

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #5988
    helene schoubye

    Anyway, … I can see that Dezz is online, perhaps you could tell us how it all went with your fish .. 🙂 would be really good to have an update even its quite a while now.
    And your experience would maybe be a great help here.

    🙂 you beat me there, Dezz .. thanks for replying

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #5986
    helene schoubye

    As far as I know shrimps cannot carry ick.
    Yes, ick has different stages, – but they dont jump onto a fish – they develop on the fish, then die off and fall to the ground, but new organisms develop.
    Still, I am not an expert on ick, – but I would really recommend that you wait before you medicate, – and describe again, – do you see many small spots ?
    Ick – as far as I know – resembles odinium in the way that it is not one or two spots, its all over the fish.
    Are you experienced with illnesses and medicating aquariums ?

    I am not doubting you, I know from myself, that I can get really nervous and think my fish are sick, and then jump too soon to decisions which arent right. So I am just curious and really would like to help.
    Paros are not fish that easyly come down with ick really.

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #5984
    helene schoubye

    hi Carole.

    Yes I understand about the thread, I was just thinking that its unlikely that you will get an answer regarding the medicine 🙂

    You can also just leave it here, as long as you maybe describe things a bit more –
    its not important if you do or not, as long as we get some reactions, – thats what is important 🙂

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #5982
    helene schoubye

    I would actually say, looking back in the thread, – that if you look at the fish in the photo, – yes, all right this fish has probably ick, but it is not the bigger white spot which determines that. If you look closely at the photo you can also just see that this fish is kind of covered with many many tiny dots.
    The bigger white spot is not a symptom of ick really – ick doesnt look like that.

    For what I understand your fish has some bigger white spots ???

    That could be something entirely else, – not nessesarily bad.

    You need to also look on things like – how are they moving their fins’ – if they ick or odinium you will notice that they are sort of moving the fins in a different way as if something is annoying.

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #5981
    helene schoubye

    Hi there waterfaller1

    The thread you are writing in is about two years old, – which may mean that the question you ask regarding how much might not be answered.

    I would actually advice you to create a whole new thread, and possibly describe your situation a bit more in detail.

    My experience with parosphromenus and illness is that ick is seldom with these fishes, – so you should really be sure that it is ick before treating them – and one or two spots to me is not very much to determine whether they have it or not.

    Please describe what the spots look like.
    Fish can have spot-like things, or small particles of something that is sitting on them and one can imagine all kinds of bad things which really isnt what it is. Ick shows up as many many small particles on the skin, – like if you dusted sugar on them. Not one or two spots.
    Odinium is another thing, – which also looks like small small dust particles, – and yes you could also find that. Probably more often than ick.
    I have never seen a paro with ick, – but I have had paros in tanks with boraras which had ick, – it did not spread to the paros. I am not saying they cannot get it – I just dont think they are prone to it.

    Anyway, if you wish to have some more comments and advice, please consider making another thread or at least tell us a bit more about what the problem is.

    Always also with medication you should consider that medication can really be tricky, – and a small fish as this, the reaction can really be quite the opposite than you expect and hope. So be careful with it.

    in reply to: Impatient paro’s #5976
    helene schoubye

    How big are the tanks ?

    I would really not recommend that you move any fish inside a tank with water.
    Its very very difficult, – the water gets in so much movement that it will splash out of the tank even theres very little in it.

    When I moved 3 years ago and also had a lot of small tanks and small fish and even small fry, I caught all fish that I could catch, – but I do remember I did transport a few tanks with water, – I cannot remember if this was because of not wanting to take things out or if it was because I was unsure if there was any tiny tiny fry. And I also cannot remember if it went all right, I think it did though 🙂 – but I would really recommend that you catch all visible fry 🙂

    But what I did was to empty the tanks down to maybe 5-10 cm water left and then put something in the tank that prevented too much movement of the water, like many plants or leaves (as a kind of lid)- but NOT anything that can rush around and break glasses. In fact all that needs to go out, because it will move once you drive and break. If you drive with it open when you arrive there will probably not be water left in this tank otherwise.
    And then of course go slow – real slow.

    But in fact people are often really worried about catching parosphroemenus and especially fry, but my experience is that 1. it can be done and 2. it mostly goes well, – they are not that fragile.
    You just need to be a bit structured 🙂 ..
    I started by setting up some tanks in my new flat so they were ready, – then I took out all decoration in the old tanks, let the dust settle, catch the fish and transport them directly down to the new tanks. Or with paros – if you dont have this option, – they can really stay in a smaller container for a day, that will be fine.
    The thing is to empty the tank in good time, – because theres often so much debrie, leaves and ‘dust’ that it takes time for the tank to become visible so you can actually see whats in there. But taking all out little by little, leave it to settle, catch a fish (then it all may become dusty again, then leave to settle again, catch another fish)
    I often do this – also now, when for instance I have to seperate young from a tank, – its often impossible without stripping the whole tank. And I do that, and the paros have to endure some hours in bare tanks, which of course they dont like, – but I can assure you two minutes after they have got their ‘furniture’ back in the tank, they look happy again.

