

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: Paros in Italy #7250
    helene schoubye

    Hello Mazzimo

    Thank you for keeping us updated on the development in Italy.
    It sounds really good, – I know how much it takes to prepare something like this. Please keep us updated also on how it goes.
    I took part in something like it two years ago, – and there were some good respons to it. I made some good contacts there.
    I am glad to see you have got p. phoenicurus also.
    The gunawani sounds interesting ? Are you sure they are gunawani ? 🙂 I bought some last year in Denmark with the label p. gunawani, – there were not that though.

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7243
    helene schoubye

    I feed mine microworms mostly from the first days. Vinegar eels are also useable.

    One of the things one also has to remember is to feed well, more times a day is good.

    Just last week I seperated some p. tweediei, which had been very inactive for a year at least, – 2 males and 3 females in a bigger tank. No activity at all.
    Then I seperated them into pairs in small tanks, and the next day one of the couples had eggs. I was also able to follow the development, so once they were free swimming but still in the cave, I took out the male and female.
    So I expect also to have some p. tweedieis soon :)… I can see them dart around, in particular before the light is on, and if I look into the tank with a flash light.

    in reply to: Short report from the Steering Group meeting 6 sep #7224
    helene schoubye

    I am very happy to say that we already got one offer to help with translation into french, – that is very good. Thank you for that, Herve Gonin. 🙂
    We are already a little bit behind with the french site, – but this gives us an opportunity to slowly get up to date.

    in reply to: Email address #7203
    helene schoubye

    Yes, – thank you 🙂 ..

    These things happens with mails sometimes. Perhaps sometimes the ‘lines’ are overloaded, much traffic or something else.
    But yes, the mails you send to me has gotten through fine.

    in reply to: Email address #7201
    helene schoubye

    Hello Merlin.

    Well, I got two mails from you 🙂 + I just send a test email which went through with no problems, – so there really is not problem.
    Sometimes mailsystems have a life of their own, – but as of just now, all is working perfectly.

    in reply to: Phoenicurus via MyFish and Aquarium Dietzenbach #7194
    helene schoubye

    Here is a photo taken this evening

    in reply to: Phoenicurus via MyFish and Aquarium Dietzenbach #7192
    helene schoubye

    I have four of these swimming now, – and they are indeed in good condition.
    It is my impression that quite a number of people have signed up for this project, and also joined the parosphromenus project.
    They may be quite young, and has of yet, in my tanks, not shown much spawning behaviour.

    in reply to: Living food for Paros #7160
    helene schoubye

    Yes, I would be concerned about not feeding too many unhatched eggs. Though I also think that the fish will mainly go for the live and kicking artemia nauplia, but as you say still …..

    I have not many very good ideas, but I always do it like this : after having harvested the nauplia, I put them in this little container, which I then (if I can see there are many unhatched eggs) leave to stand for a little time, perhaps five minutes. I place the container near some light, sometimes just pointing a flash light on the side of the container. Then it becomes quite obvious where the live artemia is gathering and you can then use the little syringe.

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7060
    helene schoubye

    Dorothee, – this is because we had actually just realized that things weren’t working with the previous distribution.

    I think that a mix of more ways could be good, – it would be easy to make a forum category suited to this, and even to make it locked or only for a definite group – and there could moderators (maybe more than one) who could attend to it. Its just a decision to be made.

    Again, on the other issue of transport, – yes, its too expensive for one individual, – but thats why I was thinking, it should be possible to connect people who live in the same area, and they might agree together on getting more fish at the same time.

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7053
    helene schoubye

    Thank you Stefanie, I think its good to hear what peoples actual experience is with how it has worked in the past. I agree, it is an important area to improve.

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7049
    helene schoubye

    But, Bernd, – I appreciate what you say, but it will in my view be difficult to expand to other areas than mainly Germany if we want to continue in same way as always.
    I think it is a natural consequense of the Project itself, that more people become interested, wants to become involved, – this is what the Project is also seeking, – and then some things might have to change.
    Perhaps we could involve more people in ‘active roles’ in the Project by having a ‘resource’ person in each important area, such as UK, France or South Europe, Scandinavia, East Europe etc..
    The distribution service could be one central coordinator + more resource people in different areas, who were responsible for contacts with people looking for fish, or selling fish. This way for example people in UK might contact one person, who would then maybe once every half year help organize a collective ‘smaller’ import from Germany or whereever.
    And as Pavel says, sending a bit larger quantities is quite possible. But this is not possible for individuals.
    Of course I am not speeking for massive ‘exports’ of paros, thats why the ‘resource’ person should of course be a dedicated member here and be responsible for personal contacts and all that.
    This is just an idea and a thought.

    in reply to: JBL Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014 #7029
    helene schoubye

    Yes, its really interesting, – but why is noone making it with the asian localities :)?? .. I have seen a tank once with boraras maculatus in a competition, – it was so well done, and I think it won a prize.

    But I guess ours would become too dark to see anything B)

    in reply to: Guarding clutches #7020
    helene schoubye

    Yes, I understand that, – I think I mentioned this problem to you 😉
    For myself the best way it works is to have nice little tanks with pairs but not breed intensive, this way I manage to keep enough fish from one species to keep going, but only sometimes to have problems with too many of one species.
    My p. nagyi ‘cherating’ though is kind of an exception to this, – they get so many off springs. Just today I rearranged a small 12 liter with one pair, – I took out 6 about 1,5 cm big fry, but there were so many small ones still in there. There are probably still 10 small fry in the tank. I have had that before with this species, – sometimes there’s a pair that just produce so many offsprings even in these small tanks and with no interference from me.
    So thats an easy species to be grandfathering 🙂
    I wish the parvulus would be the same, but no, they get only one or two offspring. They could do with some intensive breeding, but I have never done that.

    in reply to: Guarding clutches #7018
    helene schoubye

    🙂 I would call it breeding behaviour, so I think I will just leave it in this category.

    I have the same experience with males, – some males simply dissappear and live their whole life inside their caves. I have sometimes really thought I had lost the male, because I never saw him, and then when finally emptying the tank would find that he had just been sitting inside some cave which had either been overgrown by javamoss or was otherwise hidden from my view.
    And other males dash in and out, busy feeding or courting females.
    I think its more a matter of the individual male and his particular temperament. I had a p. linkei male which was very unstable but I also have another p. linkei who really lives inside his cave, whether theres eggs or not, he is always sitting there.

    in reply to: fry right after getting out of cave #6983
    helene schoubye

    Fasinating 🙂 I love the way you say they all shared one oak leave , how sweet.

    But good to hear it seems to work out well, and it gives us more information regarding how quickly they grow as well.
    You now have a chance to study when the first sign of sexual differencies becomes clear.

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