

Problems with P.filamentosus

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  • #3457
    Hendrik Wimmer


    Hallo, mein Englisch ist nicht so gut, deshalb habe ich den Tranlator benutzt. Ist der Text korrekt?

    Hi, I have a young couple P.filamentosus, about 10-11 months old. The animals spawn very regularly, but my male has proved to be a notorious egg eaters. Meanwhile, he has eaten the six occasions on Day 2.
    As you can see the opportunities that he gets to the brood to?(I think you mean: What are the chances that he will learn? Helene Schoubye, moderator) Or I’m just unlucky with the male?
    The water parameters are set correctly for Paros. The temperature is currently at 22-23 ° C

    Greetings, Hendrik

    helene schoubye

    From my experience the male will eventually learn it. I have had the same with one male, – I think it mainly happened because he was unable to get the eggs to sit in the bubblenest, – so they kept falling to the floor of the cave.
    When the eggs fall out like this, – I suppose they are nothing worth really, – so it makes sense that the male eats them instead. That way the nourishment in the eggs are not wasted.

    My male eventually learned and got quite a lot of fry.

    Peter Finke

    1. Are you sure that the male eats the eggs? There could be different reasons for eggs disappearing (snails or other “robbers”, bad fertilization, …).
    2. Sometimes males eat eggs. This is often encountered with young males/pairs; normally they will learn the right behaviour in some time.
    3. In the case of several pairs of parvulus with all eggs disappearing overnight Horst Linke gave the advice to reduce the pH drastically (from 6 or more to 4 or less). Indeed, that was helpful! But I do not think that this is the method to be followed with filamentosus. They do not need such very low pH.
    4. I should say the same as Helene: wait and see. A good young pair will spawn frequently. The most probable thing is that they will learn.
    5. It is surely very rare that a male will never learn. Once I had that impression, but I do not know exactly. Maybe it was my interpretation.
    6. Nice pictures! Helene: I suggest to put the photo of the female additionally to the others at the bottom of the species-text on filamentosus with the following description: displaying female during courtship, with “sexy eyes”, dark dorsal and analy fins and light body withou any stripes. Photo: H. Wimmer
    I hope that you will allow that, Hendrik?

    Hendrik Wimmer

    Hi, thanks for the answers.
    I am sure that the male eats the eggs. I was watching him. I will wait and see what happens next. I have already lowered the pH value to 4, but has not helped.

    You can use the photo. Do you want this without signature?

    Greetings, Hendrik

    Peter Finke

    Thank you for permission to use the picture of the female. Please, send it without signature to Helene. We shall name you as author in the text accompanying it.
    Well, and your egg-eating problem? I hope he will learn to behave. Jörg Vierke once demonstrated in a little video that fish have to learn many things; so let’s be confident.

    Hendrik Wimmer

    How can I send a pm to Helen? Or should I post the picture here?

    Greetings, Hendrik

    the question has been answered

    helene schoubye

    Hi, – please send the photo to

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