

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: My new P. quindecim #5863
    helene schoubye

    No, six weeks could be a good estimation, – I didnt mean months 🙂 .. but I wrote a couple of months – give and take a few weeks, so yes, six weeks it could well be, probably more likely than 8 weeks

    in reply to: My new P. quindecim #5861
    helene schoubye

    Thats the same experience here 🙂 … they are very interested in what happens in the other tank, sometimes not even noticing what comes down in their ‘own’ feeding hole, but rather wanting what they can see in the other tank.
    Sometimes I have males show off to each other as well.
    I have pieces of paper in between most tanks as well.

    Really good photoes of the fry – I will put some in the species section under quindecim. You know, these fry are not just born yesterday 🙂 .. they could be a couple of months old I reckon.

    And by the way, I think it is very likely that if you moved some plants the quindecim female could very well have been stuck in there and it is very lucky that she fell into the other tank. This is one very big risk with paro-tanks, – when you move something it is so hard to be real sure that theres not a paro hidden somewhere in what you think is just some dead leave or some plant stuff. They have a developed sense of ‘hiding’ this way, – when something moves in the tank they slowly moves with it – like underneath a piece of wood – they will drift up together with the piece you are moving underneath it in order not to be seen. Or they will stay inside a piece of wood even when lifted above water. I have lost more than one paro this way so I am always very very careful.

    in reply to: My new P. quindecim #5853
    helene schoubye

    I am glad you found your female but I am quite surprised that she managed to jump to another tank :)… I do know that some say paroes can do that, but I have never experienced it.

    About the situation now – well, I dont know about the risk if the male will be attracted to some of the other females, somehow I doubt it, BUT … if he is attracted to the right female, and they again spawn then you have a problem, because none of the fry will probably survive with 4 ‘hostile’ females around. Plus, if the quindecims decides to spawn, the four females might want to jump to the next tank as well, because then life might not become so nice for them. Quindecim female in my experience can be rather bullying to fish that arent in ‘the family’ 🙂

    As it is now, you could leave it as it is. The male will let the fry grow up in peace, and he will get a rest for some time. And then you have some time to prepare a clever way for catching the female.
    The fry will not be good to move for a while anyway.

    in reply to: P. Tweediei (?) in Holland #5851
    helene schoubye

    I have a question for you regarding the p. tweediei – the fish I bought and showed some photoes of earlier in this thread.

    I have seperated these fish now into what I believe to be 3 pair, – I am sure they must be quite young, because none of them show any sign of interest in courtship, and in all three tanks there seems to be one ‘happy’ male swimming up front and one less ‘happy’ fish hiding very carefully somewhere else.
    The males I am not in doubt about, – their colours seems quite clear. But the other fish I am in doubt about, – they could be females (and I think so) – judging from body shape, fin shape (dorsal fin less long) – but my question is … could they also be ‘sub’ males ??? Since, as you can see, they do have slight markings of colour in all fins really. But in reading in the species section here, I read that tweediei females have quite a lot of colours, so this could be why.

    Heres photoes of one of them :

    in reply to: My new P. quindecim #5847
    helene schoubye

    Congratulations Stefanie, – thats so good news. I cannot get tired of finding these tiny fry 🙂 – always makes me happy.
    And yes, normally when one survives theres a good chance more have survived the dangers of the first days or weeks. Actually, Bill, its what Peter always says 🙂 … I learned it from him 🙂
    I hope the females is fine, and you are right, sometimes the male can be rather hard on the female and she could be hiding. Lets hope that.

    in reply to: Reducing prices and rainwater #5823
    helene schoubye

    Given those conditions, – well its hard to see where you could lower the expences then, – if it gets so cold, then you need the heaters etc.
    The lid of course is good to have, I would say nessesary, however in my tanks its just a piece pf glass, – not so expensive.
    But no matter, – it is sometimes nessesary to make the priority to spend the money, and be happy with the fish and equipment you have, – best to do it as good as you can, – that will probably make you most content in the long run.

    in reply to: My “Not so Pretty” Licorice Gourami Tanks #5821
    helene schoubye

    Hello beutho 🙂

    I was just going online to put in a picture of precisely this method which you are mentioning, thats a funny coincidence. But so I will publish the photo to illustrate something along the lines of what you are suggesting.
    I use this sometimes when I really dont want to disturb things – but I have no valve on it. Thats a good idea. The weighing down as well is a good idea..

    Anyway, heres the photo … the hose could be shorter, but it doesnt really matter if it has to come down in a loop as long as the water container is above the tank.

    in reply to: Reducing prices and rainwater #5819
    helene schoubye

    😉 Well, a few questions then :

    Why do you think you need a desk lamp, a lid (for what ?) – heaters ? and whats a power strip ?

