

The destroyed distribution area of P. tweediei

Home Forums Asian Habitats The destroyed distribution area of P. tweediei

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  • #3431
    Christian Hinz

    Parosphromenus tweediei (Kottelat & Ng, 2005) is noted from the area between Pekan Nanas and Pontian in the deep south of west Malaysia. The type locality is nearby Sri Bunian, situated in the middle of Pekan Nanas and Pontian.
    Particularly in 2008 and 2009 P. tweediei was caught by European aquarists (Beyer, Hallmann and Neugebauer) from different locations in those area. Meanwhile the known habitats are mostly destroyed and located between oil palm and banana plantations. For licorice gouramis it is very strong to survive in such anthropogenic creeks. For this reason the natural stock of P. tweediei is decreased to a very small number. In April of 2011 it wasn’t possible for Bernd Bussler and me to find only one P. tweediei in the known distribution area! Nevertheless it isn’t to exclude that P. tweediei can find still in his natural distribution area.
    The only fishes we caught in this streams are Trichopsis vittata, Trichopodus trichopterus, Betta imbellis and Trigonostigma hengeli.

    the destroyed type locality of P. tweediei nearby Sri Bunian

    a creek near Kampung Parit Bahru where P. tweediei can’t find anymore

    a destroyed habitat of P. tweediei near Pekan Nanas

    rubbish at a previous habitat of P. tweediei

    Christian Hinz

    Pank Jit Sin

    This does not bode well for the genus as a whole. If you look at All Labyrinths, there was a species known as Paros sp “Malakka” which I assume is caught in the State of Malacca. We haven’t had any reports of Parosphremenus species being caught in that state for the past 6 years or so.

    Tony Pinto

    The Malacca fish could be close to harveyi (my opinion) – I think that most of the Malaysian peninsula Betta and Parosphromenus species currently face the threat of disappearing completely in the next 10 to 20 years due to deforestation and development.

    Christian Hinz

    The undescribed forms from Malacca and Ayer Hitam are close to P. rubrimontis. There are a link between P. tweediei and P. harveyi. Initially were the forms from Ayer Hitam and Malacca falsely assigned to P. tweediei. But this two forms are for many years not in our aquaristic stock and the known habitats are extinct.

    Christian Hinz

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