

Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel

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  • in reply to: Continuation “phoenicurus female – behavior?” #8218

    As concerning the German Paro book – many of the subjects are translated here on the homepage in a bit shorter form.

    in reply to: Continuation “phoenicurus female – behavior?” #8217

    Hi Jonette, my Spirohexol has unopened the date 02.2017. Opened I store it in the fridge for the moment, if you have once opened the stuff it has no more a long life.

    in reply to: Parosphromenus in Ruinemans. #8211

    Hello Jonette,
    we forgot your dragonfly larvaes …. :unsure:
    I had them too – I think from plants too, did you read my thread about them?
    I had to lower the water in the tank and to take out all “deco” to find them all.
    But at last I got them out.
    I sent them to a guy who works in a museum of naturural history who had done a scientific work about dragon fly larvaes in aquaristic tanks. That work is ready, but he still has his dragonfly plant 😉
    I am looking forward if he will tell me in one two or more years if mine were the first german dragonfly larvaes he got, but I fear, they also were from abroad and therefore not allowed to be set out here in nature…..

    in reply to: Parosphromenus in Ruinemans. #8205

    Hello Jonette!
    I am sorry you already become impatient to get Paros.
    But a shop who offers “deissneri” does not seem very reliably to me. (Deissneri in shop is kind of running gag, they are very rare and very very seldom real)
    Did you mail your wish already to the Paro Distribution here in the project?
    I guess you will not be able to come to the international meeting in Hamburg this summer?

    My first Paros ( linkei) I got from Bernd Bussler at a train stop in Hamburg.
    The second species (phoenicurus) were spread by aquarium Dietzenbach in Germany over my fish org, I got 1.2 of them through my aquaristic shop in Freiburg.

    My third species , ornaticauda, was announced here in the forum to be available over Ruinemans. I asked my aquaristic shop if they can get some for me. I admit, this time I took 20, I kept 6 for me and delivered 14 further to Bernd on the next trip over Hamburg. (I live in the south if Germany, near Basel, Switzerland). But I guess my shop would have ordered also a fewer number of Paros for me, because they order other fish from Ruinemans too.

    Perhaps you look on the stock list from Ruinemans and if you find Paros, you ask the aquaristic shops in your region?

    in reply to: Wanting to start out right #8183

    Hi Jonette,
    I always put the dried leaves directly into the tank. In former times I used (not with Paros) walnut leaves and soked them with boiled water. They smelled like my teapot and where going to decompose very quickly and fill the sponges so that I had to clean them very often.

    in reply to: Wanting to start out right #8177

    Hello Jonette,
    If you need swimming plants, I have always enough of them now , just in the moment it is too hot to send them, you would get cooked plants….

    in reply to: Wanting to start out right #8175

    Hi Jonette!
    No, luckily I didn’t loose fish, just my homemade jam ….

    in reply to: Wanting to start out right #8172

    Hi Arno and Jonette!
    Concerning the metal shelf: it is important that the shelf is of a strong quality – I once had a cheap one from an construction market and awoke in the night from the loud noise when it gave up itself and all our home made jam glasses ….

    in reply to: Wanting to start out right #8167

    I have no special furnitures, you see them on the panorama foto 😉 . I have isolating material between the tanks.

    The furniture store are just some old but strong sideboards.

    in reply to: Wanting to start out right #8165

    As concerning the size of tanks – I have tanks 25x40x25 inhabited by a pair of Paros, and 40or 30x60x30 tanks for a group (Youngsters or parents with offspring). The first number is the front glass of the tank – means I put the smaller side ahead, so the tanks don’t need so much room 😉

    in reply to: P. nagyi From Wetspot #8119

    :woohoo: fantastic!

    in reply to: Trade has found a new species ;-) P. miniatura ;-) #8112

    No, not Unter Wasser ;-), they have a scientific awareness as being studied biologists

    I hope nobody misunderstands my amusement – beside that I also feel angry, I wrote the managers a letter and asked if it would be really so urgent to offer such specialists to not experienced aquarists (they always show a very engaged attitude about responsible animal keeping …). I also have a personal involvement in this case because my son, who was the first aquarist in the family, asked me a week ago if I know Parosphromenus miniatura, because he had bought two there … And I must confess, he is still a “normal” aquarist, wanting a nice mixed tank population in tap water … 😳

    in reply to: Low Tech style experience with Parosphromenus? #8065

    Hello! interesting discussion! And It makes clear some details!
    Concerning plants: Salvinia minima and Ceratopteris grow very quick now in my tanks, but even extrem faster if I put them afterwards in a tap water tank of someone else.

    Soil, and Co2 plants ( I never used them) are for me an Armamo thing. Very large tanks with many plants and very, very few little fish.

    Our small tanks without water change is for me like being closed in for months in a small room without fresh air!

    And as Pawel writes, we don’t know what substances will increase in the water after some time. Our fish are specialists in an ecological corner with a very special, super-clean water…

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8045

    @Hachge: If they all survive the actual Census is no more actual 😉

    : thank you for your answer!
    Yes, they are still so small and tender … I hope the ones which are for Bernd tomorrow will survive that new stress and mine will survive ten days without me. But our fish and cat sitter did well last year…

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8042

    Here some new photos: (I guess the striped fish are female, the more red colored without clear stripes are male?

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