

Bernd Bussler

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  • in reply to: (SAFE!) chemicals to push PH down with #8571
    Bernd Bussler

    Indeed, even in it are safe substances that are not good, there are better and safer ways to make the water more acidic. Hydrochloric acid would be a better solution, but should be used with caution, better peat or oak extract or oak leaves, although takes a little longer until the value Ph singing but it’s safe and the animals survive.
    Greeting Bernd

    in reply to: (SAFE!) chemicals to push PH down with #8569
    Bernd Bussler

    Yes that looks good, but for safety before out catch the fish, because I’m not sure if it’s the same means as with us, and therefore dangerous. If that’s not for you to the fish after 1-2 hours and for a 50% water change back again, or you can fish for the control in the aquarium. The Flubenol that I use colors the water first, white, milky, but after a day that goes away again. Another note, all molluscs die, snails, ie after using the agent kontrolieren whether there are any dead snails in the aquarium that could make the water bad

    in reply to: (SAFE!) chemicals to push PH down with #8567
    Bernd Bussler

    I think vinegar for not a good idea. In vinegar are always accessories for preservation include, better oak extract from the pet shop, are available in different sizes to purchase.
    Hydra can be a problem, they can not but be impressed by acidic water. Without chemistry we will not get rid of them. I use Flubenol, unfortunately do not know how the powder is in English. Is not dangerous for fish and works 100%. This powder is used in livestock breeding against intestinal worms and is mostly just to get a veterinarian, at least in Germany. Should you not be successful in procuring have then write me a Privaet mail via the website, I look then if I can help you.
    Greeting Bernd

    in reply to: How much to feed paros? #8560
    Bernd Bussler

    I would say the linkei, tweedei or rubrimontis are suitable for “beginners”, they do not need so exremen pH values and are already at pH 5 to breed.

    in reply to: how to create a pair from a group? #8555
    Bernd Bussler

    There is another possibility. With me you spawn Paros in caves when males and females in the cave to spawn pull back, you can put together both cave.

    in reply to: How much to feed paros? #8547
    Bernd Bussler

    In 7L water volume is definitely to make sure the move only so much food into the aquarium as the fish can eat in a short time, otherwise there is the danger that the aquarium water is bad and the fish die. I spend very little food, that is, a Paro can possibly eat 5-10 Daphnia, then he is tired. The water is living in the Paros not very healthy for Daphnia and they survive very long and not die, with other food animals similar, also hold the BBC not long by. Furthermore, I am of the opinion that Paros do not have to be fed every day, 3-4 times a week is sufficient. Only in young animals should be fed every day. With this amount of water 7L I would definitely change once a week 30% water.
    Greeting Bernd Bussler

    in reply to: Chaoborus and Ephemeroptera larvaes for paros #8542
    Bernd Bussler

    Black mosquito larvae come only from April again in front in the garden. Drausen in nature will be found black Mückenlarfen again under favorable conditions from February

    in reply to: Chaoborus and Ephemeroptera larvaes for paros #8540
    Bernd Bussler

    Yes both very good food, Ephemeroptera are very soft and are eaten by all Paros. Chaoborus about the same, but they can be dangerous juveniles as there are predatory insect larvae. I feed both types common in my breeding pairs, which are many eggs. Unfortunately, both types may be obtained not always.
    Greeting Bernd :cheer:

    in reply to: P. tweediei (ruinemans 2013) questions!!! #8535
    Bernd Bussler

    Now Bernd Bussler reports once on the subject.
    The eggs of Paros have little change to evolve if they are not cared for by their parents. I really have tried everything, but from eggs whom I removed from their parents, I could only occasionally bring Jungparos to slip
    When the boy fishes leave the nest is strongly dependent on the temperature at me about 26 ° C, which lasts 4 to 5 days, but I’ll take the den with pups out earlier. If they turn dark and no longer depend foam nest. There are of course other ways, for example, leave everything in the aquarium with their parents or take out the parents, both methods work, survive it definitely enough juveniles.
    My method (Bussler method) I’m at as many kittens to get and move on to. Makes you not worry so much, as the main thing you have ever bred, showing the grooming her your Paros properly and if everyone repeatedly rears few Jungparos year we have done everything right and can get this wonderful little fish. 🙂

    in reply to: help with id ? alfredi ? tweediei ? rubrimontis? #8456
    Bernd Bussler

    I’m thinking like Peter. Without humic it is certainly, but just not necessarily good. I for one think that I could not breed as many Paros without humic substances. I also tried it on several occasions with no peat, with some, such linkei works quite well, but most other species need at least one Torfzusatz. That depends, I think, along with the germ load, no humic = many germs, and these prevent the egg fertilization, humic substances prevent high bioburden. Germs clog the capillaries of the egg so that the sperm no change has ever to penetrate into the egg before. So I have learned again on a VDA seminar 🙂

    in reply to: The Hamburg Meeting #8370
    Bernd Bussler

    I’m glad to hear that you all enjoyed and we would like to make a second meeting. It was to allow a lot of work and organization necessary to the. All the better to hear it was worth the effort. It was very nice to finally get to know you even live that meistenen I knew so only from the forum, e-mail, and beautiful that many have also taken Paros and ensure that they are circulated. I am happy to belong to such an organization. In any organization where I am a member, or previously had, it’s so harmonious, quiet and sterss to free as in our Paroproject. I hope that we continue to have so much fun at our hobby as before and still win a lot of members to do so.
    Greeting Bernd 🙂

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #8359
    Bernd Bussler

    Either way, if you need larger quantities
    You have to pour it on a screen, of course, not make too fine and only slight water contact, then they go through the net and you can skim it clean ……. on bloodworms. In the black, you simply do in a größenen container with clean water and wait until the dirt has settled and then you can the black fly larvae easily and cleanly Fishing out with the Nets.

    in reply to: Film cannisters, breeding holes, etc. #8358
    Bernd Bussler

    Hello Jonette
    No, all is well, the color does not matter, though they take rather dark colors, black, brown or the like, but if nothing else is available, they also take other colors. :cheer:

    in reply to: ID Help #8337
    Bernd Bussler

    Yes this is normal. Sometimes when I need more young fish, I set 3 girls in an aquarium, and 5 days later to a male. This has the advantage that can already know the girls and hide when it is too intrusive. Most spawning the males then successively with all the girls from so and then get 60 to 80 eggs, and if all the fry hatch, they eat well, you can, you have a lot of young ……… that’s fine

    in reply to: My new pahuensis female – is it really pahuensis? #8302
    Bernd Bussler

    So a single male is sure have more men than girls. 🙂

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