

Red eyes in Parosphromenus

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  • #7704
    Rod Porteous


    I have often noticed that the normally dark band across Parosphromenus eyes turns blood red, is this just a trick of the light, or is there some behavioural reason for this?

    A picture might help!

    Stefanie Rick

    This is an interesting question – though I can not contribute to its solution.

    I can only say that this feature can not be seen in all Paro species ………… e.g, I have never seen it in P. quindecim. Their eye rim is always pearly white. I dare to say that in female quindecim it helps to distinguish them from females of other species.

    So I think that the colour and maybe moody colour variations of the eye rim might contribute to distinguishing different species/forms.

    Bill Little

    We often see this issue in taking family photos. Everyone in the photo looks great but mother’s eyes are red. In the photo world we actually refer to it as “red eye” and several digital photo programs, Photoshop, Picasa and other, actual permit you to easily remove the red from the eye.It would be an interesting experiment to take an image and see if we can remove the red from the Paro’s eye. :unsure:

    Stefanie Rick

    I think it’s not a phenomenon seen in photos only, but also in nature (here: in our aquariums).

    Pavel Chaloupka

    I have to agree with Stefanie. My paros have red eyes quite often and you can see it with bare eyes, it is not just pictures. But I am completely ignorant in a sence why it is so.


    I confirm that it’s not a photographical problem at all. My P. alfredi male often has such red eyes. I plan to observe the other species I have concerning this matter.

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    I see red eyes on my p.tweediei male too. :whistle:

    Stefanie Rick

    Looking at my quindecim, nagyi and pahuensis, which do not show this feature, and looking at my cf. rubrimontis Mimbon 2008 – which do – and looking further at some photos (e.g., in Peter Finke’s and Martin Hallmann’s book) – I dare to utter my impression (cum grano salis!) that it might be a feature restricted to the harveyi group (Formenkreis), in the broadest sense.

    Rod Porteous

    Hi all,

    I was indeed wondering if it was an overlooked anatomical feature that may aid us in the correct identification of types? Would be helpful to hear of other species which show this feature I think, unless of course it is common to all species though maybe not often seen

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