

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: Problems due to infusoria by P. quindecim #3965
    helene schoubye

    I find that very interesting, I have never heard of such a problem before.
    Could this problem sometimes explain for lack of successfull breeding with some paro-couples, do you think ?
    I mean, I usually assume that maybe the parent fish might eat the tiny new fry, when I dont see them after the eggs have developed – but if they can also be attacked by infusoria .. then its a hard world for the tiny new fry 🙁 ….

    in reply to: Completed Profile Information #3934
    helene schoubye

    Yes, I think you are right, – small steps will do fine, – and a good start is to fill in the profile.

    After that, I actually think an introduction category also could be interesting, because it can be an opportunity to tell everyone about your interest in parosphromenus, your experience, fish and other things.

    The rest is for the future 🙂 ..

    Regarding the work on the site, thank you, – I think it has all been carried by an enthusiam for the small fishies 🙂 .. just as all of you people who are participating here and using the forum, – for which we really are very very happy as well. The activity of the forum is really what makes the site alive, – So thank you for that as well.

    in reply to: Completed Profile Information #3932
    helene schoubye

    Hi Bill.

    I would like to respond to your idea of that it would be really helpful if people would add a little bit more information to their profile, and I would like to say :

    This is also something we have been thinking about as we were building this site, – and I would welcome any ideas or suggestions as to how we could make it easier for people to provide more personal information about themselves.

    Perhaps a new category would be an idea – one of introducing yourself ?

    We have been talking about making a map, in which we could insert peoples location, but we cannot really do that without approval from everyone 🙂 .. – it has to be very much on peoples own initiative. But I would certainly be happy to make a map, and I might just put anyone there who by themselves said they would like to, – and I could also just make the location approximate, not with any specific address.

    Another thing which I think sometimes is needed in this forum, is for the different members to be able to contact each other, via email, – so adding an email would be really convinient also.

    I have also been thinking about making it possible here to be able to write personal messages, – and it might be possible to have this options, as well as other options to expand profiles, BUT to install this here is a little bit more advanced than I feel secure about, – so I have hesitated to do it, – but it certainly is possible at some stage, if and when its needed and seems purposeful.

    But as a start, – do you think it might be a good idea to have a kind of ‘Introducing myself’ category ???

    in reply to: Leds #3926
    helene schoubye

    mine would also be 60 pr. meter

    in reply to: Leds #3922
    helene schoubye

    Hi,- I am doing a little bit like Peter is doing, – I am using one of each. The warm led strip is too yellow, – I had bought this first, but didnt like the light, – and I also think the plants did less good with this one.
    So I added strips with the clearer light, and I find that the fish dont bother. I have a few tanks, where the male is having his nest just under the surface, and in order to make the light a little less there, I make a ‘shadow’ (piece of black paper, or anything really) at the glass, and then raise the strips a bit above this.
    The strips should have a self-gluing side on one side. I have then glued them to a narrow piece of hard wood, – and then raised it up a little, so the strips dont lie directly on the glass. This works fine.

    I use it on my big rack, this one

    in reply to: Tom’s Bucket Of Mud – Paro. sp. ‘sentang’ #3886
    helene schoubye

    Yes, although we do have an issue at the Forum with images, – using Imageshack and Photobucket should work fine, – and I have looked at this also on a mac i-phone, – sometimes macs have problems, but these are fine. So I think its true, that it must somehow be a problem at your computer locally.
    But please keep reporting whenever theres a problem, I am doing what I can to solve whatever comes along 🙂 as best I can.

    in reply to: Availiblity list for The Wet Spot Tropical Fish #3876
    helene schoubye

    🙂 Thank you Peter for correcting me, – that shows you how difficult this identification is, – even I should know better, I forget to look for the ‘true’ identification mark as you mention about the band in the tail. Maybe I just wanted it to be a real deissneri for once 🙂 …

    in reply to: Availiblity list for The Wet Spot Tropical Fish #3874
    helene schoubye

    This one certainly look a lot more like a real deissneri than the ones I have seen in the shop in Copenhagen.
    I do know that most often its not the real one, even shops say they are, – but this particular shop has had many ‘correct’ species such as parvulus, nagyi, ornaticauda. And they do maintain that the ‘Bangka deissneri’ is wildcaught at Bangka. However, they are not like the one you have shown in the picture.
    That looks to me like the real one 🙂 How interesting and good.

    in reply to: Availiblity list for The Wet Spot Tropical Fish #3872
    helene schoubye

