

Trade has found a new species ;-) P. miniatura ;-)

Home Forums Global Species Trade has found a new species ;-) P. miniatura ;-)

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    😉 A big animal shop in Freiburg has discovered new species of Paros 😉 :S :

    Rafael Eggli

    Haha cool 😉
    Was this picture tanken at UnterWasser?


    No, not Unter Wasser ;-), they have a scientific awareness as being studied biologists

    I hope nobody misunderstands my amusement – beside that I also feel angry, I wrote the managers a letter and asked if it would be really so urgent to offer such specialists to not experienced aquarists (they always show a very engaged attitude about responsible animal keeping …). I also have a personal involvement in this case because my son, who was the first aquarist in the family, asked me a week ago if I know Parosphromenus miniatura, because he had bought two there … And I must confess, he is still a “normal” aquarist, wanting a nice mixed tank population in tap water … 😳

    Rafael Eggli

    Yes i thought so and I would have been very surprised if they had been from there… Where did you find them, though?

    Peter Finke

    Yes, the trade often invents “new species”. Mostly, this is pure nonsense, based on the trade’s interest to present new fish to a market which always is interested in “firsts” and “news”. There was one case, however, in which this was really true, and that was quindecim. All our quindecim go back to a single import of so-called P. spec. Manismata. For years we did not know their origin, for it is not at the town of Manismata in Western Borneo. It is at a place called Nanga Tayap. This was revealed in the original scientific description of Kottelat and Ng hence calling that fish rightly P. quindecim.

    In a second case it is possibly of a certain amount of truth, and that is the fish we call “

    Rafael Eggli

    Well, I think this would not be this bad if they only gave correct information concerning foods, pH and EC. The fish wont die from a wrong naming but certainly will if kept in tap water als the lable on the picture seems to suggest.

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