

What species do i have.

Home Forums Global Species What species do i have.

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  • #8676
    Eddy Sloots

    Hi all, I will introduce myself, my name is Eddy Sloots and I am from the Netherlands and new to this forum. September last year I bought two weak parosphromenus at my local petshop. Today they are doing well. Can anyone tell me what kind it is. This a picture of the male. the other one has no color and is in my opinion a female.

    helene schoubye

    Hello Eddy and welcome to the forum.
    To be more certain regarding the species, I think we would need a bit better photo. But the photo is good enough to say something, which you may already have seen yourself too.
    I would say, it would be near to rubrimontis.
    But as I understand it also, – there are species which in reality is can be really hard to differentiate between, – this would be rubrimontis, slfredi, tweediei …
    This is why perhaps a better photo would be helpful, – however to me it looks rubrimontis-like..

    What was the ‘trade’ describtion for it?

    Eddy Sloots

    Thank you for your comment Helene, the trade discription was deissneri. But I know your answer to that question. I Will keep trying to make better pictures.

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