

Tchech air filter with air pump-noises,vibrations

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    Peter Finke

    The most valuable result of filtration is the water movement. Parosphromenus don’t live in stagnant but in slowly running waters. I always recommend a small bubble air driven filter because of that and as an additional security measure for small tanks; my Paro-tanks are 10 liters each. In any case, you must learn very careful feeding to run these tanks without any filtration. But it is possible. I have no filter at all in these tanks since decades. The purifying effect of filtration is much overestimated in the aquarium hobby; it’s a big business in the first rate. The only thing which deserves more importance is the movement of the water. But the fish can be kept and bred in tanks with non-moving waters and they develop normally and healthy.

    Nevertheless: I always recommend to beginners to use a small bubble filter. It’s additional safety, although it’s not necessary. If Ceratopteris, Riccia, Vesicularia and some other plants grow in that soft, acid water, a pair of Paros and their small offspring don’t need filtration and water movement. Nevertheless: use it, if possible, but don’t overestimate it.



    O.k. But also a small bubble pump makes such noises, isn´nt it?

    I see that the artificial food has created a problem which now filters have to solve.

    I´m in good progress with living food.

    But I´ve always thought it would be good for the tank if the water is in movement. But at the moment it seems to be a problem to realize it without noises and vibrations – if I
    don´t cancel the HMF and take an external filter ….

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”7 Zwerge” post=3064]Hi Stefanie,

    of course you are right!
    But I find other ways to save energy and I get my energy from Energiewerke Schönau, who only sell energy from nenewably sources (means they spend the money they earn in building renewable sources of energy),and it costs therefore a little bit more.

    That’s what I also do – additionally…….. Another provider, but 100% eco-power.



    I think I ‘ve found a solution :
    I’ve talked with my local animal trader, he has all his tanks with HMF.
    He has them run with one big and very silent air pump in the back room of the shop.
    Now I took a very long air pipe and placed the air pump far away in the room.

    Now I think it’s a good portion better, I mean I hear now only the bubbling water….
    You see I am going to be a bit of obsessive in this affair ….. 😉

    And that’s an explanation for the fact that obviously the aquaristic Profis don’t matter about that fact: when they have one big air pump for all tanks, the vibrations have disappeared when the air arrives in the tank… What do you think?

    Davy Grenouillet

    I kept during 6 months bettas uberis “kubu” without filtration with changes of 30 % water twice a week, they had of the oodinium repeatedly… Now I use a small corner filter and odinium disappeared since.
    I’m going to use bubble filter corner with peat for my futur Parosphromenus tanks.

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