

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: P. nagyi “Pekan Nenasi” #5325
    helene schoubye

    wonderful photoes again, Stefanie.
    We should use them in some connection – maybe an article ‘spawning step by step’ 🙂

    in reply to: View inside P. nagyi Pekan Nenasi cave #5323
    helene schoubye

    🙂 I wasnt quite sure what it was you werent sure about 🙂 …

    in reply to: What the hell is this???? #5322
    helene schoubye

    🙂 I just read my topic from then, – and it may not have been totally solved what it was, – but I am pretty sure it is some kind of what I would call infusoria, or paramecium.
    I have a culture now of ‘real’ paramecium, and it looks excatly the same.

    in reply to: What the hell is this???? #5321
    helene schoubye

    Have a look if it looks like this – video on the second page. – (ps actually theres a better video on the first page of this topic)

    I have that quite often, – and it often follows after I have attempted to feed fry, – by adding infusoria, – but it also sometimes appear without.
    If I dismantle a tank, – which is old and ‘mature’ it may happen, – you know, if I dont take everything out, but trim the tank, it occurs. And I think its a sign that the tank is well… maybe too much food, too much organic waste – at least it shows the conditions for these infusoria is present, there is something there which they can live on. I have had tanks where it was really ‘thick’ with these almost clouds of tiny living things, – and you can see them kind of move in ‘clouds’.

    It does not seem to bother the fish, and on the positive side its probably very good fry food – on the negative side it may say that the tank need a ‘clean-up’

    Unless … well, – did you get it in with the rainwater do you think ? … or did it get stirred up from adding the new water ?

    in reply to: What the hell is this???? #5319
    helene schoubye

    🙂 I wouldnt worry if I were you, I think its just infusoria. I had the same, I had it in a post here, … I will look for it and post the link.
    It probably comes from overfeeding or something like that, – its not ‘dangerous’.

    in reply to: Territorial behaviour – sexual differences? #5294
    helene schoubye

    ah, theres no such thing as an ugly parosphromenus 🙂 … but yes, the phoenicurus is particularly beatiful, even here where its clear that the male is not in the courtship colours (as the one on the frontpage ) – but here threathening another male, where the lines are almost gone, and the body is a brownish, greyish colour.

    in reply to: Territorial behaviour – sexual differences? #5292
    helene schoubye

    If you look under species p. phoenicurus, you will find some photoes of typical male / male coloration. You have to look a little down under the small images, but there are certainly 3-4 photos in which a male is showing off to another male.
    Here is two photos, taken by Martin Fischer

    in reply to: Territorial behaviour – sexual differences? #5287
    helene schoubye

    I think its quite dependent on the situation, – and Stefanie asked about the behaviour in tanks with one sex only.
    I definitely see very strong dominant behaviour with females if theres a male in the tank. To the point of really bullying a female. Today I just caught out a female of a p.harveyi tank where there were two females. The dominant female has already one little fry swimming around, and she is always happily going at the front glas, close to the male, which is in or around the cave – but the second female .. she has lived a life in the back of the tank so that I hardly new she was there,and if she dared peep out both male and the other female were after her. But she survived – it doesnt go to that extreme, – but she is not allowed to where she likes 🙂
    I put her in the tank I mentioned above with the two males 😉
    And yesterday I saw two female quindecim really in a quarrel, really ‘agression’ colours towards each other, and very ‘dominant and sub-dominant’ behaviour between the two.

