

The Hamburg Meeting

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    helene schoubye

    In this weekend 11-13 of September we had our first International Meeting of the Parosphromenus Project and we are very happy to be able to look back at two very very good days.
    It has been a pleasure to meet some of the paro friends in person and be able to put a face to everyone.
    We were very happy to have seen friends from both nearby countries and Germany, but also some friends who had to travel very far to get to the meeting.
    We wish them all a very good and safe trip hope, and look forward to hearing that they have returned safely.

    We feel it was a success, – there were some very good talks – by Horst Linke and Martin Hallmann, – there were some very good connections being made, – some good discussions and I am sure some seeds laid for ideas to be taken up in the future, and above all a very good atmosphere and a pleasant time.
    So thank you everyone who contributed, – we will, in a few days, publish here a more detailed report, – and I am looking forward to perhaps seing a little photo ?? 🙂 .. I know there was a few taken.

    Gonin herve

    I hope to come next year

    Peter Finke

    Helene has expressed my thoughts too. I am sure that she spoke for everybody who was present. There was a very friendly atmosphere and a common conviction that we are on the right track. We parted very satisfied. And some loaden with many new Paros.

    A great help was Bernd Bussler. He had not much benefit himself by the meeting, but his practical help was a great benefit for all of us. Before the meeting began, during the meeting and even after it ended. And he provided many people with species that they never could get hold of in the past years.

    We look for further commentaries, on shortcomings too, if necessary. A report will follow, but it needs some time to be prepared.

    For me, it was a great experiment: an internet-based network with members in all continents offers a meeting in the physical world, and we decided for Hamburg, Germany. Has this been the beginning of a series of further physical meetings? We left this question open in Hamburg. When this should be the case, it could without doubt happen elsewhere on earth. But surely in two years time at the earliest, I think …

    By the way: our membership and all our activity is for free. The Hamburg meeting was for free, too. It’s civic engagement. But we need money for such things, therefore we collected some in the beginning of the Parosphromenus-Project five years ago (for the software- and provider-costs, for instance). Single people and some institutions gave money, and it was enough for all the years. In Hamburg, however, we had to borrow that translation system, for instance (320,– Euros). Now our funds have a tendency to nil. Three people on Hamburg gave spontaneously 220,– Euros. Great, but we shall need more. We shall write a newsletter on that problem in some weeks time. Now it’s time to be happy: It was good.

    Gonin herve

    Why not ask a smmall subscription of a few euros as the PP is a reality now with convention?

    john walsh

    I can only echo the comments of Helene and Peter, it was a fantastic event and I was honoured to be a part of it. Everyone was very welcoming, warm, encouraging and generous, but Peter (the true Paro Godfather 🙂 ) is right to single out Bernd, who was so giving, not least of his time (Danke Schoen Herr Bussler!! 🙂 ).

    Peter has challenged us all with growing the Project and I will do my very best to make a meaningful contribution to that goal over time.

    But for now, I am happy to report that I am the guardian of 5 species that, if not necessarily new to these shores, have certainly not been in the UK for many years. So now to the business of breeding them so that they may be available to other Paro friends in the UK and elsewhere! All of these precious fish arrived safe and well and are settling into their new homes.

    Warmest regards and great respect to all the good people I met in Hamburg,


    helene schoubye

    so glad to hear it all went well 🙂

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    I hope also to come in nearby future, I only want to know if this also was an Igl meeting??
    Happy to hear the meeting was succesfull.

    Rafael Eggli

    Hi everyone,

    Also from my side I can say that the meeting was a pleasant and extremely successful event. I loved to meet all those people and had some really interesting discussions.

    Moreover, I’m happy to be back home and be able to say that all the fish are doing very well. They all ate and the male shows great colors.

    I would definitely join a second meeting in the future!


    Bernd Bussler

    I’m glad to hear that you all enjoyed and we would like to make a second meeting. It was to allow a lot of work and organization necessary to the. All the better to hear it was worth the effort. It was very nice to finally get to know you even live that meistenen I knew so only from the forum, e-mail, and beautiful that many have also taken Paros and ensure that they are circulated. I am happy to belong to such an organization. In any organization where I am a member, or previously had, it’s so harmonious, quiet and sterss to free as in our Paroproject. I hope that we continue to have so much fun at our hobby as before and still win a lot of members to do so.
    Greeting Bernd 🙂

    Russell Green

    I would just like to echo the previous comments.

    The whole weekend was educational, informative and very enjoyable. The amount of time and effort taken before and during the meeting must have been immense, and very much appreciated. Thankyou to you all.

    As John previous wrote, we got our fish home without any problems and so far they seem to have settled well. Thanks to the generosity of other breeders making fish available to us, the numder of species in the UK has more than doubled. We now need to carry on their good work, and breed them ourselves.

    Hope to see you all, and many more new memberr at our next meeting, wherever in the world that may be.

    Bill Little

    Hello all, I am a little slow to respond, but I had the longest commute home from the conference. I think I covered 10K miles on this trip…
    I would just like to echo, echo, echo all the previous comments. There were almost two full days of discussion and presentations. I was most impressed with the presentations by Horst Linke and Martin Hallmann. While both presentations were accomplished in German, a wonderful translation system was provided for us who are illiterate in German. While Helene and Peter talked into a microphone we heard the lecture in our headphones. It was a highlight of the weekend.
    With the great generosity from Bernd I was able to return with to the U.S. with a number of species that have never been seen in this country. It was great to sit in this conference with participants from many countries, all with the common goals and interests – preservation and propagation of the Parosphromenus species. To all my newly found friends it was a pleasure to meet you and to share common interests. Now there is a whole new atmosphere talking with you after we have met face to face.


    Everything has been said already and I can only join previous speakers and say thank you to the organizers!
    And I am glad that the Paro-distribution/journeys over the seas were successful!

    Arno Beißner

    From the Allgäu also – “all good arrived”
    A great event – big thanks to the steering-group.
    Good and interesting conversations with nice people – but also critical questions about the future. If possible see you next time 🙂

    Jonette Stabbert

    It is not possible for me to travel. I’m delighted to hear of the success of this meeting, but I am also GREEN with envy of those who could attend. 🙂

    Kevin Marshall

    Arrived home safe yesterday. I hope to stay in touch with everyone. Until next time

    Best wishes.

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