

Who can identify my paros?

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    Hello everybody!

    I have my paros now for several months and they have already spawned. Now I am asking what species they really are. They were sold as P. deissneri. What I found out from reading was that they could as well be described as P. sp. “blue line”?

    Thank you!!!


    helene schoubye

    Hello Andreas

    Very fine fish and also good photoes.
    Well, p. deissneri its not.
    Is there any red in any of the fins or is it just me seing it a little bit ?
    Comparing your photo with the fish we have under ‘blue line’ I would say you are right, – its looks quite similar. But its also not very far from the species p. gunawani.
    I am not sure really 🙂
    Anyone else have an idea ?

    Peter Finke

    Yes I confirm Helene’s opinion: This seems to be the most frequently traded form of P. spec. Blue line. As I have written elsewhere, there have been other variants been traded already (e.g. with much longer filaments at the ventrals) or with blueish or blackish filaments at the ventral fins. Mostly the differences were to be seen at the ventrals.

    But this is the mostly traded form of “Blue line”. They are very beautiful fish. The reason why they are not yet described is that they resemble very much P. bintan, and the taxonomists are uncertain and hesitate to describe them as new species. Perhaps they are a subspecies. But I am sure: Within a few years from now we will see much clearer than nowadays because of genetic information. The first investigations we have from Dr. Lukas Rüber (Berne) indicate very few differences even between the described species. So, the nomenclature might still change; within the genus of Parosphromenusthings remain interesting.

    I write this from Paris, from the flat of our friend Olivier Perrin. I stay here with my wife for two weeks while Olivier visits Costa Rica with his family.


    Thank you Helene and Peter,

    the fins have no red in them, only purely blue/turquoise and black colors, the red comes from the brown water and not using a flash, in reality there is no red as in the foto of the P. gunawani, so “blue line” was what I also guessed from either Peters or Mr. Linkes article (sorry, can’t find my copy :)) in the Amazonas magazine.

    I’m just starting to dive deeper in the world of Parosphromenus with much to learn and I’m
    looking forward to a good time at!

    Greetings from Aachen,

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