

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: Strangely coloured specimen of P. linkei #5623
    helene schoubye

    I am not sure I understand why would it be interesting to breed this ?

    in reply to: Books on Paros #5612
    helene schoubye
    in reply to: My P. pahuensis – from the beginning #5596
    helene schoubye

    This is a lovely photo, – good to see your fish are looking well and obviously thriving.
    How is the sex ratio ? Any signs of spawning behaviour ?

    ps. – I know I have asked you before regarding photoes, – but will ask again, – will it be all right to use some of your photoes in the species section ?

    in reply to: photoes of fry #5588
    helene schoubye

    p. linkei

    As of now, I think the p. nagyi and the p. anjunganensis looks quite the same, while the linkei is a little different, – especially the spot on the side is visible even on these small ones

    in reply to: Spawn in vertical tube? #5586
    helene schoubye

    🙂 Yes, just shows you how eager these fish are to use any place suitable for nesting, – but if its vertical .. if I understand it right, – it may be difficult for the fish to have the eggs stay in the nest ?

    If so, – I would probably suply the tank with a better cave, – because obviously its a pair eager to spawn.

    But see how it works anyway 🙂

    in reply to: Question on Water Change: be frank! #5560
    helene schoubye

    :blush: Yes, well …
    I fill mine up every second week app. – I very rarely take any water out. But it seems the water evaporate down quite a bit for me, so when I fill up, its probably about 2-3 liters.
    BUT I rather freqently make total changeovers. This is because in most tanks (all 12 liters) theres fry growing up, and at some point I need to take these out.
    Also I admit that my tanks ends up getting rather overgrown and leaves, peat and so forth deteriorate, – so with most tanks probably every 5-6 months theres a whole changeover.

    I also sometimes, when starting a new tank, starts out with just half a tank ( 6 liter) and then slowly fill it up untill its full.

    in reply to: My P. pahuensis – from the beginning #5547
    helene schoubye

    Yes, lovely fish.
    Of course – patience is really important with fish-photos. I take many photos now, and its often like 1 in 50 thats really good :unsure:

    in reply to: New paros at my home #5540
    helene schoubye

    And I will add one more thing which I have learned from my many years on forums that it was really helpful for me to always always think twice before getting annoyed … because as Sverting says there are so many ways one can make a mistake regarding what the intension of a message is … language could be one of them, but other things too…

    Anyway, dont take this as a ‘sneer’ 🙂 either … just a thought, and just keep on bringing all your different interesting and wonderful posts and photos …
    The really important thing here is that we keep communicating about the fish we are so fasinated by ..

    in reply to: New paros at my home #5539
    helene schoubye

    Please folks 🙂
    Of course we can be serious or joking, – I would be sad to have this label put on our forum that theres no space for humor 🙂 …
    What I think is that some of us are really used to writing in forums, and use it more fluent and personal, – I for example have been around these forums for ages, and I know sometimes one can almost use it as a kind of ‘skype’ thing and post answers and jokes and comments … but not all people do this, or are used to this. And thats all right too. For some it may be more a ‘serous matter’.
    Its a balance of things I think. And I have also in my time learned how to ‘read between lines’ when communicating on the internet, and in forums and so, – and it is really quite a skill. Humor on the net is actually sometimes difficult 🙂 …

    in reply to: New paros at my home #5535
    helene schoubye

    🙂 – and I can add we are short photos of pahuensis, in fact we dont have any … so Stefanie .. with your excellent photos of p.nagyi pekan nenasi I am hoping for some similar wonderful photos of the pahuensis once they settle and all that 🙂

    You have got some really interesting speceis now, congratulation with that.

    in reply to: My P.nagyi ‘Cherating’ home :) #5521
    helene schoubye

    I thought it was time for a little update on this particular tank. It has now been running for around four months and everything is going well.

    There are times when I wonder, how many fish is in there still, – are they all there ?
    It clear to me that they have split the tank in two major ‘areas’ – and two dominant males have found my preplaced caves. So there are two males, one in each side of the tank, – some females very clearly ‘belonging’ to one of the caves, always around the same area, – and then there are som ‘loose’ fish, a few less dominant males and a few smaller females. They occupy the main area of the tank, sneaking around underneath the leaves.

    If I feed with moinas suddenly there are many fish in there 🙂

    One day I found out that there were two little fry swimming. I have posted photoes in another thread, but will post them again here.
    Since that day I have counted at least 5 fry. That is a surprise to me that they spawned in there. Since then I have added 20 boraras. This may of course mean there will be no more or less fry, – but then that will have to be. It was never intended to be a breeding tank. And I am actually not so sure boraras are a big thread to fry ? They dont seem to move in those areas of the tank where I would think fry is moving.

    Here some photoes of one of the males, the fry and one of the bigger females.

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5514
    helene schoubye

    Thank you Peter for your answer.
    But surely with this one – the fish of Lennart – we could ask kindly to be allowed to document through photoes 🙂 and thats a start at least.
    I think its valuable to have this documentation, as it quite often happens that someone is in doubt, – is this blue line or sentang or .. ??? and is looking around for photoes to compare with.

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5504
    helene schoubye

    Well, I dont really think there is such a place, – we have started here to describe it under ‘other forms’ – but its very short untill now.

    I would suggest that if you have had some help identifying your fish from Peter or other with more experience, and they say its sp. blue line (which i think also from looking at the photoes of your fish and comparing with the describtion is likely) – then I would suggest to Peter that we may document your fish well 🙂 photoes, describtion, and put it in the section under ‘other forms’.
    Your fish has some ‘harveyi’ like signs, – which is what is described under ‘other forms’ – but not the black in the tail bit, which I also mentioned, – but it has many of the beatiful features such as p. harveyi.

    We can only do whatever we can trying to document the species, – but maybe in future more will turn up and we might be able to compare. To me it seems that this whole area and business with the ‘blue liners’ from Sumatra has got to be investigated and described somehow, – they are so beatiful. This also goes for the p. sp. sentang ..

    I am of course only talking for myself, I will have to talk to Peter about this, – there is quite a lot of things regarding this which is a bit difficult to understand, and I might be overlooking something 🙂 ..

    But … 🙂 take some really good photoes !
    That would be great.

    in reply to: Opallios and Pictures #5502
    helene schoubye

    Oh, I am very sorry for you, – that must be so hard.

    I will hurry to tell you, that in fact … last time I went to my local very good fish shop (has one person there with really good knowledge regarding parosphromenus) – he actually told me, they had had two shipments lately of wildcaught fish – they arrived well and fine, they put them in a tank to settle … next morning all dead. They have had wildcaught paros many times and never had this happen before. They were quite puzzled.

    I dont know excatly which species this was, but since opallios is around here too it could have been them.

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5498
    helene schoubye

    No, I would not breed with it, I would give it a small tank with a few shrimps and a cave 🙂
    You mention space being a problem also, so that might solve it a little bit 🙂

    But the blue line sp species you have, I would be rather proud of having it, –
    At the moment no one has mentioned having it in our last Census, (and we should really have it there I think) and although theres yet no prober species description and the name is not ‘proper’ and so forth as Peter describes, – in my opinion its a really interesting area to investigate.
    A lot of the fish in the aquaristic shops are indeed sp. something anyway. At least yours could be a continuation of the same sp.species 🙂 ..

    Well, I understand your feelings too, just being positive .. and they are fantastic fish.

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