

Ultricularia sp (especially gibba)

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    Joshua Morgan

    ‘ello all! I was doing some thinking today, and I realized that carnivorous plants usually exist in habitats with very few nutrients…ditto the bladderworts, Ultricularia sp. Since many of the swamps such plants grow in are blackwater and many of these plants (and many other carnivorous plants, for that matter) do not do well in alkaline conditions, I was wondering if any of these species – especially the easiest and most tolerant, U. gibba – would be good parosphromenus plants. Anyone have any experience with them? Thankx for your quick replies!


    B) I don’t know much about that plants, if they don’t have poisoning substances which they give into the water … :whistle: perhaps they could catch mosquitos when the Paros don’t eat all the mosquito larvaes and puppies?

    But I think, Paros just need some swimming plants on the water surface for shelter and some java moss as hiding place for offspring…

    Peter Finke

    Utricularia (not: Ultricularia) gibba is safe and fine; all bigger Utricularias are not. I have often used U. gibba in breeding tanks without any problem. I never would do so with its bigger relatives.

    Joshua Morgan

    That’s good! Thankx 🙂 U. gibba was the main species I had in mind, as I was not sure whether the other species has bladders large enough to threaten Paro fry. On a side note…if I could find a sufficiently inert/acidic substrate that doesn’t alter the TDS much, could I grow terrestrial bladderworts emersed in a paro tank?

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    Great, I will try to bring some U.gibba to some paro tanks to see how it will go. 😉

    Benjamin Wilden


    I also have U. gibba in all of my tanks. It seems to establish by itself and was not introduced on purpose.

    When I visited Kuantan all the possible Parosphromenus habitats were coverd with a large growing and yellow flowering Utricularia sp.. I took some, but it did not grow as expected. I don´t think any of the usual aquatic Utricularia do harm fishes.



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