

Please help with ID

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  • #7417
    Miguel Molico

    Dear all –

    I got a pair of Parosphromenus a couple of months ago that were just labeled as “Licorice Gourami” (in Canada). Could you help me ID them? These fish are a pair and are currently breeding. They are kept in their own 6 gallon tank. There are some free swimming fry hiding among the floating plants and the leaf litter and the parents are laying eggs again in the cave.

    Thank you in advance.


    helene schoubye

    Hello mm and welcome to the Parosphromenus Project and this homepage.

    Those are wonderful photos, and very good to hear that you have been able to also have offspring with them.

    The way I would see it, is that the fish definitely belong to the bintan group, – most likely one of the more commonly imported species in North America, – which is describes as p.spec. ‘blue line’.
    I am not an expert on the identification, – but I do think it is along these lines that you should look for identifying your fish.

    The sp. blue line is described shortly in our ‘Other forms’ section, – which you can see here

    Miguel Molico

    Thank you, helene! They do look like the p. sp. ‘blue line’ you mention.

    Best regards

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    Beautiful photos! What about water parameters at this aquarium? The water is so clear.. :whistle:

    Miguel Molico

    I use RO/DI water with a bit of Seachem Equilibrium. The ph is around 5, KH around 0, GH around 3, and TDS 85ppm. Temperature around 25-26C (78F) controlled by a small preset heater. The tank has a small sponge filter (which helps keep the water very clear despite the tannins). The substrate is Fluval Plant and Shrimp Stratum and there is some Indian Almond Leaf litter (Terminalia catappa). There are some plants, in particular, lots of floating plants.

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