

Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel

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  • in reply to: The shrimp question #6770

    Hallo Stefanie, nice to hear from you! 🙂
    Yes, I think the same as you, I’ve in all my tanks shrimps, they clean, they give some live food.

    In my Paro tank there were many seaweed (Algen) when I came back from holidays and I found two dead shrimps floated in the front of the tank.. Many of my swimming plants had died, perhaps because I unfortunately left the top on the tank…. Perhaps the shrimps didn’t like the rotten mud of the plants?

    Or they weren’t bred in black water but in normal tap water….

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #6760

    I wanted to send my first fotografs, but it didn´t work … :unsure:

    in reply to: Swimming plante for Black water #6740

    Swimming plants float by nature, I didn´t plant them!

    in reply to: Swimming plante for Black water #6738

    Can beech leaves be a problem for fresh acclimating plants?
    And why do I always get bad plants? 😉 and everybody else seems or have no problems? 😉

    in reply to: Swimming plante for Black water #6735

    I have two led stripes 25cm long. They can be dimmed, are for aquaristik purpose and are of a good quality.
    And before we left for holidays, the swimming plants (not ceratopteris) grew under the light very fine. I think it was the humidity unter the acrylic glas… I told my “fish home service” not to feed in that tank. So nobody lifted the acrylic glas for about two weeks …

    The time before, I lifted the cover about every day to look after dragonfly larves, to feed the caridina simoni a bit.

    in reply to: Swimming plante for Black water #6732

    Hallo Davy!
    Are you sure that that plant is used to black water?
    And that they don´t sell dragonfly larves with the plant? 😉

    It´s also very expensive to order plants in Germany which die at once in the tank … so perhaps it could be a chance to get some from France, which love already black water … 😉

    The most loss of money for my aquaristic live I´ve had with buying plants which didn´t grow …

    in reply to: Swimming plante for Black water #6730

    By the by – my java fern and my java moss are fine…

    in reply to: Swimming plante for Black water #6729

    To Peter Finke:
    But my Ceratopteris is gone except two or tree hard pieces of former leaves – and it don’t seems like they would get any joung leaves on it any more, but I will try….
    I see, I’m not a plant specialist… Fish and dogs is a better understanding with me .. 😉

    Perhaps I should make more water changes at the moment for the Paros, I guess because of the plants? Of course I also take the worn out plants out of the tank.

    To Davy:
    Could you sent me some plants of your wonderful Ceratopteris cornuta? I will be pleased to pay you the plants and the postage from France (priority) if I will have the chance to get some blackwater used plants …

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6722

    Hallo Stefanie!
    How are your caridina simoni now?
    I hoped that mine would become numerous during the last about 8 weeks! But I just see very seldom one of them by now.
    I´ve already been thinking about to make for them a separate tank to breed and than to bring them in the Paro and the Spaerichtys tank …

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #6717

    This evening everybody was out to get fresh moina!

    The two small females and the big male and the small male (am I right, Bernd? 😉 )

    The big male likes to chase the small male, and both show their light points on the filament. That looks fantastic!

    The big male seems to have chosen already the big coconut as a cave for him ;-).

    Till now I couldn’t make good fotos, but if I will manage, I will show you!
    :blink: B)

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #6716

    Hallo Bernd,
    Oh I’m already amazed!
    The guaramis have just a wonderful calm way to move!
    And I like the secret hidden atmosphere of black water tanks!

    It’s just emotional that I’m worried about my fish if I can’t see once a day that they are still fine!

    But I will trust in nature that they can survive! 😉

    And some time ago today I could watch two or three of my four swimming around! 😉

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #6712


    Now my linkei live since two days and two nights here.
    From time to time I see one of them in the front of the tank, fine striped 😉

    But still they don’t show themselves all together when I feed them .. I guess I have given them plenty of room to hide cheerily and to wait for the living food to come around in the hidden three quarters of the tank….

    Nevertheless, I would prefer to see them once a day together, to see if they are well, but I guess Paros won’t do so, am I right?

    in reply to: Effective against hydra? #6698

    I don’t understand that panic about those unplanned guests (o.k. I wasn’t pleased about my little dragonflies in my new tank, but I’ve got them out just by searching them out in a nearly emptied tank)’.
    Once I’ve also had hydra in another tank, we tried to get them out with wooden sticks. But they vanished before I could bring some to a teacher of biology who wished to get them.

    Also we got planaria as unwished guests, I catch them out with a meat trap.
    I would never risk some chemical substances in the tank.

    I would rather make a new tank for the fish and shrimp than to use any poison!

    I guess we have much more unknown guests in our tanks than we want to know.
    And nevertheless, it’s always a way of biological balance …

    in reply to: Dividing tanks as a chance for fry? #6697

    Stefanies Idea seems good to me, if the parents show to be canibals …
    Perhaps an net with a frame would be also a method to divide the tank instead of an acrylic plate?

    With fry boxes in the tank I’ve never had good experiences , but that was in “usual” water, but not in black water. It was so difficult to keep them clean enough ..

    For example with young catfish. By the way, we have low carbonated Black Forest water, but with a basic pH to protect the water pipes …

    But I suppose, (now I know more about black water than that time) it was a problem with not “clean” and not sour enough water …
    It seems to me that nearly all aquaristic fish for low carbonated water are black water fish and need low pH and low bacteria number…., especially the fry … But nobody tells the people who buy them …

    Perhaps most of successful aquarists have high carbonated water and use anyway osmosis water?
    And have therefore better changes to give the fish the “clean” water they need, even if they don’t know much about the necessary balance of the water values?….

    in reply to: My God – whats that in my new Paro tank? #6611


    Today I´ve found another one … Its nr. 10. I will send it away on monday. It is now in a separated tank and get s some black mosquito larves to eat, no caridina simoni 🙁 .

    I´ve been wondering why they survive in my future paro tank with black water – but there are two species of dragonflies in Germany which lives beside black water … Torf Mosaikjungfer ,Aeshna juncea´
    and Hochmoor Mosaikjungfer ´Aeshna subarctica´ ….

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