    But thats when theres a male around.

    in reply to: Territorial behaviour – sexual differences? #5285
    helene schoubye

    I can say at least two males in the same tank with no females – my experience is definitely that one of the males will become dominant, and will exercise his dominance. Just now I have two male p.harveyi in one tank, and one of them has taken the cave, domineering this eager, he is also the most colourful, – meaning dark, intense colours – also without females. The other male keeps less intense in colour and keeps in the background, but is not not thriving, – he is okay, just keeping a ‘dull’ life.
    I had another tank with two p.nagyi males, – here the same happened, one very intense and beatiful, the other simply did not grow as much and ended up becoming weaker, thinner, less healthy.
    Females alone in a tank, I havent got any experience. Two females and one male … definitely one is being ‘bullied’. But without the male, I am not sure.
    However, I would think its the way of nature to make a hieraki – so that when the opportunity happpens by accident – when another sex comes by – the group of fish has already ‘sorted’ out which one is the strongest and the one to win the competition for mating. I would therefore think that even females alone together would sort out which one is stronger than the other ?

    in reply to: Paro with brown in unpaired fins #5271
    helene schoubye

    Hi Stefanie, – I am sure that works well, – I do it too. Sometimes accidentially, sometimes I ‘arrange’ it. Or plants grow over the cave – javamoss is good at this.
    But leaves are very good too.

    in reply to: Paro with brown in unpaired fins #5267
    helene schoubye

    This cave works, – but in my opinion its also not ideal. What happened was that immidiately after the larvae was freeswimming they left the cave. Still some survived, – but the process was different than from the spawnings in a narrow cave, where the male was looking after the free swimming larvae some more days.
    I am not saying we need to make it ‘as in nature’ :), certainly film canisters are not natural, – its more the wideness as Peter is also saying which I think might be a problem.
    Does it not also make sense, that in a wide cave such as the one I used for my linkei’s its would be easier for any intruders to disturb ?
    Anyway, I am still using this cave, since this particular male seems to like it, and theres only one pair in the tank.

    in reply to: Paro with brown in unpaired fins #5263
    helene schoubye

    A halved coconut may be taken as a cave, – so it sounds like this is what is happening.
    Are there other caves available ?
    Because I would say its not the ideal cave, but then again, – in nature the fish will sometimes have nests underneath leaves, or other less structured things, – so its not always that there a fine little perfect cave available.
    In a tank though, I think this kind of cave is not ideal because the fry will probably tend to leave earlier than in a small narrow cave, so the male wont be able to look after them as long time.

    I have generally found that paros simply prefer at all times to stand underneath something, – so if theres somewhere which is like a shelter they will seek underneath that. I have a tank with a big ketapang leave which has fallen down and all the paros stand under this – not nessesary for nesting but simply because they are ‘protected’ from being seen from above.
    I have also found that in tank with less floating plants the paros are less seen than in those with a thick layer of floating plants in the surface, so they prefer to be ‘under’ something.

    Your second question about how long the bintan forms defend their nests … I dont think theres much difference to other species. My experience is that the male will take some place in the tank as his preferred ‘home’ base, and he will stay around there whether he has eggs or not. The actual time in which eggs are developing is around 10-12 days, and if the fry stay in the cave all this time the male will also be in the cave and strongly defend it. But I have experienced that in big caves, such as probably a coconut, – the fry will leave earlier, and once gone the male does of course not defend the nest in the same way.

    in reply to: View inside P. nagyi Pekan Nenasi cave #5257
    helene schoubye

    We have started a little discussion about which word is the right word for the little instrument which we often use for looking into the dark tanks of the paros – in german taschen lamp – in english maybe flashlight … – but instead of continuing in another thread which was about something else … I have moved this particular discussion to a new thread 🙂

    in reply to: View inside P. nagyi Pekan Nenasi cave #5255
    helene schoubye

    Peter – google translate is translating the german taschenlampe into flashlight. I think that is the same instrument. Also the danish word which is ‘lommelygte’ meaning excatly taschenlampe is translated into flashlight. Its just that in german and danish flash is probably mostly used about flash used in cameraes. I would suggest though that we stay with with the english and american flashlight 🙂
    Google also suggest the word small pocket torch 🙂

    in reply to: View inside P. nagyi Pekan Nenasi cave #5251
    helene schoubye

    😆 well, – thats the european way, you know …
    no, thank you for correcting, – being danish every time I wanted to use the term, I am thinking to myself … is it called a torch or is it called a flashlight, – and then I think to myself, no, but all the others call it a torch so its probably called a torch –
    well its not …. I do mean a flashlight then.

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