

Foster Reves

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  • in reply to: P. deissneri breeding #3490
    Foster Reves

    Hi Peter and thank you for your response. I will number my answers to correspond with your questions.

    1.I am fairly certain they are deissneri. I will check the males later this evening however. I ordered them from Anubias Design. Mark seems very knowledgable of labyrinth fish and often has at least several species of Parosphromenus to offer at any given time.

    2. I am not seeing a significant difference in size however three defintely display the rich coloration of males of this species. Two are very subdued in coloration and one I am just not sure about.

    3. I suppose not. Again refer to the first answer.

    4. No. They were all actually quite small when I received them. They have all put on size and weight since however.

    5. To be honest I rarely ever test my water. Our local water source (the New River) is relatively clean and I religously perform weekly partial water changes on all of the aquatic and semi-aquatic tanks. I rarely ever lose animals and many breed. With that being said, I did test all of the tanks about two months ago when checking ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels on a new tank that was setup for some fish that were being imported from Germany and all of them checked out just fine.

    6. There is no doubt that they very much prefer live and frozen food over the flakes. I feed three times a day (small amounts). In the morning is when I offer flakes, mostly for the danios. The deissneri pick at them but not with the same gusto as they do fresh foods. I generally feed live foods in the afternoon and frozen in the evenings.

    7. “Galaxy” danios are small, generally only a few cm long. They are not nearly as active as many of the more common species. I once kept some with a few Betta imbellis and they hid all the time. In this setup however they are more active and breed with some regularity.

    8. In Virginia (USA).


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