new pair.
    I took 8 pair for CIL members forum, I’ll will have them next saturday from the IGL meeting.

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    Dear parofriends,
    I am new to this project but I am quite sure what I am doing, I would like to introduce p.phoenicurus to Lithuania, The Baltic states. I think it would be the first paros at my country or even region. :woohoo:
    So I have a big ask for help with this possibility to get 3 pairs of paros from the Aquarium Dietzenbach. I have applied into this project, but just got an aswer from Mr. Matthias Wiesensee (from, that it could be possible to get these fish from their partner Mr. Herbert Nigl Aquarium Dietzenbach in Dietzenbach, Germany, just they can not ship paros straight for me. So maybe there is someone who could take these paros from Aquarium Dietzenbach and send it with care to me? If there is, please write me PM. I could pay for care and shipping.

    Warm regards,

    Gonin herve

    I receive mine also,not big fish but very nicely colored

    Arno Beißner

    I got from myfish the commitment for 3 couples.
    Now I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the animals. 🙂


    Here ist one of my girls:

    The guy is still shy … 😉 in the background ..

    another photo, don’t know if its the same girl:

    Arno Beißner

    Today I was able to pick up my ordered fish from the merchants. But there were only 2 of the 6 available. 🙁 Sold? The dealer wants to order replacement.
    Now I hope I also got a pair.
    I see a difference in the caudal.
    The difference is clearly visible after acclimatization.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Looks like a pair, should be fine.

    Peter Finke

    [quote=”Arno” post=3961]Today I was able to pick up my ordered fish from the merchants. But there were only 2 of the 6 available. 🙁 Sold? The dealer wants to order replacement.[/quote]

    A general remark: All queries concerning this special project are not issue of the Parosphromenus-Project but should be directed towards Aquarium Dietzenbach and My-Fish only. The P-P is not responsible for any inconveniencies regarding the correctness of those transactions.
    Certainly, you are welcome here and can ask/write to the P-P with respect to sexual differences or details of care.

    Davy Grenouillet

    Yes you have a pair. The male is on the top on the photos.

    Arno Beißner

    Hello Davy, hello deepin peat,

    thanks for the help. For me, it is still difficult to distinguish.
    Will I learn yet – I hope.
    The animals have now already get a great color. But still hard to distinguish. I’m still trying to take photos. But it is now more difficult in the aquarium.

    Hello Peter,
    thanks for the welcome. The post was not meant as a complaint to anyone. He is only one report as much goes wrong – Murphy’s Law. 😉

    Greetings Arno

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