    Theres also the option of ‘sucking out’ some water with a big hose (thats more if there are ‘invisbile’ fry there) or just pouring water from the tank into a transportable container. If theres very very small fry, this could be a way to get these along.
    Anyway these are my experiences, maybe others have some good tricks 🙂

    in reply to: Water temperatuur! #5974
    helene schoubye

    Hello Bartian and Chris.

    To translate via google translate when someone does not know english good enough is really fine, – thats why we put the link to google translate up in the main menu under forum.
    This is an international forum and we would like everyone to take part, also in different languages. But we havent used it a lot, thats why I thought now i would try it. I know the translation is sometimes a bit funny but usually you get the meaning.

    Bartian, my paros goes at around 20, or 21-22 and they get lots of offspring, – so maybe the temperature question can be discussed. Mine certainly never goes at a temperature at 26.

    I am not saying its not good or maybe sometimes better, but I have not experienced problems with much lower temperatures.
    Now heres the translation into dutch 🙂

    Hallo Bartian en Chris.

    Te vertalen via Google Translate wanneer iemand niet weet Engels goed genoeg is echt fijn, – dat is waarom we de link naar Google Translate in het hoofdmenu onder forum.
    Dit is een internationaal forum en we willen iedereen om deel te nemen, ook in verschillende talen. Maar we hebben niet gebruiken het veel, dat is waarom ik dacht nu zou ik het te proberen. Ik weet dat de vertaling is soms een beetje grappig, maar meestal de betekenis krijgt.

    Bartian, mijn Paros gaat om ongeveer 20 of 21-22 en ze krijgen veel nakomelingen, – dus misschien de temperatuur vraag kan worden besproken. Mijne zeker gaat nooit bij een temperatuur van 26.

    Ik zeg niet dat het niet goed of misschien wel beter, maar ik heb geen problemen met veel lagere temperaturen ervaren.
    Nu heres de vertaling in het nederlands 🙂

    in reply to: Water temperatuur! #5971
    helene schoubye

    Hi Chris.

    I do not understand what I think is dutch, – but its possible to run it through google translate and perhaps you could do that if you ask a question in another language here 🙂 ..

    Ik begrijp niet wat ik denk nederlands is, – maar is het mogelijk om het uit te voeren door middel van Google Translate en misschien kunt u dat doen als je een vraag in een andere taal hier 🙂 vragen ..

    Google translate of your question :

    Have a question for the temperature of the water.
    In the explanation of the general navigation and the various topics I do not return what the best temp. it is for these fish.
    Can we keep them at room temperature (20 °) or higher required?
    Thank you.

    My answer is that yes, you can keep them at room temperature …

    Mijn antwoord is dat ja, kunt u ze op kamertemperatuur te houden

    in reply to: Impatient paro’s #5966
    helene schoubye

    Hi Steff.
    Congratulation with the fry, thats a good accomplishment.
    I think particular with p.linkei the lower ph can be of a little less importance, – it does not have to be so low, and also with other species have I noticed, the ph of 6 or 6.5 as you have is fine for them. They will breed also in these conditions.
    Some species, such as parvulus, do better with lower ph.
    And for the long term well being, perhaps it has importance.

    in reply to: Some small work for polish language readers… #5958
    helene schoubye

    I was just thinking that as we have with other articles here at PP of course theres always the possibility that we also provide links here, to online sites or to pdf files.

    I understand that when something is published in an article theres of course some rights to be observed, but after some time it may be possible to link to it.
    Or I could create a kind of link collection for published materials in different languages, – it may be interesting for future members here to be able to read in danish or in polish ??
    What do you think – is this an idea which could be realized ?

    in reply to: My Parospromenus #5954
    helene schoubye

    Looks like a nagyi by the way 🙂 ..

    in reply to: A little dänish contribution #5953
    helene schoubye

    I dont know, Martin, – I think yours are good too. And by the way, I think now that we are into the ‘publishing business’ 🙂 with articles and such, I am perfectly happy that my photoes are used sometimes. Sometimes one just need a particular photo of either a different species or a certain posture or whatever, and I am happy to let mine be of use – just write a note to me. 🙂

    in reply to: My Parospromenus #5952
    helene schoubye

    What is the white stuff you can see in the picture ?

    in reply to: Some small work for polish language readers… #5951
    helene schoubye

    Whow I think that looks fantastic, Martin. I wish I understood the language. It looks really as a long and detailed article, and some fine photoes.
    And 2 more articles to come, thats a really good idea.

    in reply to: A little dänish contribution #5937
    helene schoubye

    Thank you for the comments..
    Nice to hear from Mogens, too – cause I know he understand my danish 🙂 🙂

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