

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: P. deissneri found again!!! #9245
    helene schoubye

    With permission from Wentian Shi we have been allowed to upload a few of his photos taken in Bangka.

    I ask all to respect that these photos are with copyright of Wentian Shi, and they are not to be copied by any means for use any other places. These are wonderful photos of a rare and threatened species, for which we have been wondering for some time now whether this species perhaps was completely lost. We are delighted that Wentian Shi has reported the finding of p. deissneri on Bangka, and we are looking forward to hearing more about it later.
    But just for now, a few photos of Wentians here.

    in reply to: Review of the past censuses #9240
    helene schoubye

    Just a little thought … – for example the quindecim, – as you mention, its not just one breeder, – but I wonder if many of those other people who also breed quindecim has their fish from the first breeder :)… I mean, it is natural in one way, that if theres one person being constant and breeding numerous, – then its easier to spred this species to other people … ?

    in reply to: Review of the past censuses #9235
    helene schoubye

    Hi Rafael.
    I must say I find this incredibly fine work, – it was very very interesting to read, and it becomes for me a lot easier to really understand how to measure what we are doing.
    I think in the future it should be a very helpful instrument for us.
    The species that seem to be doing well, the five you mention, – for each of those there may be a clear reason why, but the same.
    Linkei may be because linkei simply is easier and happier to spawn than other species. Certainly for myself I have no problems maintaining my stock of these.
    phoenicurus was importet in numbers, and there also was a very specific attention paid to this import, and many members were quick to act
    quindecim, – I think the explanation here is one breeder, who is extremely dedicated to this species, – if this person was not active, – I wonder what the picture would be for quindecim.
    bintan – I would think that is because theres a lot of perhaps ‘unknown’ species which comes close (but may not be) bintan. I am not sure the numbers in census representing bintan are really all bintan – ?

    What I mean to say, is that I am not sure there is the same explanation for these. And then its difficult to say which other species would likely show the same development in the future.
    Perhaps for some of them – linkei and quindecim there might be a common trait, being that they produce good and stable offspring numbers. One species which I have found lately to do a little bit of the same is the p.tweediei (ruinemans 2013). This species also attracted some attention at some point, became ‘known’ and is as far as I know spread somewhat to dedicated people, – and it is not too difficult to breed. I just had a new ‘big’ batch of fry from this species. So maybe ?

    The other species, those that seem to be vanishing, – well, – with those I think there would have to be some kind of ‘analysis’ made, because some may be more threatened than others, and the only thing I can think of is that the specific owners of these species has to become aware of the threats to them, and try to work harder on assisting these species multiply.
    From my own experience, I can only say, that some years ago, I chose to always have p.parvulus. I haven’t bred a lot, but I will always keep at least 5 separate pairs of this species. And a couple of years ago I then (at a low point in Census) brought some to Bernd, who then produced a lot from these. That way it has made sense that I kept these parvulus as a ‘reserve’ sort of.
    At this time I also have some p.anjunganensis, which I am very aware of is really in danger of disappearing, – so I do try now to set up special breeding tanks and encourage this species to breed (unfortunately they dont seem to at the moment)
    Perhaps with this experience you can say, that I think really dedicated breeders are necessary to concentrate or be dedicated to a few species, and maintain these always.
    This is not so much different from what I think we have done in the project for a long time, and I am certainly not the only one ‘holding’ on to some of these threatened species. We of course also then need really good breeders as Bernd, who can receive a few pairs and really make the numbers grow.

    Well, this is just a few comments and ideas of mine, I hope we will also continue this debate in Hamburg, – and again, I really think your work is great. Thank you very much

    in reply to: P. deissneri found again!!! #9234
    helene schoubye

    Yes, this is indeed great news, – I too am very glad to hear so. I look very much forward to hearing more about this, and hope to do so in Hamburg in September.
    Meantime I wish Wentian Shi best luck with his continual search for fishes down there, and for the safe returning back for himself and fishes 🙂 ..

    in reply to: New photo of one of my Paros allani March 2017 #9215
    helene schoubye

    Hi Bill
    I think Lawrence created a new thread, – I will link to it here

    I am not sure what happened with the image upload in this thread.

    in reply to: help with id ? alfredi ? tweediei ? rubrimontis? #9184
    helene schoubye

