

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4125
    helene schoubye

    Thank you all for contributing to this subject. At the moment I am trying a few things out, – you may look up under maps now, and see my first attempt. This is in fact almost the same as what Tom suggested regarding google maps, – but of course not a map in which everyone can add themselves.
    However, I also – as webmaster – fear a little bit loosing control 🙂 … I had a little bit troubles doing the google map right, and I worry about someone who would even find it more difficult than me, – and theres a bigger risk of something going wrong if many people have to ‘edit’ in it, I would worry about that. It also means that people wanting to use it would have to have a google account. I dont know about this in general, but I have never really felt comfortable with google accounts, – its a little bit confusing to me. Thats probably just me. I have about 3 google accounts, and I am not sure why I have so many, and which one is for what 🙂 …
    A second thing, is regarding how much information should be written. My experience with forums etc is that when things like this is created, it needs to be updated – in particular when it comes to what kind of species one has. It may easily change, and then we would hope that everyone would always have to remember to update this map as well, – or else it will soon become ‘old’ and not so useful.
    If people have to write to PP – they will get very updated information, because we always have the latest census to go by, and in this way it might be more accurate.
    And thank you to Nathea for offering some assistance on the website – that could become very helpful.

    in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4122
    helene schoubye

    Okay, – so :

    Yep, I will create a new one as soon as possible, and we will work on the way to apply it to this homepage.
    Thank you very much for inspiration and guidance.

    in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4119
    helene schoubye

    I agree Tom, no need to make different maps, – we should keep it worldwide, – thats just as easy

    in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4117
    helene schoubye

    Peter and Tom, I think its great, I actually also managed to insert my own details.
    So what remains is to insert links to it, and a good manual so people who are interested could use it as they wish ..
    Is that not what we should do next ?

    I quess, that it would be the ‘owner’ of the map, who should edit whether its private or open, ?? I think it should be private yes, and everyone who register should be made aware of it. It is also possible of course to insert a menu point here – to a registered page (only members see that) in which the link is shown.

    in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4113
    helene schoubye

    I think we have to look more into it, – it might be an option, – but any option we choose should be tried out for ‘user-friendly-ness’ as well as the different other things regarding privacy etc.

    in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4111
    helene schoubye

    🙂 I appreciate any help on this :)… google accounts wasnt something I had thought about, – how do you actually add yourself ??
    I have just been trying to add myself, it somehow does not seem obvious …

    We will have to look a little bit into this in order to see if this is a way to move forward with this.

    in reply to: The English name for our fish is a bad name! #4079
    helene schoubye

    We have the same kind of black and white striped licorice in denmark, – very very sweet and quite popular. ‘Lakrids-konfekt’.

    in reply to: Viewing a tank of a trader: Surprising finding #4074
    helene schoubye

    At some point I had these fish – shown in the picture – they were id’ed as p.sintang / sintangensis ? –
    I remember I had to buy many fish because most of them were males as well.

    They were actually then one of the species which did not prove so difficult to breed, – but here again most were males.
    I kept them as in my other tanks, at that time though I was not very good at keeping the ph low, so it was around 7-7.5

    in reply to: Viewing a tank of a trader: Surprising finding #4072
    helene schoubye

    I quess its probably not the case with this excample, but I know that in some other species – like red cherry shrimps (not a fish:)) – but there you always used to have a problem with finding males, – and some people said it was because the males were much less attractive than the females, so in the shop they wouldnt be able to sell for the same amount of money, – so they were simply taken out before coming to the shop.
    I also heard the same thing about a fish species, which unfortunately I cant remember which one was – but where it was a known problem, that what appeared in shops was alway only one sex (the most attractive one) – because for ordinary aquarium keeper perhaps looks is more important than breeding.
    But I must say, I doubt in this case that someone (like at the location of capture) would actively take away the less colourful and attactive fish (in this case the females) and keep them away from appearing in the shop .. but who can say ?

    in reply to: The English name for our fish is a bad name! #4071
    helene schoubye

    In danish we actually have two words, – ‘pragtgurami’ (prachtgurami) and ‘lakrids’ – (licorice).
    I usually try to always use the word pragtgurami, – but people often know the fish as licorice (probably mainly the shops are responsible now for keeping on doing this).
    It doesnt make sense to me either, – except in the sense that in the gourami group there are several other species with ‘candy’ names, like chokolade gourami and honey gourami.
    I wonder though, if its really possible to change a name which has been so long time used by the trade ? You might not get shops to change the name, and if they dont change it it will mean that people with no knowledge will still know it as licorice gourami.

    in reply to: Re: forum error SOLVED #4055
    helene schoubye

    and one last time

    in reply to: Re: forum error SOLVED #4054
    helene schoubye

    testing again and again

    in reply to: Compatability #4024
    helene schoubye

    I agree with you Peter, in many ways, – but as I see it, – there is also another way to see this. When I find an attractive parosphromenus species in a shop, I must admit I buy as many as I can afford, and rarely settles for one or two couples. Mostly because I find it ‘vulnerable’ to have only one pair, – if one fish is lost, its all in wain.
    So if its worth it (attractive species, good condition, etc) its possible to have one or two pairs for breeding, and a smaller flock as ‘spare’ so to speak, – and then I find it quite interesting to try to make a good ‘mixed’ tank with these fish.
    I have done it for some time with my quindecims, – where I had 5 females and 1 male, – the four females were then in a tank with a few betta uberis and a lot of boraras, – that worked really well, and was quite attractive.
    I also have a tank with parosphromenus anjunganensis, indostomus paradoxus and shrimps :).. that is also kind of interesting, although you dont see the indostomus paradoxus very much :).. they are the tinyer species here.

    But I admit, its not always easy to make it work good. And breeding is really important first and foremost.

    in reply to: Anyone trading Paros in The Netherlands? #4009
    helene schoubye

    When I, some years ago, received fisk from Karen Koomans, – they were send with the company UPS.
    I know it still excists, and I know its quite expensive, but its also quite safe, because its delivered from door to door.
    I am not sure however, if you then have to not say what the packet contains, – I dont know about their rules for transport of live animal.

    in reply to: Problems due to infusoria by P. quindecim #3967
    helene schoubye

    Yes, planaria I knew, but infusoria I never thought of.

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