

Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel

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  • in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7685

    Wonderful photo, your´re welcome Helene!
    Yes, I also like the linkei very much! And they seem not to be very complicated. So it seems to be advised to give them a little bit birth control … 😉

    in reply to: Parosphromenus phoenicurus #7683

    But they are really hiding artists! Its amazing how long they manage to stay unseen! :woohoo: 😉

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7679

    one young Romeo already has chosen his home … :cheer:

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7673

    Another camping P. linkei 😉

    Und das ist dann das Ergebnis: 😉

    in reply to: Parosphromenus phoenicurus #7672

    Some new Photos of the P.phoenicurus offspring!

    in reply to: Conductivity: how low may it be? #7664

    To measure the germ density there are products available to measure the water of water beds. I´ve already used that test kits, and had good results. They are not so expensive.

    in reply to: Conductivity: how low may it be? #7663

    The question of peat makes me think – even in Germany we have problems to preserve the moore …and the garden products I do not trust.

    And perhaps one reason why peat makes the conductivity higher is, because it had been dried and so began to dissolve?

    But I also don´t want to work with chemicals.
    Perhaps alder cones and leaves will be enough?

    I will give my P. linkei tap water, as long as the conductivity is again 20 or 30 µS. But the pH is still stable.

    I´ve lowered temperature in the P.linkei breeding tank to give them a rest.

    in reply to: My passion. My life :) Asia, Malaysia, Johor :) #7617

    Cześć Andrzej!
    Amazing photos of your technic! I mean that with the title “Spaerichtys ospromenoides etc…. I tried to understand the system, but I think I failed … is it an automatic system, do you have a current water change or do you have to open a valve? and is the system for several tanks?

    And do your fish breed when there are several species in one tank?

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7586

    At this place in the discussion must be said, that the P.-P. has a new distribution team since the steering group met last time – I think we shall give them a chance! Also to say his opinion (he is one of the distributers 😉 ) …

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7572

    Oh ,oh …. I didn’t plan to initiate such a discussion …. as well I don’t think that anyone will be able to make “much money” with our little Paros…. and we all hope, when we give them away to members that they will have a good life ….
    I get stomach ache when I read a P.phoenicurus “breeding” project-report on “my fish org” in basic water and industrial food … and when I tell it to the webmasters, they tell me that the site readers shall discuss this with each other and that some former breeding projects had good results with unusual methods …. :pinch:

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7563

    I agree to all Peter has written!
    It’s just an additional tool and cannot replace a scientific evaluation like the half annual census.
    ( even if not everybody takes part …)
    And I think also an “overview” by the distribution is necessary….to see which ways our fishes are going …
    But I would be glad about every tool which improves the “flow” … I love my fish having offspring – and I had many of other species before I got my first Paros – but it has always been a problem to get good new places for them ….

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7557

    If he wants P. linkei he can get them near Freiburg or braught from Freiburg to Basel for example… Basel is a nice town to make a trip to 😉

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7555

    Hello again!
    An idea: could we have a place in our profile, where (who wants) can write the actual stock?
    For example me: end of October, final date of the census, I just saw one of my linkei offspring, the other 35 must have been already four weeks old, but didn’t show themselves. Now I have 32 juvenile P.linkei, who already can be differed in male and female ….

    And I have been asked now to try with a more rare P. species than P. linkei. But I will not be able to build one tank after the other till I have 20 or 50 of them 😉 so I would like to concentrate my energie. Till now I have one or two tanks with other species of fish which can be given to Paros when the time is right.
    But I think we all would need a better “flow” between breeders and the people who are looking for fish.
    One thing is obvious: distribution must be inside the P.-P. , our fish can’t be given for example to the traders.
    So what do you think about the profile notice? There are people who will not do that, they don’t even give their name and home town, but the others?

    in reply to: Close-up of fry #7551

    Very nice! And we can compare how old our offspring are and I see that mine are already a month old when I see them for first time….

    in reply to: Parosphromenus harveyi fry development in pictures #7536

    Hello Zahar!
    Fantastic photos!
    Till now I just managed extensive breeding, because I didn’t find the clutches (except my camping P. linkei 😉 ).
    And I see that the juveniles I see when they start to show themselves, are already 6 – 8 weeks old! Thats amazing.
    Now I know why some of you breed in very small tanks without any plants etc. 😉 … they are so good in hiding …

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