

Bernd Bussler

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  • in reply to: My God – whats that in my new Paro tank? #7016
    Bernd Bussler

    You can catch them if you pull a tall glass with stem (champagne glass) over them, the glass can not see them, then you can get them out. This Dragonfly larva is quite large and takes a lot of food to grow and eat anything they can grab. Sooner than I had Bettas I have fed them, but Bettas are great to eat without problems in the management dragonfly larvae.

    in reply to: My God – whats that in my new Paro tank? #7002
    Bernd Bussler

    I’m just ponds, summer and winter, and otherwise I have black mosquito larvae in the garden.
    Sure you’re right because you one or the other “evil” creatures captures themselves.
    But if the feed is screened should not be a problem, plus I’m starting mayfly larvae also the alledings I just look at it before I’ll feed. But that makes the course during spawning noticeable, better food you can not give your fish.

    in reply to: My male eat eggs… #6997
    Bernd Bussler

    I have a lot of experience and have often tried to bring it to hatch eggs without a man. I may have one or sometimes even once brought five larvae to slip, it goes, but is very difficult, and if it succeeds, the larvae still not in safety. Mold and bacteria will then kill the most.
    Just do not lose heart, there are still many eggs come and safely survive one way or another larva

    in reply to: My God – whats that in my new Paro tank? #6996
    Bernd Bussler

    I think it’s a good idea to leave the aquarium empty.
    Dragonfly larvae have the size of Paros are killed in the position Paros. In nature, they even catch prey that are larger than themselves.
    Better the food pour through a strainer and feed only the sifted daphnia.

    in reply to: My male eat eggs… #6978
    Bernd Bussler

    All Paros love mosquito larvae, I breed mosquito larvae in the garden and Fütter my breeding pairs thus, brings humor and lots of eggs.
    Yes try the eggs artificially hatch, but you do not do so many hopes. I sometimes can hatch individual larvae. The Paro men make it better:-)

    in reply to: My male eat eggs… #6953
    Bernd Bussler

    Not willing, indeed have a few, but with the two I can not breed, the girl is deformed and does not suggest eggs.

    in reply to: My male eat eggs… #6950
    Bernd Bussler

    Not Boy? when you have children of the animals.
    The Google translator is sometimes a bit strange in his translation

    in reply to: My male eat eggs… #6949
    Bernd Bussler

    When harvey I’ve seen this the man during the brood care has died and the girl has then finished maintained ……………………. is also and is perhaps in the nature of “normal”?
    Good luck …… which is already
    And if you have a boy, I already sign up once for a couple.

    in reply to: My male eat eggs… #6944
    Bernd Bussler

    Something for PH value. It comes naturally depends on how the aquarium is equipped, many plants are present the Ph value will always try to come to Ph 7, plants stabilize the water values​​. few plants and furnishings favor a low PH value. In the aquarium, where I take care of my ornaticauda I have no means out of caves, but a PH value below 4

    in reply to: My male eat eggs… #6943
    Bernd Bussler

    The problem that the eggs are eaten safely have all breeders. For a more in Paros other less and in some species, linkei or harveyi and tweedei eggs are eaten as well as no. This is surely the water quality together, but the exact relationships, nobody knows. Try and try again and again, just so I could feel myself coming ornaticauda get in between you always have success again.

    in reply to: My male eat eggs… #6938
    Bernd Bussler

    Why all the effort. I oak my PH unit maybe twice a year. In nature, the PH value holds even for equipment and specifications. You can be sure that the fish it does not matter whether the PH is 5.1 or 5.5. In its habitat, the PH value changes safe after a rain in minutes without which he gets into trouble. Think that is intended to show a PH unit rather where Ph is acidic or alkaline, the value is in the aquarium anyway not stable and changes with changes of water and food.

    in reply to: forming pairs #6924
    Bernd Bussler

    I do not think the Paros have a spawning embossing. I’ve been doing this for years and Parogenerationen way. Besides, you do not keep interrupting the brood, in the moment in which the larvae darken they float freely and require no more brood care. I have tried several times to erbrüten eggs or white larvae separately, which I did not succeed. And just so it is also possible Paros to breed in larger quantities. I think it has to do with the water quality if eggs are eaten or not and even with my eggs are often eaten, who have spawned many times together as well as couples. In addition, if you have more than a girl with a man you it can happen that are between the lavas have some new eggs and larvae can be recovered not without destroying the eggs.

    in reply to: forming pairs #6922
    Bernd Bussler

    If enough plants and leaves to hide are present, enough hatchlings will survive. I do it a little differently. All my caves are visible,
    the eggs are white and the hatched larvae even when the larvae color from white to dark I take the cave with the larvae out and put them in an empty aquarium. So I can feed the pups targeted. My aquariums are 50x25x20 cm tall, so about 25 L content

    in reply to: Malaysia in November #6887
    Bernd Bussler

    Well, I have alfredi trapped in a large creek with clear water, I look at home if I still have a habitat photo of it. No idea whether there are also black water alfredi, but the habitat in Sedilli is clear water and rather have a small river than a creek.

    in reply to: Malaysia in November #6885
    Bernd Bussler

    I did not say that. I have always taken fish to take home. Last time safely 80-100 Paros. They are small and can not be seen by the light, they have always transported in the luggage and not in your hand luggage, that was no problem

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