    Brine shrimps you need, + salt to use in the hatching water, – but you dont need light for it, and they dont need heating either – I never use light, they hatch anyway. The bottle stands in my bathroom in what the Australians calls an Esky :), thats a kind of thermo bag. So theres a lid on it and it doesnt get any light.
    Heater ? … If for the paroes its not nessesary, room temperature is normally just fine, unless you have permanently under 20 degrees.
    A container for the water … couldnt you find something cheaper, – any clean plastic container could do really.

    Is the power stip for ligtening – then you probably need that. But the lid sounds expensive, and I wonder what its for 🙂

    Rainwater can be used for licorice gouramies, its actually quite fine.

    in reply to: Preparing a tank for Parosphromenus? #5793
    helene schoubye

    This is probably a very controversial subject 😉
    I am an admin on another aquaforum, and I can say for normal tanks, and for beginners I would always follow the ‘ordinary’ advice with regards to maturing tanks etc.
    But when it comes to my own practice (with 10 years of experience) and mainly having small tanks under 25 liters with parosphromenus species, – its a different thing. I do not follow ‘normal’ procedure anymore. Not even the slightest :blush:
    I use pure RO water, I dont mature the water,(but I do lower it to ph 4.5) I dont use filters. I usually prepare a tank just by filling it with water, adding substrate maybe, or if not adding lots of leaves or peat. Then putting in a few plants (javamoss mainly) and possibly an almond leave. Then I add fish.
    Because I have quite a lot of tanks, and quite a lot of offspring, I need to move fish quite often, – I think its through this that I have found my own way where its actually just working. If I need to move some off spring I set up a new tank as described above and simply move them the same day. I might use some of the water from the old tank, but not at all always.

    Of course I dont recomend this procedure to someone who has not got a lot of experience, because I think what is important is that there’s probably always the case in which I would not do so … I think that without thinking about it I do take note on how things are doing. If I have fry in a tank that has not been cleaned for a long time, I do take more care that I dont move them to a tank with water that is very much different. I think my main concern is really that the water that you move the fish to is close to what they come from. Too big a change is not good. That relates to ph and the amount of ‘waste’ that might have been gathering.
    But I never measure amonia f.inst.
    I wish I could say that I then of course is very careful about changing lots of water … but :blush: I cant even say that. I change or fill up regularly but not overly much. And of course without filters waterchanges regularly is important – in particular if you have more fish than the normal ‘one pair’.

    Maybe it is because of the low ph that this procedure is possible, – I dont know about that really.
    But I have also set up tanks for bettaes such as albimarginata, betta mahachai with water at 7 and I have done it the same way, no preparation really.

    in reply to: P. Tweediei (?) in Holland #5789
    helene schoubye

    Bill, they come through Ruinemans in Holland, yes. In the shop they were a bit paler, and not so colourful, but it was still possible to f.instance determine that they had red in the tail. And as far as I can tell my good fish-pusher 🙂 was also able to determine male and female.
    But it is a good shop, and they do know how to take care of the fish, so usually the paroes look better here than in most other shops.
    But the dark colouration did not come before after they had been released from the bag. It came quickly though which is a good sign to me that they are not overly stressed fish which has gone through many days of bad journey. And that they are probably quite healthy

    in reply to: P. Tweediei (?) in Holland #5787
    helene schoubye

    quite of this particular topic, but I thought today that these fish have incredibly big eyes. But looking at my other fish I guess they do have that, – but in particular the young ones. That made me think if eyesize (relative to bodysize) could say something about it being a ‘younger fish’ 🙂

    in reply to: photoes of fry #5786
    helene schoubye

    Just found some very very young p. harveyi today and as I had the camera out I thought I should take some photoes.
    I am a little surprised actually to see how distinctly different these tiny fry look compared to other fry I have photographed, such as the p. nagyi.
    These have a clearly different pattern in the fins. I have not yet got around to doing it, but I will try to upload images in the various species describtion with both females and fry.

    Edit: 😳 I just had a closer look, maybe they are not all that different from the nagyi’s 🙂 … it might just be the light that made me think so. Are there any major differences, do you think ?

    in reply to: P. Tweediei (?) in Holland #5785
    helene schoubye

    females I hope 🙂

    and the last image 🙂 … of the first peak into the new world

    in reply to: P. Tweediei (?) in Holland #5784
    helene schoubye

    6 p. (hopefully) tweediei now settled in my tank. They seem to already feel fine, and are showing lots of colours. I am really curios as to how the sex ratio is, but I think it is not too bad.
    I put in two caves straight away in order to seperate out the stronger males and also create some ‘safe’ places for them, – these are being tjecked out very carefully.
    There are at least two bigger males, – one has as far as I can see some damage to the dorsal fin, but the other one seems fine. I dont know what has happened, but hope its a damage, not some other problem.

    Here are some of the first photoes.

    in reply to: P. Tweediei (?) in Holland #5780
    helene schoubye

    So .. p. tweediei is now on the list of my normal fish shop, for sale – and I will go tomorrow and have a look (if good I will aquire some I am sure)
    Just called them, they have about 20, but the price :woohoo: …. not cheap at all

    Report will follow tomorrow.

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