

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: id my paros please. #6047
    helene schoubye

    The one in the first photo which seems darker probably is just a dominant male ?

    Regarding species looks like these

    But I am not very good at id’ing 🙂 – maybe wait for someone else .. but they do look a bit like them

    in reply to: id my paros please. #6046
    helene schoubye

    Are both species in the photos ?
    I am not sure they are two different species, what makes you think so?

    in reply to: Endangered P. alfredi #6043
    helene schoubye

    This is not a very uplifting report, but thank you very much for sharing it here.

    in reply to: My Paros #6032
    helene schoubye

    Hi Gigio
    Welcome to the Parosphromenus Project and the forum. Nice to have you hear.
    But,- I am afraid its not really possible to say much about what fish you have, – except not deissneri as you yourself also do not think.
    But I would say at least it seems to me that you at least have both male and female. But to say more about which species you need better fotoes 🙂

    in reply to: P. nagyi in Germany / Saxony / Leipzig #6029
    helene schoubye

    P. nagyi has been offered recently in Denmark as well, – coming from Ruinemans in Holland, and labeled wildcaught. I think its likely that yours will be too.

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #6026
    helene schoubye

    Glad to hear that your fish didnt develop more of the supposed ick, – I think you are right that they might have been really stressed and good to hear they are recovering.
    Its also interesting to follow your treatment, HippoZosterae, – I hope it will have effect. I hope you will also tell us how things goes, any experience in terms of illnesses and treatmeant is really valuable information.
    And very welcome to the forum here 🙂

    Waterfaller1, have you determined if your fish are indeed anjunganensis ?

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #6017
    helene schoubye

    It is actually also possible to make categories in this forum which is only open for certain members – like we could create a list of people who
    1. Was a member here
    2. Personally wrote to us and requested to become a member of this sort of ‘inside group’ (we could call it … for breeders … or something else.

    The access to this category would then (through administration) be resticted to members of the ‘inside group’.

    Of course theres no way to really refuse anyone who requested it once they had joined our website, but I would assume that once you did that, you were quite serious about things. And again, I personally would probably never put up, that I had so and so many fish for sale, but I might look if someone was looking for any of the species I do have, and I might reply to someone searching for it.

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #6016
    helene schoubye

    We tend to forget that we do have a system here of communicating with each other ‘back-stage’ as you might say. Through the private messaging. It is possible to open a thread – and we may even ?? have a category for this in which you might post freely what you are looking for, – leaving it up to anyone who sees your post to answer through the private message.

    As someone with quite a lot of offspring, I understand what Peter is saying. I would also be concerned about things being too open, because I have to admit, – I really like to have a choice (to say no, that is) and if you make it open, – saying I have so and so many, – you cant really not accept if someone comes around and say, – hi, I would like to buy 10 of your fish.
    I gladly give away fish if I know they are given to someone who has a keen interest, has some experience and are prepared for what they are going into when aquiring paros, – but I really dont like to sell fish which goes into an ‘unknown future’.

    If someone posted here ‘I am really looking for p.parvulus – if anyone here hass offspring please send me a private message’ – then I could determine whether I wanted to or not, – and trust me, I really do wish to give fish away, – so I would be happy if someone was looking for p.parvulus in this way.

    Do you think this way could be an option ?

    in reply to: My new P. quindecim #6007
    helene schoubye

    Whow, arent they so cute 🙂 ..
    I dont know about the eye rim, – I never thought about that, but you probably need to have quindecim to observe it, – but its interesting.

    I leave my fry sometimes in the tank with the grown up fish almost till they are the same size. And my tanks are 12 liters.
    At the moment I have a 12 liter with p. harveyi – a couple and 6-8 fry – these are around 1-1.5 cm now, – these I will take out sometime soon, but it has been my experience that the bigger they are the better they will feel good about moving, – and then again – I have also moved really really small fry and they also did well.

    Some species – parvulus – I hesitate to move, had some eperience that they didnt like it, – but others – linkei – I once moved one by mistake, it was really small 🙂 .. and its fine and grown up today. But what I can say is that theres no real problem in leaving them in tank with the parents untill of course they will be chased too much by the grown ups. The ‘grown up’ pair might even have another nest and you can have fry in different sizes growing up.

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #6004
    helene schoubye

    the wetspot something ? Then theres a good chance its anjunganensis, isnt there 🙂 ??
    Just noticed that we are in the american section, so you are all the way over there 🙂 ?

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #6003
    helene schoubye

    I searched a bit and you can find ‘angel licorice’ used for anjunganensis in other places as well, – and anjunganensis have only red in the tail, but not as a band, but an overall colour. And they do have a very bright blue seam. You might compare with the images in our species gallery.

    I never use sand, – and I think generally there is here an understanding that most sand will work against low ph. I cannot explain excatly the reason why 🙂 .. I use mostly leaves or a little peat or granules, or bare bottom, – but mostly lots of leaves (oak and beech)

    I am glad to help, – hope someone with some experience though regarding the spots will come along 🙂

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #6000
    helene schoubye

    its an old post but if you look down somewhere theres a mention of an ‘angel licorice gourami’ – this should be anjunganensis.
    Does your fish have any colour band in the tail ? If not it could well be anjunganensis also.

    I dont know this sand, – but most sand will affect the ph though, or make it difficult to maintain a stable low ph.

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #5998
    helene schoubye

    About id’ing … as I said, you really need to see the colours in full show to determine.
    And it also is a help to know where you bought them, and at what time.

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #5997
    helene schoubye

    sorry I meant this one

    Oak leaves are fine, but not too many at the time. And its also true for the almond. If old they may not give off so much, but still add some of the valuable humin. But definitely go slow with those.
    Its just that your tank looks like it has some ‘stony’ things 🙂 .. and I also wonder about the gravel, what is it ?

    Sometimes I think that even in soft water, if you have some stones or gravel it will make whatever you do concerning ph very unstable, because the stones might draw the ph up again immidiately after you have lowered it, – and this will give a very unstable ph situation.

    So … are you using soft water? and how are you lowering the ph ?

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #5994
    helene schoubye

    Okay, – thats good to hear, Carole, that you have 20 years experience, – then you are very experienced indeed 🙂 .. more than me. I might have looked a bit on the avatar 🙂

    I can see what you mean, – they do seem to have something, I can see the spots. If they are ick I would not be sure really. But there is something. Also the tail fin on one of them is looking a bit affected or a bit as if it is falling together (my danish 🙁 ..hmm)

    I dont think they look harveyi, but perhaps blue line or close to that. You really need to see a full tail fin to determine that well.

    I can understand you would like to act on these spots, – I am not sure I can advice you though, – but lets hope someone here has an advice.
    It could be a reaction to the changing of ph, if they have been used to other for a longer time.
    Also theres the decoration – makes me wonder a bit – it looks like theres not so much in terms of leaves etc. – is the water soft ? It looks to me like a reaction in terms of ‘not thriving’ and being as you said earlier ‘weakened’ a bit by that. And then more prone to kind of ‘anything’.

    I have had good results with paros that reacted to settling down in my tanks with raising temperatures for a period, to around 26-27. Normally i have them cooler but it certainly does not harm them.

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