

Bernd Bussler

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  • in reply to: my new linkei :-) #6762
    Bernd Bussler

    Vielleicht kann Helene helfen, habe leider keine Ahnung wie man das macht.

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #6720
    Bernd Bussler

    Nice that it goes so fast. When the great male once then makes the two girls it is even better. Yes they are a smaller sizes and a male who has escaped me another big.

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #6713
    Bernd Bussler

    You will need a while to get used to the new circumstances.
    But if they then show color you’ll be amazed

    in reply to: Effective against hydra? #6700
    Bernd Bussler

    I do not often Hydra, but as I’m starting to 95% of my food in the great outdoors and’ll feed my fish does that happen now and then. I have never lost a fish by Flubenol. However, all die snails, planaria and other molluscs. Since I have no shrimp I can not tell you how they react to it.

    in reply to: Effective against hydra? #6679
    Bernd Bussler

    If there are problems give me your address and I’ll send you a baggie Flubenol. I still lie about 500gr and do not mind spending a little off.
    Greetings Bernd

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6659
    Bernd Bussler

    Now he tries to do so,’ve razed water change (13 us / pH 4.1) which has worked once. Tomorrow or the day I’ll know it.
    Last week I had scrim at least another 2 larvae from 20 eggs. The course I have not taken out, so I block my no aquarium and since I have thoroughly cleaned all aquarium 10 days ago, so have no more algae in the aquarium, the survival Changen the two larvae are very low.

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6657
    Bernd Bussler

    Likewise, I also think just a clutch (30 eggs) discovered during my ornaticauda, hopefully it will this time something …………………. at 5, 2 pH
    and 50% water change.

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6647
    Bernd Bussler

    which is quite sufficient if you feed the pH value goes even further down, but levels off at some point a at a value. Spawning make Paros even in low water but it does not develop into larvae thus there are no pups, ornaticauda is there a very good example, they lay eggs at pH 6, but there are no larvae.

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6645
    Bernd Bussler

    Right, I agree with you, the lower the KH / us the easier it is to lower the pH.
    But as I said, get to the “exact” pH value not so great thoughts, I do not do and I have last year about 400 Paros created for different types without attending to adjust the pH “exactly”. Water changes and good food in my opinion is important, and plenty of rest, my Paros see me only once a day, otherwise they are alone and live in peace.

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6633
    Bernd Bussler

    So I think that the pH is over rated value. I change the peat when I clean the tank, when the ground is 2x a year, then I also do inventory.
    Otherwise, I do not begrudge my animals much calm and good food. It has not spawned any Paroart with me, even if I do not always get the same pups. Exception is perhaps ornaticauda want it really acid.
    Greetings Bernd

    in reply to: Black peat granules as ground due #6627
    Bernd Bussler

    Hello you two
    I’ve been using for years Torgranulat as Bodengund with rainwater.
    My pH value goes to the exchange and water changes to pH 3 and then settles down a few days later at pH 4-5 a. However, I make every week 50% water changes with water from 8-15 up means that almost anything goes if you keep the temperature at least 25 ° C ……………….. . except deissneris

    in reply to: Methods for extensive breeding in the adults tank? #6607
    Bernd Bussler

    That’s ok if you let the pups with their parents it will get little pups high but that’s enough to go on. The aquarium should be well Planted or leaves on the ground set so that the young can hide. Want to get more young people who you’ve got to take them to another aquarium.
    Greetings Bernd

    in reply to: Methods for extensive breeding in the adults tank? #6605
    Bernd Bussler

    Hello Davy
    The best way to get as many pups she is put in a separate aquarium. I Breed for 20 years Paros and can say I’ve tried everything to cubs on to draw. I take the pups when they into the black larval stage simply go from the white larval stage out and put them in an empty aquarium that already a few weeks is empty and feed with Paramecium, later with Culexlarven and pond lining.
    So I raised hundreds of Paros over the years
    Greetings Bernd

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6499
    Bernd Bussler

    Ok, I’ll send you an email when it is so far

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6497
    Bernd Bussler

    Well then you can give it a try soon with other types, I should soon follow suit ornaticauda I also think of you. The further spread, the more reliable inventory
    Greetings Bernd

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