

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: P. nagyi “Pekan Nenasi” #6292
    helene schoubye

    🙂 Stefanie, it may be as you say – probably the male, and probably early on in the proces.

    Bill, I think it has been done and is quite as possible as in other cases if you have the knowledge about it.

    in reply to: P. nagyi “Pekan Nenasi” #6289
    helene schoubye

    Apart from the good news about the one offspring, I think it also gives you the answer to why your nagyi pair do not ‘breed’ with many fry …
    It seems to me that the way for the fry to survive seem to be the fact that it was in the shrimp tank away from the parents, so I would suspect that the parents might – or the female might – go after their own fry…
    Its sounds weird why they should, but it does happen..
    If they breed again, I think I would take away the female as quick as possible and see if that gave more success

    in reply to: P. gunawani at Ruinemans #6284
    helene schoubye

    thats really sad with this experience for you.
    Maybe my fish are not from the same, although as I said its a bit strange that they too were called p.gunawani – these have never been for sale in Denmark before.And coming from Holland as well.
    But my fish are fine, – but they are not p.gunawani, I am quite sure about that.
    It will be as mentioned earlier here a bintan type, –
    As far as I can see its could well be the same species, – some younger than others, theres one dominant male which shows good colours, and two not dominant males with very pale and uncertain colours yet.
    And I am quite sure there are females as well 🙂 – so we will see in a while what will turn out of these.

    in reply to: P. gunawani at Ruinemans #6268
    helene schoubye

    How unfortunate for you, M.Kotzulla, thats sad.
    I can only add a little to what has already been said.
    I have recently bought the spirohexol tablets from the link Big Tom has posted SeahorseAquarium, – I have had correspondance with them not so long ago. They can still supply these tablets, but they will unfortunately run out.
    They actually also said they would contact the jbl representative so I might have had some contact with them regarding the medicine, but this never happened. Maybe if someone else from UK would contact them and ask or explain our situation and our understanding of the tablets, they would be willing to take contact to JBL. Its really unfortunate that they have stopped.
    I have tried the liquid, its not good.

    I would recommend that anyone with parosphromenus buy some of these tablets if you can get hold on them. If you have them in the refrigerator they will last some time. I have 3 bottles now, and I do use them now and again.

    I would also say, as Peter, – it may or may not be odinium. It sounds like a heavy attact to develop so quick, – however, I have had fish that suddenly was really infected, – but I would never have called that in a ‘fungus’ kind of way. Its like a heavy blanket of small particles, not fungus like … so I am not quite sure about the diagnosis here.
    I have however experienced that even heavily infected fish (with odinium) respond well to the spirohexol. Lastly I had some very small fry, that I suddenly discovered was quite attacted. I will post some photos here. They all recovered and are well.

    Just adding that the six I bought recently (supposed to be from the same batch as Kotzulla’s) are all fine, in fact they are quite lively and well.
    Sometimes with wild caught fish the travel can make the difference, meaning how long they stay under stressfull conditions (bags somewhere, cold temperatures etc)

    in reply to: P. gunawani at Ruinemans #6253
    helene schoubye

    One thing which to me would indicate that there also is a connection from the fish in Denmark to the ones you are talking about is the fact that they were put on sale under the name p. gunawani.
    This has never happened in Denmark, I am sure my local shop had no idea that there was a fish by this name.
    And also this shop often has fish from Ruineman in Holland.

    in reply to: Tank cleaning/water changes in a tank with fry #6238
    helene schoubye

    I think that you should not underestimate the fry’s ability to take flight when ‘something’ is going on. In my experience putting down a hose and sucking out water is not likely to bring out any fry. If you hold it just beneath the plant cover and above the bottom – and make some ‘noise’ then that part is possible.
    Also with plant cover, if you make some movements, stir a little, the fry will swim away. You might lift up the plant to mid of the tank and keep shaking it a bit – it will eventually make the fry seek other hidingplaces. And then take the plant into a small container with little bit of water and observe it well for any fry. They are easier to see then also.

    If you want to empty out the whole tank it is a lot more complicated, with the bottom debrie and all that. But I still think the method is possible, making certain the fry can see and feel that they should get away, then suck a bit out careful.
    Also if you take out all decorations and plants and leave the tank to settle its much more easy to then see how many fry and where they are. I do admit its a process that could take hours.

