

Günter Oberjatzas

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  • in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #4925
    Günter Oberjatzas

    For the Parosphromenus habitat I expect some Cryptocoryne as submers plants. We found C. yujii in a small stream with 3.5 pH (unfortunately are my resources of this plant to low to do a risky test). Also Utricularia graminifolia grow in such acid water. Blyxa and other Utricularia are seen in the dark brown water together with Barclaya species and Eleocharis. Some pictures and water parameter of the mentioned localities will follow.

    in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #4922
    Günter Oberjatzas

    Hello Peter and the group,

    concerning Cryptocoryne are a lot of information available from the exelent page of Jan Bastmeijer . Cryptocoryne bullosa is found in streems with fast flowing water, low conductivity but not realy very low pH values. The culture of this plants is not easy but works fine under submerse conditions. In the trade of ornamental plant for aquaristic use this species is very rare. Some others shall be easier to get and will tolerate the conditions used in Parosphromenus aquarium.

    I tried to cultivate in a Paro tank C. x thimahensis but it fails. I just instaled a tank with rainwater and start a test with some Crypts in plastic pots which will grow sufficiently. The result will be documented in this forum. The Crypts in this test are C. cordata forms, C. purpurea (what is a hybrid of C. cordata and C. griffitii), C. griffitii and C. spec.. For this species plants are available from the Crypto specialists. The traded plant species are mostly adapted to average water conditions and originated from Sri Lanka (as Peter wrote) with some exeptions. May be the well growing C. moehlmanii or C. pontederifolia are also to cultivate in acid water for Paros.

    Unfortunately I never looked after Paros in the wild because my focus was on Cryptocoryne. But I remember some ponds in the jungle with very dark and acid water. Here the Paros and Crypts may grow together. Next travel (in two weeks) is destinated to Thailand and no Paros are expected.

    If more specific information about Cryptocoryne is needed send me a message.


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