

Public display.

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    Maurice Matla

    Just a thought crossing my mind.

    Is there any place that we know of that has Parosphromenus on public display ? Such as zoo´s , public aquaria etc ?

    Come to think of it i can´t remember finding them in any Dutch such an institution that i have visited nor abroad.

    Bill Little

    During the conference in Hamburg earlier this month there was a brief discussion about a project being conducted with Chester Zoo in the UK. I don’t know if these fish are publicly displayed but perhaps one of our friends from the UK has additional information.

    helene schoubye

    Paros in display tanks are really contradictory to all we do, and what would be possible with the species of parosphromenus. They do not thrive in tanks meant for big kind of displays, where the idea is that the viewer should be able to view the fish and see the beauty of the fish. With parosphromenus tanks it is impossible to make this kind of display because the surroundings in which the fish thrive and show their beauty is in dark tanks with hiding places.
    It is a project which is doomed to not work well.

    About the particular mention of a Zoo in UK, – the only one I know of which has shown an interst in paros, is Chester Zoo, – I am not aware that they have any tanks with display of paros.
    They have been involved with breeding paros for some time with quite an astonishing result.
    They also have a beginning cooperation with the Parosphromenus Project, – but this is nothing to do with using parosphromenus for the intention of display, but much more to become involved in some kind of breeding programme with some of the species which are more threathened than others.
    We are at the moment only in the beginning of this cooperation, so we cannot say precisely in what way it will develop, but it is a cooperation which I believe could be very valuable to the Parosphromenus Project, and we are looking very much forward to whatever could develop in the next years.

    But that doesnt change the fact, that your question, Maurice, about whether some sort of public display of paros could be found anywhere, in Europe or in your country, – can only be answered by saying that it really is a contradiction to think of paros as suitable for public display. They are not suitable at all for that.

    Maurice Matla

    Yes, come to think of it you are proberbly right about that. It just crossed my mind such a thing might be a possible ¨tool¨ to get the ¨message¨ ou there in a ¨hands on¨ or rather ¨eye´s¨ on kind of way.

    Just thinking out loud.

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Hello Maurice,

    Don’t know if you visited, by coincidence, the aquahortis. There was a very little tank with
    One paro specie, deisnerie, if I wrote it right. The tank wasn’t that big and had some leaves, but couldn’t find any fish. Had my thoughts that there weren’t any in there, but it was hard to see. Think the tank wasn’t suitable for paro’s at all. And you are very right to say that display these fish isn’t a very good idea.

    Maurice Matla

    Hey Jootje , Good to see you here as well.

    Well, i will be goig there tomorrow so i guess i will see.

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Hope you’ll like it, it’s a great exhibition.

    Maurice Matla

    It is , very, unlikely that i will not enjoy myself. Plants , fish and after that i will meet a very old friend of mine fore dinner , i spent a chunk of my youth in that town.

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    It’s originally my hometown, I was born in Leiden 😉 so enjoy tomorrow.

    Peter Finke

    Why do you post your conversation in the Universal Forum and not in the European Forum?
    My question does not refer to this postings (on public display) only but to many others, too.

    We have four forums, and we put some thinking effort on the categories that should classify what is relevant for which group of our members: the Asians, the Americans, the Europeans, and all. If these categories are neglected, things are put in disorder and do not help any longer to differentiate the different interests. Until now, our forums have a remarkable stability compared with many others that have started with disorder and enlarged it in the course of time. Surely, many things are relevant for all, but there are other things that clearly belong to one of the regional categories. As yours in this topic.

    In general, until now our thinking effort in the beginning has proved useful. But it could be rendered worthless by neglect of some Europeans (or Americans or Asians) who see the world with their spectacles, only. The problems of the Paro-friends in the different continents are common and they are different. So, please think before posting things whether they are of regional interest or of global.

    Kevin Marshall

    At the spring meeting of the Anabantoid Association of Great Britain the guest speaker Paul Dixon from Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive reported that they had aquired P Linkei from a local aquarium shop. The decision was made not to include these in a breeding programme so they were placed in a community tank display in the museum.

    Maurice Matla

    I´m sorry, so far i did not really realize that is was doing that.

    This discussion at least wad meant world wide since i haven´t seen then anyware i went As wide as i traveld.
    Until today that si i went to the aquahortus exhibition and saw 2 smaal tanks with paros one with nagyi en one only labeleld as P. ¨species¨ wich i could not regonize.

    In both tanks the fish were very shy And did not not look too happy. my best guess being too busy and possibly too much light.

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