    I always use quite a thin hose, that is also important in order to control things.

    The fry which unfortunately gets ‘hosed’ up normally doesnt suffer if they are small.

    in reply to: P. gunawani at Ruinemans #6231
    helene schoubye

    If there not females at least I cannot complain, since I caught them myself 🙂 .. I hope to have got 3 males and 3 females

    in reply to: P. gunawani at Ruinemans #6229
    helene schoubye

    B) Stefanie, I took the tank photos before catching (I was actually allowed to catch myself) – and of the six fish I bought theres only photos of the two of them.
    It might well be the same in the shop foto and in the hometank or the one you mention might hide in the back of my tank – hard to say, but there were not many fish for sale anyway
    Yeah, well, I have a bintan form now then, wasnt quite my intention but I get carried away

    in reply to: P. gunawani at Ruinemans #6224
    helene schoubye

    I quess I tend to agree 🙂 .. but still I do see the brownish colour, is that also normal with bintan types ?

    in reply to: P. gunawani at Ruinemans #6222
    helene schoubye

    A few more pics … I do see some brown in at least one of the males, a bit unsure about the other but otherwise they do look alike

    The middle picture is not gunawani at least I am sure about that. The other male ?
    But as Peter says the band in the fin is a bit high – but I wonder if that though could be due to young age ? The brown in the tail to me is quite clear, – and the other markings in the tail as well .. but I am no expert though 🙂 ..

    in reply to: P. gunawani at Ruinemans #6219
    helene schoubye

    To the best of my knowledge these could well be p. gunawani.

    (So I did buy six)

    Its always hard to tell with scared fish in a bright sales tank, but they have a special ‘body or fin – shape’ – they have the blue lines, they do have a faint brownish/reddish colour in the fins… so ….

    edit : they are not probably Gunawani 😉 unfortunately my id skills are inadequite

    in reply to: P. gunawani at Ruinemans #6217
    helene schoubye

    So .. the species is for sale in Copenhagen as well. Unfortunately I do not have any space, but I will go to the shop – if possible tomorrow and see if I can determine anything, maybe take a photo.
    Anyone near Copenhagen – the shop is Bonnie in Rødovre Centrum.

    in reply to: P. nagyi diary of M.Kotzulla, Leipzig, Germany #6172
    helene schoubye

    🙂 Sounds as a really good start for you. P. nagyi is a wonderful species. What colour is the coloured band in the tail ? There are two possible colours with p.nagyi – bluish or totally white ?

    I am only a bit curious regarding your tank size – 10 liters to me is enough for a pair of paroes, and also even for their offspring for a while, but for 3.3 I would not think it to be enough.
    At least you will definitely face some problems regarding fry growing up and you will also have to be doing really good waterchanges to keep a good quality of water.

    Also I really wondered about the b.hendra and b. tussyae, – do you keep those in 10 liters ?
    I have b.coccina and they do much better in a bigger tank, – mine is in 60 liter for 4 🙂

    in reply to: Which species would you choose? #6165
    helene schoubye

    Hi Phil.
    You would be talking about America, right?
    I think in that case possibly many of the species will be rather rare, but as Bartian says here in Europe Opallios is very seldom on the lists. It has been in short periods, like last year, there were some being offered in Sweden at least, and I think another place.
    In the states, though, I think having someone try to make a ‘base’ stock of p. nagyi or linkei would be really valuable as well, because these are extremely attractive species in my opinion. And in a way, though more often available, they are just as ‘rare’ in other ways. No paro species is really that ‘common’ 🙂 even here.

    in reply to: Parental cannibalism – or: Do paros eat their fry? #6158
    helene schoubye

    Bill, but the survival of the fittest would in my opinion also be the survival of the quickest, – so any ‘too slow’ fry is also ‘eliminated’ just as well as a fry with problems. I dont really think that a female would be able to determine if a fry has any physical problems or deformity, but simply having that means that the fry is probably less quick and less able to protect itself.
    But I guess having this in mind could indeed mean that by eating own fry it will be the quickest and strongest that survives.

    But I must also say, I am thinking of the difference between a dark, deep flowing water somewhere in the rainforest with lots of leaves and dark water, – I think probably quite a few more fry will escape than in our small tanks, where theres a limit to how far they can escape.

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