

Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel

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  • in reply to: Living food for Paros #7100

    O.k.! 😉

    Now I have another reason to go more often to my garden. :cheer: the neighbors will be pleased if I come more often to cut the grass B)

    Can I leave the set so with nature as it goes? With new rain water from time to time?

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #7098

    O.k.! 😉
    But I have had in reality already planaria, hydra and dragonfly larves …. And even here in the forum tells someone from time to time about parasites who have killed all fish …. :woohoo: :side: 😉

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #7096

    Hallo you all there!

    Now I was very brave 😉 and brought some living food from my garden (is about 15 km from my flat away …)

    I have there a standard garden container (a cube, about one meter long, 0,40 m deep and 0,40 m high …
    There was a lot of stinking water (mosquito larves seem to love it) , just rain water and fallen leaves.

    And I saw so many black mosquito larves that I could not resist ….

    I tried to find photographs of such animals, so that I don´t make anything wrong, I hope. Dragonfly larves had not been in 😉

    To be sure, I ask you just to have a look on my foto …

    in reply to: Methods to breed Moina? #7090

    Don’t know why my last post came double …. 😉

    And I forgot one thing to mention: yes, as you write, I also renew the whole cultures after a time, perhaps I should write diary… If the culture begins to become stinky, I pour the water through a sieve and cast the water away. Yes, I also don’t clean the bowls. Fill up with used water. Tap or osmosis had made no difference for me, and of course, put at once the sieved moina into it. After two or three days, culture is ready again.

    By the way, in the tank I had put new moina in, I found before renewing many dead moina at the water surface (I thought they were dead, because they didn’t move. So I sieved them away before I caught the living ones to renew the culture …

    But it makes also a difference, how many tanks you have to supply 😉 … I have just four, so I guess an extensive moina breed is sufficient for me.

    in reply to: Methods to breed Moina? #7086

    Double post cancelled

    in reply to: Methods to breed Moina? #7085

    I have two bowls from one “starting material”, since about three months.

    In one of the bowls I had the impression, that the supply was rather slow already (perhaps not enough water chance, or a “burn out” of the moina, don’t know.

    Now I had ordered another starter set moinas and done them most in the one bowl and some in the other.

    I have switched out again the light, i have no special seaweed for the moina, so I feel that the normal day light in the room will be enough for my moina ;).

    Again here we see, that there are several methods to get a satisfactory result and not just one 😉

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7067

    I really think that time is changing – there are still many people who want everything for nothing, but also many who spend hundreds of Euros for Aquaristic technic as CO2 and computers, or for Sea water tanks, or Koi as you say.

    I found people to pay 30 Euro for to get as express sending tylomelania snails from me, just to get the snails safe in one day sent. (In this case I made no profit , but I was glad to have them sent in a safe way and that where “just” snails, who breed very easily) ….

    And if you get two good, healthy fish, with documented origin from a breeder for a prize you have to pay in a shop for 10 ill, weak, and early dying fish, I think it’s not so difficult to choose the best quality for the same prize …

    Another example: plants…. I don’t really want to know how many money I spent in the last ten years for plants which were eaten by my tylomelania snails or recently by my black water …

    One pack of good Ceratopteris from France to Germany sent by a kind member of the project was worth all the plants I bought before for the blackwater – now I have in four tanks phantastic plants!

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7058

    Just a short statement for 2014: My emails where all answered at once, and I got my new Paros in a very friendly, trustful and reliably way from the breeder, with help from his friends!
    And I was offered a long list of Paro species, with advice, which species would be best for beginners!
    Thank you all!

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7046

    Thank you for the competent answer!
    Yes, the example with the quindecim is very impressive!

    And, by the way I didn’t think about the expert breeders, I thought about beginners as me, who have two or four fish, and begin to give the offspring away, the best by the project distribution.

    Comparing with men and dogs, I was thinking that then it would be nececary to take for example a male from one small stock and a female from another small stock….

    But implied, that we (the beginners, the experts know anyway!) take a good care for our fish and don’t set together ill fish-parents, it’s good to hear that it’s already proved, that also a small aquaristic population can stay healthy! 🙂

    With my former fish from the “hobby” I always had to look out, for example with the good old guppies from my friend, we always look out to get “fresh blood” so everybody is astonished, that we always have healthy offspring …

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7044

    Another aspect to make the distribution even more complicated 😉

    We, who are not breeding bigger amounts of fish, like the good Paro breeders, we get one or two pairs of Paros … They spawn and we manage to get the youngster grow up …
    we give them away and have now pairs of brothers and sisters … What’s about the gen pool? 😉

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7043

    Perhaps we could improve to tell each other when we make a longer journey, or tell when we need a transfer? In the forum a thread or to the distributors?

    Me for example, I go about once a year to the North Sea, and come by train through Hamburg.
    If I would knew about 12 weeks before, I can plan the trip with a stop to give ordered fish to their new owners …

    And if someone knows that he/she or some friends will go over sea they could tell?

    I think, it’s worth to wait for those rare an specific fish till the right way to transport them will be there …and we see that it’s most times a problem to get those fish from the trade ….

    in reply to: The shrimp question #7042

    Some time gone now again …

    The shrimps in my Paro tank had been eaten by my last dragonfly larve, I guess, just one male of the simoni left.

    I got other ones and put them in my big tank (pH about 6,5-6,7 and conductivity between 100 and 140 uS, I have still too much carbonat in the ground, but still no real black water fish in it) and in a new 36l Tank (pH 4,5, conductivity 30-40 uS).

    In the “normal”tank they live, in the black water tank I don’t see much any more…
    Perhaps two or three will be around there still.

    So I think I will cancel the shrimps project at the moment, it’s the same problem with fish or plants from the trade.
    There should be some people who bring them from the Paro habitats and some people must breed them, if we would like to give our Paros Shrimp babies to eat and Shrimps to clean the tank…

    in reply to: Methods to breed Moina? #7039

    Ah, he is a member here! I will recherché the living food he offers and then contact him. He has answered one post, about dero worms if I’m right!

    in reply to: Methods to breed Moina? #7037

    Hallo Davy!
    I will also try with light and see what happens!
    Till now I didn’t use a special light, just the normal light in the room…

    Davy, did you contact that guy Jean Luc LAMBERT who offer life food to the forum? Peter Finke told five month ago about it.

    in reply to: Methods to breed Moina? #7035

    That they become white after eating, I still didn’t notice … Perhaps mine do also….

    I light the filter pot with a torch so they come busy to the light, as brine shrimps and I can catch them easily.

    If they are older and the pot need to be resheduled, I see also dead ones swimming at the water surface. I think then we must be careful. I put the water through a nauplia sleeve and try to keep the living ones to put them back in the new water, but they write that you shouldn’t clean the pot.

    Then it takes some days and good moina are swimming again at the water surface.
    Nice little food! 🙂

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