

Starter culture of moina needed.

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    john walsh

    Hi,i currently feed my Paros live brine shrimp napauli, microworm and daphnia, but i am keen to culture moina as a more nutricious foodstuff than the daphnia. If anyone knows of anywhere in the UK i could purchase such a starter culture, or anywhere in Europe that would ship some to me, I would be very grateful. Thanks, John

    Bill Little

    Sometime ago we had a similar question asked. I have just attempted to search and find the thread but was unsuccessful in finding the information. As I remember the discussion we found a company on the east coast of the U.S. that provided scientific materials and cultures to schools and university laboratories. The member looking for the culture was from Europe and did not wish to become involved with importing the culture. However, with a little additional research we found the U.S. company had European affiliates or partners and the cultures were or could be made available through the European organization. By posting this note perhaps the individual involved with the original request can provide the follow-on information. Sorry, I can not be of additional assistance.

    Peter Finke

    Moina is notoriously difficult to find.

    But as John asks for a European address, I can tell him two addresses from Germany:

    1) and


    Both are prepared to ship Moina within Germany. I don’t know whether they do this across the country’s borders, but you can try and ask.

    At 1) it’s easy to find, since the whole shop is called “moinashop”; it only sells very few things, among them Moina macrocopa, the “Japanischer Wasserfloh”.
    At 2) it’s more difficult. Look for “Futter”, then go to “Lebendfutter” (live food) and then look for Moina macrocopa, “Japanischer Wasserfloh”.

    And ask them whether they will ship these to … Good luck.
    (By the way: Mostly one single small stock is too small. Take at least three of them).

    helene schoubye

    Bill, did you search the site or the forum 😉 – it gives quite different results.
    I searched forum and here is a link to different threads in which the word moina comes up. Maybe some inspiration there

    Bill Little

    Thanks Helene — that worked. We were looking for #1146. Jalmj you are looking for Vale! (Mr. Love) and you are in luck he is in the UK (Milton Keynes, UK). He was able to order moina culture previously in the UK. Hopes this helps.

    Andy Love

    [quote=”Little” post=2426]Thanks Helene — that worked. We were looking for #1146. Jalmj you are looking for Vale! (Mr. Love) and you are in luck he is in the UK (Milton Keynes, UK). He was able to order moina culture previously in the UK. Hopes this helps.[/quote]

    Hey – that’s me!

    Coincidentally I’m just about to order another culture (my previous one having collapsed. I’m still unsure as to whether the source is happy to be made ‘public’ … though maybe I said who it is in the post(s) that Bill (et al.) refers to? If not, then please message me, jalmj, and I shall give you the relevant info.


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