

Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel

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  • in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6536

    Hallo Vale!

    Thank you very much for your long post!!!

    Here I try to answer step by step:

    1. I use as the title of the threat says, dry black peat granule (pressed material) in a little filter bag.

    2. This morning I ve measured nitrite with photometer, and the paro tank has 0,6, the selatanensis tank 1, 4.

    3. I´ve taken out today old alder cones, a half resolved catappa leaf, and moss. I see, I should do that more often …
    4. If the turbidity really is just caused by fulvic acid from the plant materials, I think it will be o.k. for the fish – I just read that the black water would be coloured but very clear …

    5. I´ve found a dip slide test for water beds 😉 and it measures aerobe bacterias, I have ordered it …

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6533

    This evening I have a pH about 4 measured with foto meter and 5 measured with my Milwaukee pH meter … In future Paro and my Spaerichtys selatanensis tank.

    And in the Spaerichtys tank the water isn’t quite clear. Makes peat the water not so clear? That tank has an UV clearer, with a new lamp, so I think with that low pH that will not be a bacterial blast. The fish seem fine, as usual …

    Does peat need some time before it begins really to work ?

    Hmmmm…… Does anyone has an idea?

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6532


    You are talking here about how to get the lowest pH… 🙂 … I know, that Paros at home have very low pH…but down from 4 pH on I mean to have read its also for Paros stress …
    From what pH down will it be dangerous?
    My prepared Paro tank has already about 4,7 pH , conductivity 50, in the morning (in the evening pH even will be lower, am I right?
    In my wild cought Spaerichtys selatanensis tank I have already 5,3 pH with conductivity of 97.

    Who can say from what pH it begins to become dangerous also in black water?

    By the way, I´m really a bit shocked that I´ve found out now, that almost all of my other fish (L333, Boraras brigittae, corydoras pygmae) all are black water fish .. in the internet or in books you have to search long to find further informations than kH, temperature, size of tank …..

    Concerning this, at the moment the best information I got in my aquaristic shop was about the spaerichtys selatanensis …
    Perhaps the shops are afraid to tell about black water, because the wouldn’t sell so much fish than …

    Informations about the african fish (high calcium) and sea water perhaps are more better … but I don’t know much of them.

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6512

    Thank you for correcting me! Of course I don’t have snakes but snails in my tanks ….. 😉 in the Paro tank just bladder snails …. 😉

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6505

    Hallo stefanie!
    Do you clean the tank while the fish still live in it, or do you often make a new tank?

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6504

    O.k., thank you!
    I use osmosis water, also one catalpa leaf for each tank, elder cones ( I am learning to find out how many before the tank is really dark!), dried beech leaves.

    In my tank which I’m preparing for my future Parosphromenos linkei I have done as I did usual with my tanks, about 8 mm fine gravel …. And I’ve read already, that that is rather unusual for Paro tanks….

    Also I’m not used to “clean” my tanks all the time, I have in every tank shrimps and snakes, they do a good work.
    Till now I newer had to manipulate much in my tanks, I respect too much the rest of
    my animals 😉 …
    Therefore it’s unusual for me to “clean” the tanks so often.
    Also it’s unusual for me that you can obviously start a black water tank at once …. It’s a good opportunity if a additional Paro tank will be needed perhaps some day 😉

    I change the water once a week 20 to 30 % with osmosis water.

    That are the two things I am thinking of at the moment – a stable pH at low enough rate and the cleaning ( removing old leaves, old elder cones and so on ….)

    I’m exercising already with my two Spaerichtys tanks, the fish seem to do well, but still they have got no fry … Perhaps they are still too young or I must get the pH more stable down… And obviously get a still lower conductivity, do you think so to?

    At the moment I have got about pH 6,5, in Paro tank 50 conductance, in Spaerichtis tank about 190 conductance….

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6494

    Thank you!
    Then I will relax! 😉

    in reply to: walnut leaves #6485

    Yes I think so!

    Funny how my thread has developed!

    With what kind of measurement you all work to measure pH?
    I m thinking of a photometer …

    I have a Martini Milwaukee two point electrical meter, but I have to “fix” it every week a new, that I don´t like so much …

    And the drop tests have just a few steps and I must look out for the color of dark water .. so my painters head has to mix (or remix) the colors …..

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6469

    Hello you all!
    Now I have another question:

    I´ve got my simoni simoni shrimps some time ago.
    They seem to do well.

    Before I got the simoni, my friend “invaded” some red fire shrimps without much color, small and bigger ones, about 10 or 11, we think, in the dark water tank …

    I cought most of them out of the tank before I set the simoni into the water ….
    But I guess there still are left two or three or four, specially the smaller not coloured ones ;-( ….
    Do you think they will disturb the simonis breeding with their pheromones?

    They won’t breed across the species the cross breed list say …

    in reply to: Dero Worms? #6467

    Are that the Micro Worms you get here in shops or Internet? Breeded in oat and yeast?

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6408

    Oh – Red List of threatened species … I think that is not a species to bring home from a trip there …

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6404

    hi, i´ve found a shop 😆 I guess I´ll get them next week :silly:

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6402

    Thank you, Stefanie!

    Yes, it is that shop! I’ve mailed to ask them to tell me when they have the shrimps again on stock!

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6400

    Hallo, Stefanie!
    Can you tell me, what the c.s.simoni eat ?
    I guess it would not be so good to give them industrial food in a paro tank? 😉
    And from where you got them?

    I ve seen that there is one internet shop who offers them from time to time, but at the moment they have just 3 animals ….

    in reply to: Tchech air filter with air pump-noises,vibrations #6399


    I think I ‘ve found a solution :
    I’ve talked with my local animal trader, he has all his tanks with HMF.
    He has them run with one big and very silent air pump in the back room of the shop.
    Now I took a very long air pipe and placed the air pump far away in the room.

    Now I think it’s a good portion better, I mean I hear now only the bubbling water….
    You see I am going to be a bit of obsessive in this affair ….. 😉

    And that’s an explanation for the fact that obviously the aquaristic Profis don’t matter about that fact: when they have one big air pump for all tanks, the vibrations have disappeared when the air arrives in the tank… What do you think?

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