

Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel

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  • in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7303

    Hi Russell ,

    Yes, in the P.linkeii tank the white structure is near the nest, I also thought there could be a connection.

    But in my P.phoenicurus tank there is it also, specially very heavy under the foam material on the tube, where the water goes up into the rucksack filter.

    Perhaps there lives micro food for the larves? And it’s special in sour water/black water?
    The (I know now it’s the bigger one) male has chosen the place for his “camping” perhaps because there in the corner comes most of the food with the slow water stream, an beside is a jungle of Java moss where the little fish can hide.

    in reply to: Building a new tank for Paros #7279

    Hello Davy,
    I don’t understand what exactly you mean,, do you mean a corner HMF with bubble filter/pump? Filled with peat. Something like that: ?

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #7275

    :side: o.k., thank you Pavel, I’ll try it! :whistle: do you know the worms on my photo?

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #7273

    1. does anybody knows the worms on the last photo?
    2. Cyclops: I don´t want to change the subject in Bernds Thread “parvolus” too much, so I want to write here about

    In the DATZ (a german aquaristic magazine) from September 2011 is the main subject living food.
    The author writes, that Cyclops are really a very good food for fish, but he gives the warning, that they can also be dangerous when grown to large. He writes that they can eat young fish and can also be dangerous for adult small fish (that remembers me of my dragonfly larvaes …) …..

    in reply to: Parvulus #7268

    You have said it yourself – who gets the phoenicurus first to have offspring 😉 and cyclops for doping fertility sounds good 😉 ….

    in reply to: Parvulus #7266

    Congratulations, Bernd!
    Do you think, in my garden there will be also cyclops in November? I fear to say that the black mosquito larvaes on my balcony are out (perhaps still in the garden some, I will go on wednesday..)
    the phoenicurus competition runs 😉 ….

    In shop they have marine copepoden, is that similar?

    in reply to: They are here again … #7259

    Hello Bill!

    What means 1″ and 1″+ ?

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7257

    Since yesterday I can see swimming with the adult fish one juvenile, about 2 cm long .. 😉 must have been born early when I got the linkeii from Bernd .. guess he/she wasn’t already in the water as a larvae with the parents in the bottle ..

    In two weeks I plan to make a census in my tank (sorry, a bit too late for the forum census), to see what is going on in my jungle …. (much of java moss)….

    Hope the juvenile didn’t feed him/herself with little brothers and sisters … is in a very good condition …. :S and already rather big, I guess ….

    in reply to: Artemia Methods #7256

    With the described sieves it just works the first day after the first nauplies have been born. Afterwards they are too big and also doesn’t come down but to the surface when the bubble pump is off. And its impossible with my sieves to separate them from the egg shells.

    But the first day, it is o.k.!

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #7252

    Just to mention: I have continued with my naupliae experiments in the thread “Artemia methods” … I came to a success! :whistle: :cheer: B)

    in reply to: Artemia Methods #7251

    Hello! Now I want to post here, not in the thread “living food for Paros”, because here is the subject just Artemia Methods:

    with the sieves I came now to a success: I have got (falsely) a round sieve with 0,150 mm, (I had ordered 0,200).
    I got at least also the 0,200 and now I am ready to sieve with very good success Sanders premium naupliae from the eggs from JBL Artemio:

    With the first sieving and a bit washing with tap water I get through the 0,200 into the 0,150 fine small naupliae for baby fish.

    If I wash then the rest a little bit stronger, the rest of the naupliae fall through the sieve and really :cheer: the eggs stay on the 0,200 mm sieve!

    So I am sure to get my amount of naupliaes without danger for the fish! :silly: 😆 B)

    Thank you all for your good advices!

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7247

    An whats about temperature in separate tank for the Minis – with heating if big enough? The round glas bowl (Peter Finke tells) or the ice cream jar (Pawel tells) have a lower temperature than the parents tank (parents tank 26°C, room temperature 21°C).

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7246

    They are courting again 😉

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7240

    Hello Pawel,

    and feeding just when they begin to swim?

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7238

    Now the larvaes dissapeared, the two males are to be seen again and courting…. One of them was hiding the last two? weeks in the background, I became a bit worried about him, but perhaps he was also breeding?
    Now the babies must try to survive, I guess?
    For the next time: what is the time to take the offspring out? Some days after having left the eggs?
    I had thought they would begin to swim on Thursday this week, but they dissapeared already yesterday, Monday …

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