

Benjamin Wilden

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: P. ornaticauda available at Aquanom in Northeim! #9354
    Benjamin Wilden

    First of all, thank you, Chris, for sharing this.

    If it is as Chris says there is no problem.The owner is willing to give the fishes to our project and everyone interested might contact him and get some fishes via GO. So I will contact him and take a few pairs. If I am right he will be happy for every pair in good hands and if not he might just not send the fishes individually and needs to sell them locally. He can decide.

    Peter and Helene are right, but as the fishes are here everyone interested should rush and try to breed them 😉

    in reply to: Censusreminder-Survey #9144
    Benjamin Wilden


    thanks Helene for bringing that point back into my mind. Of cause not all of our members are active. But we go around and state that we have about 500 members. We don´t know how much of them are acually dead mailadresses so you are probably right. The census tells us (a guess at least) how many people are active. I know that there are a lot more people who just don´t participate on a regular basis, but I think we should think about the real active members.

    Thanks Rafael for your idea. We discussed that a lot of times before and it is just not working. We also tried a standard participationform in the past, but the people didn´t like it and kept mailing their stock. With all the experience of the past I personally feel that the way we do it right know is as userfriendly as possible. There are new technological ways of cause, but everyone is used to mailing (well not everyone but most of our members) and there are a lot of people who have problems with upcoming software. I am sorry to say that, but this is the playground of our generation and not the majority of our members. Maybe in the future we could install a dual system, but at the moment I don´t see a need for that.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Censusreminder-Survey #9122
    Benjamin Wilden

    Hi Stefanie,

    you got it right, I decided to send two reminders as we did before.

    We always try to enhance the participation in the census since only 10% of our members are actually participating. So we are always open for new ways to improve.

    I agree that the participation is a matter of individual discipline of the members, but we have seen in the past that the reminders increase the number of participants.

    We just want a way to reach the most without spamming. So it looks like the two reminders are good and we have no better solution.


    in reply to: Censusreminder-Survey #9117
    Benjamin Wilden

    Thank you for your opinions.

    I agree that this time was a bit strange because of the special newsletter.

    If all of you like to be remembered at the beginning and one week before ending of the period by mail that is fine. I can do that. But I must disagree to do it as the last ones. I don´t want to extend the period every time. That should be an exceptional action if there are far too low participation numbers. If we do that everytime it has no effect anymore.

    So I will definetely send a reminder an the beginning and than state clearly in the last reminder that there are no reports included if sent after the deadline (of cause I will include them a day after, but I just want everybody to be aware of that).

    But I am always open to better ideas.


    in reply to: Censusreminder-Survey #9108
    Benjamin Wilden

    Hello Martin,

    think this is a nice idea. Helene will probably be able to install that, but also she can tell how many members are online here in one month. In my opinion the goal is to touch all the others.

    We already have a censusreminder on the page. Lets see what Helene has to say.


    in reply to: Catfish #8963
    Benjamin Wilden


    as Peter already mentioned I keep these C.parvidentata for about 7 years now. I bought them as C. parvidentata and hope they are. BUT I never proved because my shrimp taxonomy knowledge is too small.

    As 7 Zwerge said: They reproduce very fast till pH of about 5. Parosphromenus seem to act different depending on species and other available food sources.
    My P. sumatranus ate all the young shrimps so their population can´t grow. In this topic I have to correct you. They live quite a long time. I think 3 years is possible in good conditions.
    The P. phoenicurus were not able to stop them, so the population is very large and there are always young shrimps in the tank.

    I don´t really care if these shrimps are originally with the Parosphromenus. They do well in the tanks and are an additional animal to watch (if no fish is willing to show up).


    in reply to: Ultricularia sp (especially gibba) #8792
    Benjamin Wilden


    I also have U. gibba in all of my tanks. It seems to establish by itself and was not introduced on purpose.

