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  • in reply to: just spawned. mystery snail egg eater? #5210

    No fries yet! Give me a few days or weeks to see if i can get some to survive!

    As for how many i have, just the pair and i have moved snails and the lone ghost shrimp out. I had three pvc pipes in there, the thinking behind it was to provide options. But maybe I’ll stick to just one after this batch.

    Anyways seems like the male transferred most the eggs to one of the other pvc pipes. Will be interesting if he moves them all or not. And if not to see if both locations hatch.

    in reply to: just spawned. mystery snail egg eater? #5206

    I’ve moved the snail but had to pickup the pvc pipe. I tried my best to not cause any eggs to drop. Currently the male is moving back and forth between my pvc pipes but he seems to be active around the one with eggs. Just not staying in it as long as before, hopefully its just for the time being.

    How long does it take the eggs to hatch? Whats a typical timeframe from spawning hatching fry free swimming, taking baby brine shrimp/microworms to adulthood? I’ve also been trying to procure vinegar eels but its to cold to ship any right now. There’s quite a few specialized betta shops here so hopefully they carry some but most only carry brine shrimp eggs, microworms, blackworms and currently glassworms.

    Thanks for the response on the snail. I usually keep mystery snails in tanks i breed but those were either mouthbrooders or very prolific spawners so i didn’t care about survival rate as much.

    in reply to: Sexing P,filamentosus #5126

    I’ve been looking online and throughout the site. All the pictures i have come across of female filament gourami’s have a caudal filament. Can i get clarification on this? Does female p.filamentosus all have filaments at the caudal fin or is it possible that i might have have a different female species since mine has no filament?

    in reply to: Sexing P,filamentosus #5020

    So it’s kind of safe to say that when I was “trying” to identify the gender I was using some what the most “correct” method of identification?

    The pair I picked where pretty stressed out and there were some definite males but they were sluggish and not very active. They just got them in that morning, so I chose the most active fish which I think was a male, it was pretty small and pale but I could see a light banding in the caudal fin.

    As for the possible female, I picked the most active without any noticeable banding.

    The LFS also had P. Parvalus, I think since it was called Red Spotted Pygmy Licorice Gourami, but they all looked very similar. Some had a little more color at the fins but most were just a transparent/pale color. Maybe my brother can pick up that species.

    Helene, how would you sex the P.Parvalus since you stated that they were a little easier to sex? It might actually be easier in a week or two once they have had time to settled down and color up.

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