

Bernd Bussler

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  • in reply to: Parosphromenus phoenicurus #7690
    Bernd Bussler

    Yes I was also true many times before and thought what kind of Paros are, but there are phoenicurus. This will certainly work, and as I said there are offspring of phoenicurus. The “target” is reached now, we want to make sure the phoenicurus in our aquaria maintained :cheer:

    in reply to: Parosphromenus phoenicurus #7684
    Bernd Bussler

    Man, I’m glad to hear tighten the increasingly Parofreunde phoenicurus. With me is nothing, the males have time just color, nothing more. But I can not succeed in everything. 🙁 :dry: :unsure:

    in reply to: Conductivity: how low may it be? #7665
    Bernd Bussler

    Of course we should deal responsibly with peat, I use also no large quantities and when the peat used up, worn out is it will of course continue to be used. Maybe jamand an idea what we take to conserve peat, easy to obtain, is safe and applicable to everyone.

    in reply to: Conductivity: how low may it be? #7661
    Bernd Bussler

    I’m thinking like Peter. But I have to defend the Peat without I would be the Peat today not where I am now.
    Torfgranulat I wash not. I screened it out so that the dust content is as small as possible and then I cook it in the normal water at once, so it does not float on the surface but falls to the ground.
    Sure, the conductance is high, he makes other types of peat also, I have not found a peat of the conductance does not increase and experiment with acids I think is very questionable, I work occasionally with 30% hydrochloric acid but also only with refurbishment and without fish, also drives the conductance in the height,. After the second or third water change but this is over. I think that the pH value is critical to a low number of bacteria only in part. The regular water changes, I consider it more important to me once with 50% doing water change a week.
    I know Paro aquariums that are heavily planted, also has the following value for the pH and buffers sharply, an aquarium with lots of plants tends always to a neutral pH value. Of course juveniles grow even in such aquariums. Plants also influence the conductance. I myself use only rain water, conductivity 8-20, and have only plants in the aquarium where I’m raising pups, otherwise only peat, leaves and algae that thrive. But I also have to constantly check and can use any hiding places.
    Do not make it complicated in nature and not everything goes according to Paros, Paros is there the need to frequently change and adapt to poor conditions.
    Water changes, conductance to 80, best food and plenty of rest so that you get the most species tightened, with or without plants or turf or acids or or ……… ……… most Paros are harder to take in as we assume. Using this method I have two clutches again yesterday with about 60 juveniles (Pekan Nanas tweedei) get. :blush:

    in reply to: A grade paper #7653
    Bernd Bussler

    When the leaves have been lying wet on the floor I wash them and dry them when dry on the floor then just like that in the aquarium.
    The best of the bottom of the aquarium is covered with leaves, otherwise reflect the animals on the ground that they do not like.

    in reply to: A grade paper #7647
    Bernd Bussler

    I’m afraid the seeds of this species is moldy in the aquarium. does not contain humic substances that ensures that, for example, peat can not moldy. Will probably worsen rather water quality. 😳

    in reply to: My passion. My life :) Asia, Malaysia, Johor :) #7610
    Bernd Bussler

    No Problem
    I slice with Google Translater and unfortunately translates not always good

    in reply to: My passion. My life :) Asia, Malaysia, Johor :) #7607
    Bernd Bussler

    OK if you’re so far log on “” then everything should follow his path 🙂

    in reply to: My passion. My life :) Asia, Malaysia, Johor :) #7602
    Bernd Bussler

    Hi Andrzej

    Parosphromenus tweediei ,
    Parosphromenus harveyi ,
    Parosphromenus alfredi ,
    Parosphromenus paludicola ,
    Parosphromenus rubrimontis.

    All present and locality

    in reply to: My passion. My life :) Asia, Malaysia, Johor :) #7594
    Bernd Bussler

    Hi Andrzej
    I am glad it in Poland Paro breeders and lovers are. in the company where I work, there are Polish people could possibly take on holiday or traveling home Paros to Poland, we could supply “you” safely with one or the other type Paro? 🙂

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7591
    Bernd Bussler

    Thank You 😆

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7582
    Bernd Bussler

    Now the mediator asks beforehand from a certain background knowledge and are only my address free and the interested party can contact me and gets his wish animals. I would also request background knowledge that would take time demanding that I could spend meaningful with my fish rather than sitting at the computer for hours and now I’m very happy times indeed. :woohoo:

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7576
    Bernd Bussler

    Yes this discussion I had already heard before, but until now there was no ideas how this can be umgestezt. I think if there are serious prospects they are the “detour” via “” go and we will do everything for it to do so they can get their Paros …………… even if I have to go for 400 km. 🙂

    in reply to: Parosphromenus phoenicurus #7571
    Bernd Bussler

    Beautiful Paros, great pictures ……………… and the aquarium a dream. This is something I would have liked, but I am for growing “damn” and have for such a great aquarium no time and space, also how should I start out young fish there? 😉

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7569
    Bernd Bussler

    I’ve got more versions add a comment about Stefanie.
    I bekome stomach pain on this topic. If we can sell a mediator without the animals there is a possibility that a few try to take advantage of the have too many animals tightened some breeders and do not know where to put it. Would you buy stocks and sell.
    Also, I would like to receive as a breeder not hundreds of emails with merchant.
    I breed Paros and do not have time to answer 100 emails every day. Better one knows where the animals are raised and taught. So I have no stomach pain since the intermediary can already find out whether it is a serious “New breeders” can be.
    Otherwise, came before the idea of a central sanctuary to judge a good idea. but who wants to do it, who has so much space when I’m retired time I would think about whether I could do it …………… from morning to night fish pack and ship ……….. so the hobby makes it fun right? :S

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