

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: P deissneri? #4664
    helene schoubye

    You will find a page dedicated to P.spec. sentang under the menu ‘Other forms’ – however, we have not yet filled it out with text. But you can find a few images there. We are gathering as much information as we can about not only this, but all those other spec. forms that you can see in the menu ‘other forms’
    All I can say, is that it is one of the yet not completely described species, – and this would be the reason why it is called spec. There are quite a number of different forms which have not been described yet,- and this is one of them.
    I am not sure where it is mainly found, but I am sure Peter can tell you more about this.

    in reply to: P deissneri? #4662
    helene schoubye

    I would also say as Peter (and I am not as much specialist as he) but still, that it looks really like spec. sentang.

    I will post a few images of mine, – they look really very much like yours

    in reply to: Nagyi identification #4657
    helene schoubye

    I think you and Bartian are right, – theres not much colour in the caudal fin.
    Are there many fish in the tank together ? The only time I have experienced males not to show full colour is if there are many fish or many males, then some of the males are kind of sub-dominant and show less colour.
    But yours is apparantly the most dominant ?

    in reply to: Nagyi identification #4654
    helene schoubye


    in reply to: Species name #4652
    helene schoubye

    Hi STefanie.
    Its a very good idea, and one we have looked at before. In the old version it was not possible, because those images were shown in whats called a ‘random image slideshow’ 🙂 .. which didnt allow for writing undertext.
    It may be in this new updated version that its possible, I still dont know, – am still getting to know it 😉 …. but it will be one of the things I will put on my list of ‘to do’es’ …

    in reply to: Important message concerning coming update #4650
    helene schoubye

    Status sunday 18 november.

    The site has now been upgraded, and log in should work as usual. You are now welcome to write in Forum again. Thank you for being patient – it took a little longer than expected. And theres still some work ongoing.

    There is a problem with some images in forum, which are not showing correctly, we will work on fixing that as soon as possible.

    in reply to: P filamentosus fry #4648
    helene schoubye

    Hi Paul, – for photoes you add a file from your own computer through the little box underneath the text area here. First you add the file, then you insert it

    Videoes are uploaded by clicking on the film-ikon and inserting the url from a youtube video (copy/paste)
    😉 actually I have edited your post so the youtube video is showing directly in the post.

    in reply to: Fishes to offer #4642
    helene schoubye

    Hi Martin, – it sounds good that you have fish to offer. I have been looking at your other species – the spec. langgam 😉 .. one day I would wish to have those, – so fine fish.

    I hope though that others,, who are looking for paroes will write to you.

    I will use this post, to also offer off-spring.

    I have plenty of P.nagyi ‘cherating’ offspring at the moment, and as Martin, I would just be happy if a paro-friend would like to have some of these. As I live in Denmark, the transport is a bit of a problem of course. Email me at

    in reply to: P filamentosus fry #4641
    helene schoubye

    Theres a place where I sometimes buy brine shrimp eggs, and here I saw today that you can buy rotifer cultures, that might be interesting to some people here ?

    Its just a little bit down on the page ..

    in reply to: Nagyi identification #4639
    helene schoubye

    Hello Christian.
    Good to hear from you. Yes, the nagyi in my first image is actually the smallest of the 3 males which came from you.
    The two other males has been very productive fathers, and I have now a small (luxury) problem with around 30-40 offspring growing up, some of which already with own offspring. So its has been very succesfull with those four fish I recieved from you in Hannover.

    in reply to: Some pictures #4637
    helene schoubye

    Wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing them.
    The spec. langgam is a beautiful fish, very good photoes.

    in reply to: A male filamentosus aggressive to shrimp: Why? #4627
    helene schoubye

    🙂 I think you are quite right, Bartian, – its not really agression. The shrimp also, if really threathened would likely not stay like that, – it could have fled very easily. Wouldnt it do that if threathened on its life ?
    I have kept those red cherry shrimps (they are smaller than this amano-shrimp) with paros many times, and the result is always that the grown up shrimps stay there but they do not multiply, so no small shrimps are growing up.
    But that the paro is going for the eggs is obvious and maybe living in sparse environment makes precisely egg-steeling a very good supply of food ?

    in reply to: A male filamentosus aggressive to shrimp: Why? #4625
    helene schoubye

    Tedsomd – I have not tryed decapsulated brine shimp eggs, but I have had some paroes who very eagerly fed on frozen lobster egs. You can buy these in frost, and they are quite a good fry food for f.inst apistogramma fry. My paroes liked them for sure.

    in reply to: Moina #4619
    helene schoubye

    🙂 thanks for sharing. I am not sure I quilte understand :).
    But you say that light has meaning mainly for the things moina’s feed ón? And thus not so much for their ‘Well-being’ so to speak?
    I dont know these pellets you mention, I usually feed my moina’s with yeast only (for lack of something else which seems to work as well)

    in reply to: P deissneri? #4618
    helene schoubye

    Hi Paul.
    🙂 i hate to be like this :). But its really impossible to say from this video. You need to get him in a full flashing position – at least for mé to tell.
    I am not sure, I have before been too quick to give an opinion :), but I used to have a male of The Real deissneri and he could look like this. But its not very far from some of The other species such as p. Sentang, p, ‘blue Line’ and maybe others. One of the characteristics which for me would be certain would be how the line in The caudal fin is, is it a broad band or more like drops of white ? And is The tail really pointed with this small spike or does it just look so when its a little folded as it is in the video. It should be there also when he is flashing 🙂
    You might have a look at the video which I have posted here inøge-Aquarium-messe-2012–Aquarium-fair-Copenhagen.html

    In The middle of this film, although its dark and maybe not so good, but there you can see my male deissneri – maybe it can help some

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