    I can tell you that in Copenhagen, – during the last year, on two occasions – in one of the really good shops, where they often have good paro’es, – there has been a species with the label ‘Deissneri’ – wildcaught from Bangka. These have not been the ‘real’ deissneri.
    What they are precisely is not yet clear, – but they look bintan like.

    in reply to: Tom’s Bucket Of Mud – Paro. sp. ‘sentang’ #3861
    helene schoubye

    Fantastic photoes !

    in reply to: Tom’s Bucket Of Mud – Paro. sp. ‘sentang’ #3842
    helene schoubye

    I am not always convinced that Paro’es do not like light 🙂 .. I mean, they do like – or some prefer – dark tanks with dim light, – but some paroes seem to not pay too much attention to it and swim around happily. A good thing is probably the amount of companions, be it boraras or shrimps, it may help the paroes to feel less shy also.
    But I understand your intention of balance, and this being an experiment, – I think it is a good experiment, gone well so far. And though we do often aim to keep paros so that the spawning is optimal, and you can have the fish breed, – sometimes it is good to experiment with how to keep paros in a different setting.
    I have a kind of ‘retirement tank’ at the moment for my oldies, – and a few odd singles that can go together. My last p.sumatranus male f.inst. is sharing tank now with a single p.harveyi male and 2 female quindecim. Of course not optimal, however I am quite sure they will not mix – and in this tank, its really not about breeding but about giving those fish a good retirement 🙂 ..
    So sometimes an (extra)ordinary community tank setup is needed, I think, – and its nice to see different ways this can be done.

    in reply to: Tom’s Bucket Of Mud – Paro. sp. ‘sentang’ #3840
    helene schoubye

    Sometime you may find that paroes can spawn and develop the eggs even in waters that you have not paid particular attention to, as long as there is a certain softness. In fact I had sp.Sentang as well and they were one of the species that actually had several succesfull spawnings in water which was not all that low in either ph or softness. Though some of course, but when I had them I had not yet the experience that I have today, and I had lots of problems adjusting water qualities. Yet I had several fry with those fish. So it could happen.

    One of the major differencies for me – with your tank to mine 🙂 – is the question of light I think. With very low lightning you cannot get the good growth of plants, which again means that you do not get the beneficial effect on the waterquality of many plants, –
    The light you have is quite powerfull, is it not ?

    in reply to: Tom’s Bucket Of Mud – Paro. sp. ‘sentang’ #3837
    helene schoubye

    Hello Tom and very welcome to this forum. I am so glad to see your post here, – I actually just a few hours ago registered at seriouslyfish just to be able to write a comment there about your setup. I am still waiting for the admin to approve me, so why not just comment here.
    I think it is an awesome project you have made there, – and I think your documentation is so great, I just love the film. And I was really curious to ask you about the tecnic and all that regarding the tank, because I was just thinking how on earth do you get lights to the plants, how do you avoid all the ‘normal’ issues of algeas and dirt building up, what kind of water do you use ?
    The parosphromenus in the tank seem to thrive and I wouldnt wonder if you suddenly found a few fry swimming around.
    Thank you for posting this here, its really interesting.

    The film also, as I said, is really fantastic, its not easy to capture either paro’es nor ‘tank environment’ so well. I have a few videoes posted around here, and you can see for yourself the quality of those :unsure:.. hmm.. leaves me rather jalous and wondering what to do …

    in reply to: spots and patches on fish #3819
    helene schoubye

    I can tell you that my valliants are doing a little bit like yours, – a bit schratching however not serious, and they seem fine all other ways. I have done nothing about it. I would hesitate to see it as a sickness and I would not treat for it unless I was sure.
    I wonder if, – though we do use osmosis water, – whether there can still be little bits and things in it, which is annoying for the skin ?
    About paroes with other fish, – I have one lonely harveyi with four much bigger malpulutta kretseri, – and the little harveyi is the first one to the food, – not scared at all.

    in reply to: successful breeding #3784
    helene schoubye

    Peter, what is an ‘untrue’ vineager eel?? I never knew there could be more than one type.

    I use these vineager eels, and microworms and small artemia for young fish, – I have never been able to produce those smaller food – or small artemia.

    For the extensive breeding I think the fry actually feeds on all kinds of other stuff that comes with an ‘older’ aquarium, – small live food, infusoria which thrive good in particularly java moss.
    My parvulus fry – which I now have in two tanks, and actually quite a few, – but they have not been feed at all, – they have survived by them selves, but the tanks they live in is actually quite old and established, and there must obviously be enough to feed on.
    For intensive breeding this of course is not enough.

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