

Take action against palm oil for bio-fuels

Home Forums Important information about this forum Important information Take action against palm oil for bio-fuels

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  • #4540
    Peter Finke

    There is a growing knowledge of the real backgrounds and ingredients of so-called bio-fuels. Normally, they contain huge quantities of palm oil, the main plants that are grown on the soils of the logged rainforests. Although the problem is the same in other tropical countries, it is the foremost devastating cause of the decline of the rainforests in Indonesia and Malaysia. This economic catastrophy endangers an utmost rich biodiversity, including the licorice gouramis.
    Take action against the nonsense of so-called bio-fuels. You will not support farmers all over the world by using this nonsense-products but only multinational groups whose interst is nothing than commercial profit.
    Here you find one possibility of acting. Click this link and tell your government your concern about that ill-directed policy of the “bio-fuels”:

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