

Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel

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  • in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8041

    Perhaps more members should try to get ornaticauda at their local aquaristic shops, if they are so rare and urgently needed by the P.P!
    On the website of Ruinemans you see that they are still in stock and there is a button (you can choose english and german and frensh as language) –> where to get the fish –> you can choose the country and see that perhaps a shop is in your region. I went to UNTER WASSER in Freiburg to ask them if they can order the fish, and they did, although Ruinemans has a minimum quantity to order. I didn’t just look if perhaps I find the fish in the shop already arrived … Price was 8,50 Euro.

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8035

    Unter Wasser has ordered and today they arrived … now 20 ornaticauda are getting used to my water … The pH of Ruinemans water was o.k.: 5,9, mine is 5,5. But EC was 2000, mine 33. Now at 1500 …

    The fish look healthy and in a good mood as far I can assess it …

    So some of them will go to Hamburg on Tuesday if Bernd is still interested 😉

    in reply to: Parosphromenus phoenicurus #8016

    I am trying further with my phoenicurus … but I doubt that my shortly “married” phoenicurus pair is male and female .. ..what do you think? Sorry for the photo quality, the water is at the moment rather dark and the fish are rather shy …
    I will go on trying to get better photos …

    in reply to: Parosphromenus phoenicurus #8013

    O.k…. Then I will stop with two pairs and leave the third tank in case my Paros are willing to show me where they spawn, if they do ….to bring out the larvaes …. Temperature is already pulled down to 25*C…

    in reply to: Parosphromenus phoenicurus #8011

    Nobody has answered Bernds question?
    It seems to me, that P.phoenicurus is just as mysterious concerning breeding as it was said about the ornaticauda?
    Now I have made a new effort and set a P.phoenicurus pair each in the two tanks I prepared for the ornaticauda. With good visible caves and not so much plants. So I try then with three couples at one time … (In three tanks)
    Perhaps my first breeding success was just that what wild caught fish often do – when they are just arrived they breed and then is finish …
    I am curious, what they will do and if this time they will ignore the caves again …

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8003

    Perhaps someone from the P.P. should contact Ruinemans directly and get ornaticauda directly from them if they recover?

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8002

    —— Bad news: no P. ornaticauda in Freiburg arrived – Ruinemans cancelled shipping because the fish are ill and they have to take care for them before delivering.

    And if they ever recover – they would have to be ordered anew – with a new minimum quantity order of the shop ——-

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8000

    Hello Pawel,
    I have measured my water – no ammonium inside. I use peat granules very rarely and when my store is empty, I will not buy peat again. I use your recipe for black water.

    in reply to: My passion. My life :) Asia, Malaysia, Johor :) #7994

    Mine and Bernds will come tomorrow!
    Hope the water parameter will not be too crasy – if EC is very hight, that will be natrium chloride for desinfection??
    pH will have to be adapted as well …

    in reply to: My passion. My life :) Asia, Malaysia, Johor :) #7991

    You’re kidding!
    You are caring for so many beautiful black water tanks!
    And your wonderful Czekoladki :woohoo: 🙂
    I am not an experienced breeder, just P.linkei (they seem to breed everywhere 😉 ) and my P.phoenicurus for fortune when I got them new, that happens often, but no further offspring till now … But I want to try
    … B)

    in reply to: My passion. My life :) Asia, Malaysia, Johor :) #7989

    My local trader is client of Ruinemanns and I have asked for P. ornaticauda, but it depends on if they can find enough fish they need for the minimum order … They will inform me next week …

    in reply to: P.phoenicurus female, behavior? #7981

    Thank you!
    No, it was the only tank.
    I am already building up a new tank for a pair of P.phoenicurus.

    in reply to: Alder cones #7965

    I’m preparing my water as Pawel discribes in his thread about preparing water without peat. With peat or without peat and with elder cones extract – my pH doesn’t seem to get lower than 5,2 at the moment… Measured with electrode and with drop test and photometer …

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #7961

    With Micros and Protogen … But it’s rather difficult to feed not to much …

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #7959

    Hello Arno, hello Bernd,
    Thank you! I don’t feed many Micros at one time. So I will go on feeding them!

    And by the way – the mosquito larvaes on the balcony are already fine!

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