

Shrimps and Paros

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  • #3451
    Kevin Marshall

    I was interested to see in one of Lisbeths videos that orange shrimp were kept side by side with Paros. and wondered if this is an accepted practice or is it done because it make a nice display. I can see at least two good reasons for doing this beside the pleasing effect given to the display..

    Benjamin Wilden

    I tried a lot of different shrimps and think that a lot of species are good for Parosphromenus tanks. Expecially the ones who use to have babies in normal Parosphromenus tanks are interesting. They will clean the tank and become food for a while. In my case I handle C.pariventata, they should not life in my water, but they do.
    They seem not to eat the young of the Paros, but I am not sure at this point.

    Have anybody information about that?

    In my tank two P. sumatranus grew up. With shrimps and a female of P. linkei.

    The shrimprate is going down this time although there are enouth female with eggs. Maybe the Paros specialize.

    In my opinion shrimps are good in tanks wich are not in use for intensive breeding.

    helene schoubye

    I have most often used small red cherry shrimps in my parosphromenus tanks, – mostly because I am sure they provide a little bit
    of extra live food, and I have had parosphromenus fry grow up alongside the shrimps.
    But of course in intensive breeding I might not have them.
    But I have never ever seen any kind of ‘problematic’ behaviour between fish and fry, they seem to live fine together.

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