    When I visited Kuantan all the possible Parosphromenus habitats were coverd with a large growing and yellow flowering Utricularia sp.. I took some, but it did not grow as expected. I don´t think any of the usual aquatic Utricularia do harm fishes.



    in reply to: Filter bacteria growth under PH 5. #8515
    Benjamin Wilden

    the influence of leaves are mostly known. Just google it and you will find a lot. I usually don´t measure my water for nutrients. Maybe I should sometimes. But that testcase (same as yours) is very inaccurate. For the conductance you will need a divice or calculate it with your gh and kh values. But that is indeed very bad on the basis of your testkit.


    in reply to: Filter bacteria growth under PH 5. #8513
    Benjamin Wilden


    thank you Vale! The paper is quite interesting and indeed an answer to my question above.

    I think little experiments like yours are fun, although I do not really understand what your result is 😉

    In my understanding your filter worked under differnt conditions, is that basicly it?

    It is too bad that the canadians did not test aquariums with low pH. But it is really good to know. I will search for more, when I´m next time in the Univertity libary.


    in reply to: Filter bacteria growth under PH 5. #8510
    Benjamin Wilden


    I think everyone pointed interesting aspects.

    But what do we want? – We want acid water, no actually sterile water. The content of ions are important, but the density of bacteria also matter. Peter and others tested that before. So we use acid and tannins to reduce bacteria. Usually we don´t want black water because of its color.

    So yes, bacteria are everywhere and able to live in way more habitats than fishes, but the peatbogs exist for a reason: the bacterial and fungal activity and degradation is reduced.

    Back to the topic: I think there are a lot of parameter that influence the efficiency of your filter.
    As long as the current is not too strong your filter wont harm your fishes. You will make your experiences and decide on your own whether a filter is good for your fishes.

    : Have you any evidence that Archea have a significant impact to fish tanks? (I´d just like to know)


    in reply to: P. sumatranus? #8048
    Benjamin Wilden

    You made some good pictures. I just recognised the other topic.
    If these fishes are P. sumatranus related, they are almost adult. Young P. sumatranus don´t really have color. They are more like black and brown dotted.

    We can imagine the black dot in the dorsal fin. But in some photos it is missing. Maybe you have individual fish, or a differnt photo situation?

    For me the photos in the other topic are interesting. It seems that the ventral fins and the gill cover are shinig cyan. That would be really differnt.

    Nice fish!

    in reply to: Mysterious conductance increase #7906
    Benjamin Wilden

    Ok, thank you. I will order that book 😉

    in reply to: Mysterious conductance increase #7904
    Benjamin Wilden

    Thank you Patrick. You are right, my experience with “normal water” fits into your data.

    Do you have any references for that data? I would like to read a bit more but can´t find it in the internet.

    I just tested my rainwater and made a little experiment. I put some oak leaves and branches in and the next day the pH is about 4 at 37 µS. It seems that my water has less buffering ions than ever.

    So your explanation is fitting.

    in reply to: Mysterious conductance increase #7899
    Benjamin Wilden

    You might be right Patrick. Conductance is effectivly the amount of ions. I never thought of the H+ ions as conductance effectors. But there are two new problems, first there must have been a dramatic decrease of pH out of nowhere, and second if that was so it had to effect the conductance that much.

    Normally the conductance is mainly effected by Ca2+ ions and I think maximum about 80 µS is effected by H+, OH- and HCO3-. So this might be a part of my conducance increase but not the only reason.

    in reply to: Mysterious conductance increase #7891
    Benjamin Wilden

    The meter is working correctly. I just calibrated and tested it.

    I washed nothing with the water and used only some alder cones, which i used before, too. So I exclude them.

    My fingers, yes there might have been some sweat or tap water sticking on, but does that effect 160 litre?
    I never had this before, but shurely used my hands all the time 😉

    Know I replaced all of the water and everything seem perfect again. But i will go on with the measure the next weeks.

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