

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: Moina #4487
    helene schoubye

    I am sorry I cannot help you, – I am just wondering … can you get Moina as cysts ??? I have never heard about that.

    I am always looking for moina in Denmark, with not much luck either. I used to be able to keep moinas for long periods with good results, now my cultures never lasts long ..
    I dont quite understand why this is so 🙁

    Hope you find some, – its a very valuable food

    in reply to: Goodfather program #4473
    helene schoubye

    I too think its a very good idea, but sometimes is not so easy. At one time one thinks it goes really well with one species and then suddenly something happens and again you end up with one single fish and no wife or husband 🙁 … – so in a way you really have to have quite many fish of the same species in order to really be ‘godfather’.
    At this present time I have a really exellent parent-couple in p.Nagyi and they produce many offsprings. What I think I have to do, though, is to wait for these offspring to grow up, find males and females and have many ‘pairs’ – minimum 4-5 pairs, and then I would feel okay sure that I had a sure base from which I could distribute any offsprings.
    At the moment this is what I try to do with the p.Nagyi and perhaps p.harveyi, of which I also have quite a lot (though females is never many, also not in the offsprings) – but I think its better to keep to one or two species instead of many.
    Which of course means 😉 that I have too many species .. ah, but which ones to not have ?

    Anyway, I wish you luck, I think it is really good what you aim to do

    in reply to: My new parosphromenus #4404
    helene schoubye

    Incredible, isnt it .. the fish almost look small inside the film canister, and they are not that big. The photoes are really exceptional, rare that you get so close up inside the canister. The colours are a bit unnatural though 🙂 …

    in reply to: Ready to start #4390
    helene schoubye

    Thank you for sharing your photoes, – they are really small, arent they ?Imagine how small they would have been even before..

    in reply to: Species identification #4381
    helene schoubye

    Hello Omaha.

    That a beautiful photo of your fish. I have got a reply to your post from Peter, who at the moment is in Poland, and has send the message from his telephone, – I will post here what he says :

    I read this in Eastern Poland and can respond shortly only via mobile phone.
    1. Sentang: There are good Pictures by “Big Tom” in our Forum. Perhaps Helene could help. Your fish are no Sentang, that species is the most traded P. In Recent years but Looks rather dull.
    2. Harveyi: your fish are no harveyi as Martin said already. The ventrals are false and the Black band at the end of the caudal is Not broad enough.
    3. Your fish are probably the so-called “blue line”. This Name Shows the stupidity of the Commercial Traders and they Sell different fish from Sumatra with this Name. You habe Been lucky for yours are beautiful.
    Please excuse the mistakes messsage, they are due to that silly technique of my mobile phone.
    Peter Finke

    Please for photoes of Sentang look in this thread, there are some wonderful pictures here by Big Tom—Paro-sp-sentang.html

    in reply to: Ready to start #4376
    helene schoubye

    Hi Nathea, – congratulation with your juvenile nagyi … I find there no better feeling than when you spot these tiny fish in your tank, – but sometimes I am really astonished that I do not notice them before they are almost grown up 🙂 …
    I have nagyi too, and find them so beautiful – one of my favorite species.
    Glad to hear you have them too, and thriving well.

    in reply to: Parosphromenus spec. Sintang / sentang #4339
    helene schoubye

    Its fantastic to see the colours of the flashing male, – very very beautiful indeed 🙂

    in reply to: bubble nest under the surface #4338
    helene schoubye

    I also experienced this once, – or the attempt to build a bubble nest at the surface, and also the mating taking place most differently from what I normally see.
    For interest and fun I will post a few pictures of this. The species was some fish that was bought from an importer, supposed to be wildcaught P. harveyi, but ended up being identified as P.rubrimontis ‘tanjong Malim* .

    in reply to: Is this infusoria? #4309
    helene schoubye

    Here is another video.

    In the middle you can see that I move the camera to the tank beside it, this also has the same ‘infusoria’ development, but here it seem they are smaller and not so dense. In this tank I also discovered two small ornaticauda fry, – and I have not fed these, so I think in a way the fact that there are small live particles in the tank is helping ‘undiscovered’ fry to grow up.

    The fry is young harveyi 🙂


    in reply to: Is this infusoria? #4308
    helene schoubye

    Thank you all of you for answers.
    My experience with is that this particular video is tanken in a small 12 liter tank in which I at the same time discovered 6 or more different size fry, from 1 cm to 0.5 cm, – and I dont think the ‘infusoria’ has just arrived yesterday. So I would conclude that it actually is not a problem – at least not a big one – to the small fry.
    I must admit I see these kind of ‘clouds’ of moving particles sometimes in my paro-tanks, – sometimes they are much much smaller and might look a little bit like vineager eels, (but they are not) and sometime it like in the video – bigger and they move in ‘clouds’ – I saw today, that one such small cloud formed in front of the tank, looking like a tiny spiral or something ..
    The fry swimm now in and around it, but dont seem to eat it.

    I actually have tried lately to grow infusoria (with a green salat leaf in water, and pouring it into the tanks) – and after such a treatment I do now expect that there will be – also visible – infusoria. I do this because I often have these undetected small fry, and I never know when to feed them or not, so basicly I try to keep some tanks really ‘ready’ no matter what, concerning food supply for small fry.
    But I had not done this to the ‘video-tank’, – but as I said this tank was really old and overgrown, and probably with a lot of old leaves that has rotten ..

    in reply to: Is this infusoria? #4302
    helene schoubye

    Hast du irgend eine idee was es ist dann ?
    Es ist ganz massiv im moment in diese eine becken ??
    (Have you any idee what it is if not infusoria, it is very massive right now in one tank.

    in reply to: First international meeting Hamburg 2013 #4152
    helene schoubye

    I think this is really fantastic thoughts. I will definitely come in Hamburg, and I will start saving up for Singapore :)… wish it was not as far away as 2015, it sounds like such a good idea.

    in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4149
    helene schoubye

    Hi Nathea – thanks for the tip on the zoom, – in fact it had to be set on 2 – then it shows the whole world. And Little 🙂 Tampa is now on the west coast as it should, I had just set it to Florida …

    in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4140
    helene schoubye

    In the map that I am using here its only on adresses. If you have any exact adress it will put in the precise coordinates.
    I think it works fine like that.
    The only problem with ‘our’ map as it is now is that it opens up on Europe, but America is still there 🙂

    in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4134
    helene schoubye

    I just want to add quickly that I have made the menu point ‘Maps’ so that it will only appear when you login to the site. In this way it is not visible to ‘all internet surfers’ at all. You have to be a registered user here before you see it.

    Regarding names – locations .. is it not possible to have both. People can write to me that they would like to have their name posted, – but with regards to all the adresses we have, – why should we not be able to pin a star to a location with the name of the location, indicating that here is a possible contact ? Even without asking for permission ?
    We are not disclosing any private personal information doing it like this.

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