

Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel

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  • in reply to: Effective against hydra? #7236

    Now it seems that my hydra are gone! (this time with flubenol 😉 )
    This morning I made a water change in my P. phoenicurus tank, this evening I will do in my still not really black water 100l tank. The 100l tank (with just 60 l Water) has also shrimps as inhabitants and bladder snails. Both species seem not to be disturbed by the flubenol till now, but the hydras have vanished….

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #7235

    Now the season for my balcony mosquito larvaes seems to be gone.
    But in my garden I got today still fine small larvaes! 😉

    On my balcony I find just these hard skinned worms (one or two also in the garden). Does anybody here knows them?

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7233

    another photo, with tripod, I think, thats the best my camera manages ….

    special light experiments I won’t make, I think it is more important not to disturb the breeding …

    I´m a little bit worried – I guess the larvaes will begin to swim next thursday – (thats the 16.10.2014).
    on 25th of october our fish sitter will have to take care – because we are some days away from home…
    I plan this time to let the offspring in the tank with the parents. I hope more often water change will be sufficient (twice a week 50%?) with many naupliae in the first 9 days, as long as I can care ….

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7231

    Thank You Little!
    If you like, you can try! But the photos won’t become really sharp… 😉
    But they tell the story of my Paro’s Camping ;-), I think 😉

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7227

    Here another two photos:

    The first one from yesterday:

    The next is from today evening, seems that the first larvaes have left their egg .. its a pity that my camera doesn’t make so good macro photos:

    in reply to: Phoenicurus via MyFish and Aquarium Dietzenbach #7226

    Here ist one of my girls:

    The guy is still shy … 😉 in the background ..

    another photo, don’t know if its the same girl:

    in reply to: Photos of Paros building nests/nesting wanted! #7220

    If you want, you can look in my post “my new linkei”.
    It seems that the photos you can find at the last pages show two linkeii building a bubble nest .. The photos are not very good, but if the quality is enough, you can use them.

    I was very astonished to find them doing that, I was away for two weeks, they got just naupliae, made 50% water change and now that surprise, in the front of the tank, just for me to observe … 😉

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7219

    another Photos:

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7218

    O.K., so I hope that white structure isn’t dangerous!

    I will try to make better photos of the bubble nest, it seems that the pair is still courting, I put a black foam material outside at the glass to give some shelter.
    Today I want to avoid anything which could disturb them! 😉

    Tomorrow or so I will put my camera on a tripod in front of and try a better photo!

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7215

    Hallo Davy!
    I have four or five different forms of caves in the tank. Perhaps the bigger male has the territory behind for himself.
    Or the younger male has chosen that place because there is coming most of the food to that corner in the front….

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7214

    Now I got two answers: fungus or bryozoans ….
    My new biodiversity in my tanks is making me a bit nervous … :blink: :unsure:
    Is that evil or food for Paros?

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7212

    I have taken out that fungus, as best as I could.
    I hope I didn’t destroy that bubble nest …
    As I saw with my magnifying glass, he chose the place in the tank where most of the food comes and stays … but naupliae will not stay – they will die … oh oh ..
    What shall I do? a bubble pump??? to make water motion there? And stop it if/when offspring will come???

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7211

    the micro worms have yeast in their substrate … I take them out when they crawl up out of the substrate with a wet cotton bud and wash it out in a little jug with osmosis water.

    I dont wash them additionally like moina, mosquito larves or arthemia, because they are to small … should I? Already I have now a sieve with 0,12 mm, (before I used a 0,18 mm …)

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7209

    I just can´t believe my eyes – after watching one of my very fine colored males chasing a female away (why that??) and looking what white stuff there in the tank (in my other Paro tank I´ve some hydra) – this:

    Is that a nest, in the front of the tank, fixed on java moss?
    And beside the nest – I hope that isn’t hydra???
    Also the stuff near the water surface???

    Just back from an absence at home – and so many new things to see …

    in reply to: Effective against hydra? #7206

    My last post in this thread is quite a while old – and my last hydra invasion was much older …

    At this moment I just begin to loose a bit my contenance concerning hydra – look at the photos …

    They are in my tank where my new phoenicurus live … brought from nature, living food from my garden, surely.
    They stay since about three weeks, and they are becoming not fewer …
    I cleaned the java moss two weeks ago with salt water and then with mineral water. I tried to get them from the glass with my water change tube.

    But now I m back again from a journey and they still have become more.

    I am shortly before to make a new tank ….. but I don’t want to work with chemical products … :unsure:

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