

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: feeding ? #5443
    helene schoubye

    Well, why is never easy with these little beauties 🙂 … now I have to invent one room apartments for single fish recovering … as if I havent got enough small tanks, now I need more :S
    but I guess it should be a bit helpful if theres is a break in off-spring since at the moment I really have too many …

    But I am sure its the right way to go somehow, – and interesting and good learning for me.

    in reply to: feeding ? #5441
    helene schoubye

    Thanks both of you, – I think I hear it to be so that it might be okay to continue feeding every day, but maybe a bit less. In particular tanks with fry I will continue to feed everyday.
    But I think that during the summer period, when I am not so much at home in my flat, I will feed less.
    Because there’s another thing which actually worries me. I dont have a lot of deaths, or sickness with my fish, – but the last 4 has been breeding males (one yesterday). All of them ‘succesfull’ males, which really makes me think, that theres something not right in keeping the ‘perfect’ conditions for the couples continually without pauses. This includes food, water, ph, etc … not implying that I am going to make it deteriorate, – one obtion is also to seperate couples every now and again.
    But I am quite sure that the continual breeding eagerness of these small males is hard for them. In nature of course in periods conditions are ‘less optimal’ – (less food, drying out waters and other things) – where the fish might have breeding pauses.

    At least this is my theory.

    in reply to: Karma? #5431
    helene schoubye

    🙂 good morning.

    I never really thought anything about this button, except that it probably showed something about how often you participated.

    Now that you ask I really cannot figure out what is it really for. So I am going to take it away, actually theres no point in having something which is unclear why.

    If I find why and think we cannot miss it I will put it back.

    in reply to: mixing species #5423
    helene schoubye

    I have the same kind of problem, – as I mentioned I have too many harveyi males and other species have some times been a problem. I dont have very much experience with mixing, but at the moment I have some harveyi males and a linkei male sharing a 60 liter. That is going quite well really.
    The linkei is visibly thriving better than in the smaller one pair tanks, he is big, healthy, up front, eager to feed and dont seem to be in competition with the harvey males, – never seen any confrontations between them 🙂
    The harveyi probably do less good – the males of one species seem to have a constant thing going on where they have to determine who is nr. one, so I dont see all of them looking as if they are feeling quite confortable. For this reason a bigger tank is really good for this, the more space the better.
    This tank is also inhabited by one lonely female albimarginata – without problems 🙂

    in reply to: P. parvulus #5418
    helene schoubye

    I am not sure, – but yes, I think all fry has these iridescent colours very early on … but you know, its hard to tell with these small fish, if its the same you see each time.
    From now on I will try harder to keep an eye on them from the beginning ..

    And the age is a guess really, – they are not one cm, – so … they could be 3 weeks, maybe 4, taking into consideration that they are so tiny just after hatching .. but then again, I dont know if they can grow to this size in two weeks ?

    in reply to: P. parvulus #5416
    helene schoubye

    They are under 1 cm – very small. And no, I really dont think you can tell whether they are male or female, – I am not sure, but I think most fry look ‘malish’ when in this size. But with a camera like this it may be possible to actually try to document this along the way.
    In this big tank I will not be able to see how they grow up but maybe in another tank.

    in reply to: How to take good fish photoes ? #5414
    helene schoubye

    Oh, and one more …

    I am actually surprised how often my fish goes with their mouth open 🙂 …

    in reply to: P. parvulus #5411
    helene schoubye

    Thank you all, –
    Regarding determining sex … I am curios regarding the photoes of the young parvulus fry. It is quite obvious that these fry has small red dots in the dorsal and pelvic fin – but if these show up in both males and females ? I wonder.

    You can see what I mean at the photo earlier in this thread.

    Another fun image I took today – of two very very young P. nagyi ‘cherating’ (from my 60 liter with 12 fish) (they obviously spawned :))

    At least here its kind of obviouos that quarelling about space starts quite early

    in reply to: P. parvulus #5407
    helene schoubye

    Its a Canon 600d dsl and with an external flash and macro lens.

    I might start a photo-thread 🙂 ..

    in reply to: P. parvulus #5404
    helene schoubye

    I do have peat – but are you sure its not because of the camera ? Some of my photoes are really dark – but its to do with how I set the camera 🙂
    Of course in some tanks I might have just set up a new one which then is much clearer, such as the small fry tank, its very newly set up.

    But heres a ‘brown’ picture 🙂 .. of a nagyi male chasing a dafnia

    in reply to: P.harveyi males only #5398
    helene schoubye

    🙂 Cant help it … here’s some photoes of my young harveyi males. Playing around with the new camera, which has confronted me with another problem … how to clean the tank glass. I wasn’t aware that my frontglass was so dirty :blush:

    in reply to: Opallios and Pictures #5391
    helene schoubye

    Sounds really good, I am happy for you – you have some very interesting species by now I think.
    You might notice that our species page for p. opallios could use a few photoes so you are welcome to ‘spam’ us with beatiful photoes of your new fish 🙂
    I am looking forward to it.

    in reply to: Blue Line #5381
    helene schoubye

    And your fish looks quite alike to the ones Sverting is showing in his video 🙂

    in reply to: P. bintan ‘Sentang’ – setup #5380
    helene schoubye

    Nice video and photoes, Sverting.

    The last video is quite relevant now that we just had the discussion in another thread about male and female moods.

    in reply to: Blue Line #5379
    helene schoubye

    No, cannot say much about this species more than you probably have been thinking yourself 🙂
    Of the described species in our gallery its none really – mostly like the ‘bintan’ type I would say. But if you look under other forms ‘blue line’ I think its pretty close

    But the reddish in the caudal fin is that the lightening or any kind of red there ?

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