I know this wanders a bit from Parosphromenus species, but I am looking for information on these Bettas. I have been offered a group of 6 of these fish, but I have been unable to find out much information concerning this species other than size and that they come from the central area of Borneo where many of our Paro species come from. I’m specifically looking for breeding and maintenance information. Any help would be appreciated.
I found the FishBase page: http://www.fishbase.us/summary/Betta-midas.html.
I would keep them like most other Betta spp. from Borneo. This means soft and acidic water. PH around 5 should be fine. Breeding shouldn’t be hard when fed plenty of live food like white mosquito larvae.
They are ‘big yellow’ Bettas (waseri group’ from Kupuuas – I’ve found them alongside B.mandor, P.ornaticauda and P.anjunganensis. Although habitat is as stated, they are tolerant of most water conditions and easy too feed although they can be a bit boisterous !
Betta midas isn’t a member of the waseri-group altough they look very similar. B. midas belongs to the anabantoides-group.
If you found them there we now also know where they live.
With this info you should be able to give them a good home, I guess.