

helene schoubye

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  • in reply to: Regarding Site Protection #8073
    helene schoubye

    Thank You, Bill. Yes, it is a hazzle

    But its also a great help to have co-admins like yourself and Pavel, who sometimes may get up earlier than me on sunday mornings 🙂 ..
    Anyway, lets hope it will stop for a little while now, but you are right, – they get more and more clever at breaking through all kinds of protection.
    I think though that we have been spared for quite a lot here up to now.

    in reply to: Lots of Parosphromenus in Sweden #8069
    helene schoubye

    Yeah, I did check and there was no activity since my last ‘visit’ B)
    Thats sad though, at one time it was quite active
    But I also dont understand when theres always so many paros at Imazoo, – there are people around, there must be :dry:

    I do know that I could order via Imazoo, but that doesnt solve my problem with not knowing if the species is really the species they are advertising. I mean I could have ordered p.deissneri many times by now then. I dont like to buy paros without being really sure what they are, – I have too little space for that 😆

    in reply to: Lots of Parosphromenus in Sweden #8067
    helene schoubye

    Hello Volker
    Thanks for posting the list here. I know about Imazoo, – its just too far away for me. And as you say it is difficult to order because of uncertainty what you might get.

    Do you know anyone who goes there ?

    And actually – how is the paro interest going in Sweden these days ? I have lost touch I am afraid, – but was thinking about it lately that we should get speak more together and form a little ‘scandinavian’ group 🙂

    Is there any activity on ?

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8057
    helene schoubye

    I think it would be good to mention now that in fact p.ornaticauda seems to be available in shops in both Denmark and in the UK.
    I have aquired some from the shop in Copenhagen, and have reports that they can and have been ordered to the UK.
    So at the moment this species is strongly back in other countries as well.

    in reply to: Is this Phoenicurus? #8054
    helene schoubye

    They do certainly look like the one pictured on the front page, which is one of the fish from the import in Germany by Aquarium Dietzenbach.
    Given the coincidence in time, I think it could point to it being from the same import.

    Where about in UK are your fish shop, it does seem they get interesting paros – you also had ornaticuada, didnt you ?
    Even if they dont know where the fish come from originally, they must know which importer they get it through ? That is often helpful in some way or other 🙂

    I cannot say for sure, but I really think it looks a lot like the other ones, which at that time was identified as p.phoenicurus.

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8051
    helene schoubye

    Just ordered 10 from my shop, they will be arriving tuesday 🙂

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8037
    helene schoubye

    They look good, – good to see ornaticauda again. I had some for a little while, it is a beatiful little fish.

    in reply to: My New Parosphromenus #7941
    helene schoubye

    Hello and welcome here.
    I am looking very much forward to seing more pictures of your fish. I have read your other posts and the comments from Peter.
    Personally my first thought was that these fish does resemble p.sumatranus, – I also see the small signs as you were talking about, plus there something about the female, the way it looks, in the body etc, which I think I recognize. I had sumatranus for some time.
    So its exciting to see if the do the upside down flash 🙂 ..

    And if it is sumatranus bought in a shop in America 🙂 ? .. hmm… that would be interesting as well.
    But of course, lets wait and see. They look to be thriving well.

    in reply to: Close-up of fry #7922
    helene schoubye

    Thank you very much for this series of photos, – I will use them as I said, – just havent got around to it yet. But they are very good, – and very beatiful fish indeed.

    in reply to: help with id ? alfredi ? tweediei ? rubrimontis? #7884
    helene schoubye

    I agree, Stephanie, – I think they look very much alike 🙂

    in reply to: help with id ? alfredi ? tweediei ? rubrimontis? #7879
    helene schoubye

    I just want to post photos of the fry of this particular species, which has now grown to adult age.
    The species is still listed in the Census as P.tweediei (commercial trade Ruinemans 2013) ..

    in reply to: sex determination of P.linkei #7835
    helene schoubye

    🙂 Thats a good way of getting this straight, – you’re photos are getting so much better 🙂 after I think you got a new camera for Christmas 🙂 ??
    The males are right I am sure, – the females, I think too, – except the last one, – I dont know if I would be totally sure about that one. It could be female, but perhaps also could be a ‘pale’ male.
    If we get this sorted out, I might bring this serie somewhere in the species article, – its good documentation for sexing linkei

    in reply to: abnormal swimming position – desease? #7830
    helene schoubye

    I have seen this before, – but I am unsure what it is, therefore I cannot say anything very helpful probably.
    I have experienced it in different settings, – I think its an illness related to the swimbladder. Which of course may also occur in older fish due to weakness. But I am sure it can also happen to fish for other reasons.
    As I remember, there are two things which I have previously suspected. One, something which can occur to a fish under spawning. Normally not, but if something goes wrong.
    Two : something to do with change in waterquality, where there is an unwanted development of amonium (perhaps because there has not been a moveover of the material on the bottom).
    But these are very poor amateurish ideas, I cannot say anything for certain.
    But my experience is that it is not contageous, – it is also very unlikely to be completely cured. But I have seen fish live with it for quite long periods of time.
    I have also seen it progress more quickly and leading to death of the fish.

    in reply to: A grade paper #7828
    helene schoubye

    I cannot speak for Bernd, – but I find that the spike in the tail becomes distincty longer, and the two pectorial fins as well, much longer. Apart from that, theres also a question of size and bodyshape, but this is only when the fish has a certain age. And I think it is rather difficult.

    This thread and this question made me think of a video film which I made a couple of years ago, – because theres a female linkei in it, which stands still for almost minutes 🙂 .. so maybe she is a good example. I know it was a female. You can find her at 5.35.

    I apologize for uploading this quite long video here in a thread which is not really about this issue, – but I hope you will forgive me. The film was made for fun one day when I thought I would teach the world about the beautiful paros. It lies on youtube, but I dont know how many people really see it. There may be some ‘mistakes’ in it, I have sinced learned a few things more I guess.

    in reply to: A grade paper #7822
    helene schoubye

    To Dorothee
    🙂 yes, I understand, – I was thinking that one of the females could be male in disquise B)

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