

Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel

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  • in reply to: Living food for Paros #6846

    Can the eggs survive in the acid water till the larves come out?

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6845

    Überleben denn die Eier bis zum Schlüpfen im sauren Wasser?

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6836

    That seems logical to me, that I saw the pupae of the Mosquitos! Thank you! They have two kind of ‘snorkel’ to breath, I found a description. then I will not feed them to my fish…

    From the egg clusters developed already the first small larves 😉

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6834

    Thank you! Now I understand! 😉

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6832

    What are “pupae check”?

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6830

    I ´ve had a short look after “Daphnia” and saw, that they live in the water.
    So I suppose my unknown animals cannot be daphnia, how could they fly on my balcony????? :S

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6829

    @Helene: yes, I found the egg – clusters and I had read before the thread! I´ve taken them out to try to find the moment when the larves come out to feed them as very small larves!

    the for me unknown animals I don´t dare to feed at the moment, the look for me a bit dangerous 😉 I will look in the www for daphnia information!

    @Deepin peat: you have a nice humorous way! 😉

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6826

    Hallo Deepin peat,

    I see already that I have more shrimps now in the tank, the seaweed is almost eaten from the root! 😉 …
    By the way, if I see excuvie, I take them out 😉 but I never had problems with that.

    And my god – you have Battle-Paros 😉 (perhaps some youngsters?) 😉

    In my tanks with Spaerichtys I can see that they ignore the shrimps (but not the fine shrimp pearls if they can get it…… 😉
    My Paros seem to ignore them till now too 😉

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6825

    the third foto, whats that? Is this eatable for my fish? My biggest fish are Spaerichtys… and whats about the Paros?

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6824

    Second foto, the black mosquito larves:

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6821

    Now I´m accustoming my simoni drop by drop since 24 h. They came with conductivity of 900 mS and we have now 71 mS. The Paro tank has 42 mS at the moment …

    This time I will put my new 20 simoni in the Paro tank, next time, if it didn’t work – I will make a special simoni tank to breed them — but at the moment, my four tanks seem to be enough for my small room. I would have to empty a place near my writing table to have a place for a fifth tank … :S

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6818

    Now I have got some more Caridina simoni (20 animals), they are still being acclimated to the Paro tank water, I hope they will manage well! Perhaps my 15 simoni I got before aren´t not so reduced now, I´ve seen one or another from time to time.
    Perhaps the shrimps also need some food to have offspring …

    I will see.
    Perhaps its a problem, that the shrimp breeders have them in normal tap water. The ones I got today had a conductivity of about 900 mS. And my Paro water has 38 mS …

    If I would be more enthusiastic with far journeys, I´d rather bring some shrimp with me home from the home habitats of the Paros …
    But as I´m not – I have to try with the shrimps from breeders here … :unsure:

    in reply to: Video: youngs Parosphromenus harveyi #6817

    :cheer: nice young folk!

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6794

    Yes, so are my Red Fire in the other tanks.
    But Paro water is too strong for them, I guess …

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6792

    O .k. That sounds reasonable!

    And if I remember right, in their homelands Paros live together with many shrimps, young shrimps seem to be their main food and shrimps are not the reason for them to die out!

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