

Pavel Chaloupka

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  • in reply to: Breeding of one pair over 2 days period? #6871
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Hello Stefanie,

    Thanks for explanation. I have already seen that behavior with the female. When she aproaches the cave to quickly, the males first instinct reaction seems to be striking fast attack. It was scary when I saw it for the first time.

    in reply to: forming pairs #6868
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Will do 🙂 I dont know how I do this. I have bred so many species but I am still excited as when I was 7 years old when I get new fish to spawn 😀 Thanks for the support.

    in reply to: forming pairs #6866
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Or I should probably stop the panic and think first, then I would come up with the idea of adding some more plants and leaves so that the female could hide and I dont have to threat the clutch. Just need a better flashlight.

    in reply to: forming pairs #6865
    Pavel Chaloupka

    I was really happy about that but now there seems to be a problem as the female that spawned is parsuing the other female quite hard. Even though the tank is almost full of plants and leaves, she is very well able to find and hunt her and she goes after her all the time. I am quite worried that I will have to isolate her from the pair as I would not like to loose a female. I am already building tanks so I could set up more breeding tanks. I have 5 females and 4 males, so will prolly choose two of the equaly sized females and try to make a set up where the parsued one could hide better when this occures. I just hate to interrupt the pair but it really seems like I will have to.

    in reply to: forming pairs #6863
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Thanks again, this seems to work. I have used one male and two females and right now it seems like they are spawning. Sadly I have used a dark glass phial as a cave and the water is very dark too, so taking any pictures is probably impossible.

    in reply to: forming pairs #6851
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Hello Bernd, thanks for options 🙂 This harem setup seems also very interesting. I just wonder if I should start building small tanks for leftover males. Seems like paros live pretty long and I could be housing some males for just in case reasons. Luckily I have a plan for a new fishroom so I will probably think about creating some storage department and retirement home in there 😀

    in reply to: forming pairs #6844
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Thanks very much Helene. I will give it a try then. May be Bernd was smiling as the answer to my question seems obvious even to me 🙂 but the article does not say pick two random fish so I was wondering if natural pairing has the same advantages as it has for most Bettas for example. It prolly has and I would assume if the male and female fit each other well they would not fight and stress each other so overall care about the eggs and fry should go smoother but as paros do not seem to be particulary agressive it may work when they do not have other possible partners. I think I have almost 50/50 sex ratio, so I can always try to give them a chance to pick other partners later if needed.

    in reply to: forming pairs #6842
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Sorry Bernd but is your answer just the emoticon? 😀

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6835
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Sorry, I tend to be somewhat abstracted and not fully focused when typing. I always think about some other stuff. Hope I am not confusing to often. :unsure:

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6833
    Pavel Chaloupka

    should have been: These are the pupae, check if I am right. :blush: pupae= plural from pupa, the stage that develops from larva and than develops in to imago. I hope I am clear now 😆

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6831
    Pavel Chaloupka

    these are the pupae check if I am right. I think its the most probable option unless you or some birds drinking from the buckets have brought some daphnia resting eggs. They pretty much resemble Daphnia.

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #6828
    Pavel Chaloupka

    If I see correctly these are mosquito pupae. Its eatable for fish, but they have harder body and quite a big head that is usually hard for small fish to ingest. Adult Sphaerichthys should be able to eat them without problems. But bringing these home may result in immediate hatching, so you need to prepare arguments for the rest from the family: No,the mosquitos biting you are not from my mosquito larvae that I feed to my fish. No! by any chance. 😉

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6822
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Well you can clearly see which tank is housing shrimps. I dont know who of the shrimp people invented that idea that shrimps consume their exuviae. What I have been doing for last couple days is finding these all over the tank 😀 it seems like they never even touch them and it feels like all the ten shrimps in the tank are moulting like very other day. I’m starting to worry abou some shrimpzilla that could show up in couple weeks. Def it seems that oak and beech leaves contain enough nutrients for them to grow. The tank does not seem much cleaner but thats prolly just not enough shrimps. They seem to be very good in self defence as today I cought a group of 6 paros encircling a shrimp and trying to at least bite of a leg but shrimp managed to escape without much problems. Its amazing how fast they swim when they need. My shrimps are def to young to cary any eggs yet, so paros were interested in shrimp itself for sure. Thats not the first time I saw them trying to hunt shrimps even though they def do not suffer of any hunger. It seems like when I started to feed with Chaoborus larvae (not sure how they are called in English, glass worm?)that are about 1 cm long paros have more confidence to attack the shrimps. They tried couple times after the shrimps were released to the tank and but have stopped very quickly but now they are attacking them again. I always saw a single fish hunting a shrimp, but today was the first time I observed such a wolf strategy.

    in reply to: The shrimp question #6819
    Pavel Chaloupka

    I dont think they would need special food to have offspring. They are very well equipped to get all they need from bacterial film in the tank, algae and every other piece of organic matter. Its their natural diet and they dont get anything else in their natural environment. From the information available her on the site it seems that shrimps are the the key part of the foodchain that makes nutrient available for higher standing organisms. Also for C. simoni soft and acidic water should be better than tap water especially when its conductivity is 900 μS. Yes it may be to soft or/and to acidic, but still there may be other factors that block their reproduction. For example fotoperiod could play a role and as you cant see your shrimps much, you cant be sure that young shrimps just do not get consumed by paros before they grow up. Even getting 15 animals to start with, there is also a slight chance you did not get one of the genders. Plus even water quality could be a problem, shrimps are sometimes more sensitive than fish to NO3 levels for example. Temperature comes to mind too. Not putting the new shrimps to paro tanks and trying if you are able to breed them under less extreme conditions could help to learn more about what parameteres are limiting with your particular aquarium shrimp population. Most of the time getting first generation that survived under your conditions and reproducing these from there on will give best results.

    in reply to: how leaves could hinder breeding #6815
    Pavel Chaloupka

    Thanks very much Bernd. Makes perfect sence as I dont use life plants in breeding tanks for quite some time as it may cause pH fluctuation. As I am not used to think in terms of bacterial load yet, it did not come to my mind, I was thinking about factors that would prevent the fish from spawning instead and it did not make much sence to me :).

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