    The site is really set to limit photos to 800px, but even if the photos are bigger, the site should automatically resize them, – so maybe its something else ?
    You are welcome to send me some photos, and I will try to upload them

    in reply to: help with id ? alfredi ? tweediei ? rubrimontis? #9180
    helene schoubye

    Martin, – you click on action, then reply, then theres a button ‘anhang’ (in the german site), under that theres a button ‘datei hinzufügen, press that and you can add a photo 🙂
    It should be quite uncomplicated..

    in reply to: Happy new year #9177
    helene schoubye

    A little bit late, I would like to also wish all of you a happy new year 🙂

    in reply to: How to use the new Profile Area #9168
    helene schoubye


    Connections means that you can create ‘connections’ with other users, which only means that you can more easy send a private message to them. Its not a very nessesary thing, but we will see if it is something which we like or need.

    If you want to connect with someone you click on their profile image, – here you will find a button saying ‘request connection’ – you press this and the request is send. The reciever then has to accept this.
    When it has been accepted, you can find it in your own profile, beside the edit profile button, theres a button called connections. Here you can see the persons you have connected to.

    As I said, on a small forum like this, I dont know if this is anything we need, but I will add it for now, because it may be something which could help improve the easy communication between members, – and if nobody uses it, it can be taken away again.

    in reply to: How to use the new Profile Area #9167
    helene schoubye

    To change profile image and profile informations:

    1. go to MY Profile
    2. click on edit and update button
    3. Then you will see that you can change four things :

    – contact information

    – canvas (this means just the background on the profile picture, if unsure click on my photo to see what I mean) You can choose one which is already there, or you can upload your own. This is not the portrait, it will not really show anywhere except on the profile page.

    – portrait – this is the profile picture, again you can choose a premade, or you can upload your own

    – species kept – here you get some boxes already made with the names of the species, and you can click those relevant for you. This is just the first, probably not the best yet, other options may be better, but for a start we try this.

    Remember to click update when you are finished, and you may have to enter your password, so of course it is important that you remember your login password in order to do this.

    The changes will not show immidiately, because for safety reasons all new profile photos has to be approved by an admin.

    in reply to: Update 6 dec. – important information #9161
    helene schoubye

    Hi Bill.
    Thank you very much. And yes you are right, I also would really like to say thank you here to Rod. Without his help I would not have been able to do this.

    Regarding the map, there are some issues with the map, I am really glad you say like it, – but I am aware of that it needs to be worked a little bit with.
    We will do that in the next days.

    in reply to: Update 6 dec. – important information #9159
    helene schoubye

    hi Hachge 🙂
    I am not quite sure what you mean ?
    Is it about the map ?

    in reply to: Censusreminder-Survey #9123
    helene schoubye

    I just want to add to that, Bennie, about only 10 % is taking part, – theres a big difference between active members and members who are members because they share the interest and want to support by being registered here. We cannot really know how big a percentage of the active members who are taking part, – I think it may be much higher than 10 percent 🙂 ..
    But still, many people do not take part, I agree.
    And I agree that it is also something which is every member with a keen understanding would remember by themselves.
    I think those members, who actively see themselves as a contributing member of ‘the project’,- in the sense that they are keeping species, and breeding actively, – in many cases these people do report.
    Perhaps the number of actual people who take part, tells us more about how many actually consider themselves as ‘actively part of the project in terms of breeding fish ?

    in reply to: Censusreminder-Survey #9111
    helene schoubye

    The idea of having a big notification here on the homepage, at first seems a brilliant idea, – however, unfortunately I do not believe we reach many members this way.
    By far the biggest part of our members who take part in Census do not come on the homepage regularly, so I dont think it would help a lot.
    It could still be done perhaps, – 🙂 however, – I dont excatly know how to do it, but I am sure theres a way.

    There are some members who are not so much online as others, – and even for ‘onliners’ the numbers are few. More people come to facebook than on a homepage as ours, – unfortunately. That could be one way to reach a few more.
    But still, many need a reminder via personal mail, and I think perhaps the best is how we have done it the last couple of times, -(except this time 🙂 ) – to remind people about a week prior, and then a last reminder around the end of the month.
    That seems to me to have worked the best

    And again, – even I forgot it this time, – and have just send my report to Benjamin now .. :dry:

    in reply to: A couple of Paros #9019
    helene schoubye

    😉 good beginning anyway, Bill.

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