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  • #6479

    I dont know every think about electronic .
    I just made mesure with two pH meters and conductivity meter
    after Kati ani :
    pH 4.49
    conductivity : 3µSm/cm


    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”Gerald Gantschnigg” post=3151][quote=”David” post=3149][…] manage to have very low pH around 2.72- 3 with conductivity like 12 to 20 µS/cm.[/quote]Never ever, I’m sorry! It’ not possible to gain very low conductivity at very low pH, this would violate some electrochemical laws. [/quote]

    But, Gerald – what about the habitat data of the locations the fish come from? For example, Horst Linke reports a pH of 3,9 at a conductivity of 29 µS from the location of P. parvulus. How can this be if “it violates some electrochemical laws”?


    I have mesured water in situ :

    Ibok, Malaysia, 2013 :
    5.3 pH


    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”Davy” post=3152]Very interesting.

    What is black peat? I know only blonde peat.[/quote]

    Blonde peat is younger, it comes from the upper layer of moors and peat swamps. Black peat is the oldest layer from deeper strata.

    Davy Grenouillet

    Tks Stefanie!

    Davy Grenouillet

    Black peat is more acid than blonde peat?


    Yes I think so!

    Funny how my thread has developed!

    With what kind of measurement you all work to measure pH?
    I m thinking of a photometer …

    I have a Martini Milwaukee two point electrical meter, but I have to “fix” it every week a new, that I don´t like so much …

    And the drop tests have just a few steps and I must look out for the color of dark water .. so my painters head has to mix (or remix) the colors …..


    I use this one now : pH/EC/TDS/°C Hanna Instruments Combo HI 98129
    Very nice when i travel 😉

    And i have those too:
    – Testeur Hanna pH ECO HI96107
    – Hanna DiST ® testeur DiST 3, conductivité 0-1990 uS / cm


    Davy Grenouillet

    I sell combo Hanna 98129.

    Gerald Gantschnigg

    I quote only this statement, because it seems too difficult to quote multiple statements:

    [quote=”Stefanie” post=3154][…] How can this be if “it violates some electrochemical laws”?[/quote]

    It generally is an error of measurement, not passing a criticism on someone. I’ve calibrated dozens of pH-meters several times, and if you ever find two ore more pH-meters which show the same values of a water solution though carefully calibrated before I will congratulate you.
    One pH-step increases the acid concentration to the power of ten, this is significant especially at lower pH-values. If your measured values do not conform, it’s an error of measurement.

    I’ve appended a more detailed view of pH and corresponding EC, if youe measure a lower value of EC at a given pH, your given equipment, either the pH-meter or the conductometer, went wrong.

    Davy Grenouillet

    After kati ani water is charged by carbon dioxide.

    Gerald Gantschnigg

    [quote=”Davy” post=3305]After kati ani water is charged by carbon dioxide.[/quote]Sure, but which situation is clarified by this circumstance? Have you read the postings before? If so you’re responding nonsense.

    Davy Grenouillet

    Kati ani = low pH + low conductivity and it´s not an error of measurement…

    Gerald Gantschnigg

    No error, of course, Davy. You talk about qualities, I mean quantities, and only quantities include errors in measurement. 😉

    I think we talk at cross-purposes in this topic, let’s drop it.

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